首页 理论教育 雅思口语一点通-Part3基础话题详解


时间:2023-08-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:What are a good parent’s characteristics in your opinion?I have never thought about the issue you just mentioned.As you know, I’m just a college/high school student, and my pr ior decision is about whether to further my studies overs eas o r f ind a job immediately after g raduation.R egarding this topic, ancient Chinese would suggest getting married before starting one’s career, but being a modern citizen, I’d prefer to be engaged with my destiny man/lady after achieving certain success in my business.对于Part3 一时无法回答的问题,可以稍微铺垫和迂回下再扣题。What types of toys should parents buy for their children?




(1)Do you think new parents should get training courses in dealing with children?

I’d really like to say, it depends, because different families have their unique ways of educating and nurturing children.For those new parents growing up in ideal families would normally possess enough knowledge and skills in dealing with their kids, while fo r tho se less taught and poorly experienced in their families, they may need to seek for some training and professional guidance.(音频188)


(2)What are a good parent’s characteristics in your opinion?

Well, this to pic is quite big actua lly.As we a ll know, being a qualified parent could be really demanding in all aspects.And, I believe, most importantly, he or she should be patient enough to deal with his or her curious, sometimes troublesome child or children.Furthermore, he or she should keep legal and social disciplines so as to set a good example, which is much better than sermonizing(说教),taking account of the educational effectiveness.(音频189)


(3)When is the prefect time to get married? Why?

You know what? I have never thought about the issue you just mentioned.As you know, I’m just a college/high school student, and my pr ior decision is about whether to further my studies overs eas o r f ind a job immediately after g raduation.R egarding this topic, ancient Chinese would suggest getting married before starting one’s career, but being a modern citizen, I’d prefer to be engaged with my destiny man/lady after achieving certain success in my business.(音频190)

对于Part3 一时无法回答的问题,可以稍微铺垫和迂回下再扣题。

(4)What types of toys should parents buy for their children?

Well, those rich parents tend to buy whatever their children want, and in this case expensive and broadly promoted toys might be favorite.On t he other hand, for most families, products of much fun and which could also nurture children’s creativity should be chosen for them.From my personal e xperience, I would recommend Lego educational toys, because they are designed to inspire children and offer them endless hours of imaginative joys.(音频191)


(5)Are candies a good reward for children?

To certain extent, I’d say, yes.Because, in my memories of childhood, candies were always cherished and associated with happiness, and sugar do have such chemical and magical ability and characteristic.However, being a reward for children, the amount must be scientifically controlled.The reason is that sugar has been linked to obesity, and fully implicated(有牵连的)as a cause in the occurrence of diabetes(糖尿病), tooth decay(腐烂)and many other diseases.(音频192)



(1)What are the values of family in your country?

While China has increasingly adopted western influences, the traditional family structure is still highly valued and holds a prominent position in Chinese culture.Families are still cherished, honored and respected, whether you live in the traditional, rural environment, or the modern, urban city.Specifically, ancient Chinese proposed to stay with their parents unless they have a clear and great pursuit in distant places, and in fact many young Chinese go to seek for career success in remote areas and even cross borders but return home after retirement.Examples would include the Nobel Prize winner in physics – Professor Yang Zhenning, who fought in the US for around 40 years and got back to China when he was about 60.(音频193)


(2)How family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

Well, a ctually, I didn’t do any research on the relationship between family bonding and happiness.However, in China, from my personal observation, it is obv ious that a child who grows up in a complete family, I mean with both of his or her parents, tends to be happier and more extroverted than those who are not lucky enough.So, I b elieve good relations with family members would definitely contribute to individual happiness and even affect one’s lifetime achievements.(音频194)


(3)What type of family do you like? Nuclear family or joint family?

首先要弄清小家庭和多代同堂大家庭:Nuclear family - a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more) ;Joint family - a family in which parents and their male children with their families live together and are considered as a single unit

I have th e c onfidence t hat most Chinese young couples would stand on my sid e when choosing whether to live in an extended family with grandparents.I’m in favo r of a Nuclear family because there would be many differences and even conflicts between generations, especially in living habits or life styles.For instance, the aged would prefer quite environment while the youth would pursuit life and environment with more passion and noise.So, th e best solution might be, to live separately from the seniors but visit them from time to time to maintain the family bond.(音频195)


(4)How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade?

I’d argue that, in my country, the traditional family value is lost and family bonding is weakening over the last 10 years.One reason lies in the fact that the number of Chinese overseas students has increased more than tenfold.The result is t hat many young generat ions a re studying and working in muc h further areas compared with th e places chosen last ce ntury, and living in different cultures and using different languages for long.This would easily make the youngsters estranged from their family members.Moreover, even when they do have valuable chances to get reunited, many of them prefer to be stuck with smart phones or other electronics instead of communicating with others.(音频196)


(5)Is it better to get advice from a friend or from a family member?

Regarding whom we should turn to, the first selecting criterion should be the quality and reliability of the target person.Specifically, the person consulted must be experienced and willing enough to help you.For t his en d, an older family member might be more qualified than your friends.However, if you are seeking for advice about issues relating to the cutting edge products selection or decisions on studying abroad, you’d better discuss them with your peers, who are almost in the same situation and may have abundant information available.(音频197)


(6)Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why / why not?

Indeed, it has been long that the husbands fight for the food or income outside and the wives take care of the domestic affairs at home.However, such relationships are changing over time, the roles they play within their family are under redistribution.Because of the progress of times, women have gained equal opportunities and importance in many aspects of social life as men, including maintaining a family.In conc lusion, in th e modern society, there shouldn’t be any dedicated responsibilities for each gender but just one family task that males can’t replace females – getting pregnant and giving birth.(音频198)


(7)Which are more important to you - your family or your friends?

I believe no one should undervalue the importance of his or her family, because that’s the place he or she could enjoy love and care freely, as well as obtain emotional and financial supports easily.But, I want to emphasize the significance of having close friends here according to my personal experience.I grew up with many boys together from kindergarten to adult age, and some of them became my lifetime friends and our relationship is as close as full brothers.So I’d say both my family and real friends matter in my life.(音频199)


(8)What conflicts can arise between a person’s family and a person’s friends?

Although these are situations no on e would expect, conflicts do exist between someone’s family and his or her social networking connections.In cont emporary C hina, such conflicts could arise when a person spends his or her time disproportionately.By saying that I mean, too much time with friends while little for family members.Besides, when making critical decisions, the points and suggestions from one’s family may deviate from the consultation results from one’s friends, and conflicts are also inevitable in such cases.(音频200)



(1)How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

This is really a tough problem, especially in modern Chinese cities.Many employees travel for hours to work if they are not living in adjacent areas.To save transport time and cost, you would probably find it easier to move closer to your workplace with the assistance from a real estate agent.However, if you don’t want to pay for such service, you can also do your housing hunt on your own through some dedicated websites or App.Anyway, the most important thing is to make sure that you are economically capable to rent or even buy one apartment or house, or you may have to make a compromised decision.(音频201)


(2)Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

The answers would be obvious.First, we have to judge whether this place is satisfactory and economically affordable for us, and then pu rchase it if feasible, be cause when renting an accommodation, you might be asked to leave at any time to protect the landlord’s best interest.Nevertheless, owning one would not only assure you the freedom to decorate and develop it as you wish, but also offer you the feeling of security.(音频202)


(3)Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?


I do believe t hat young adults should live independently if possible, but the rig ht age fo r each individual should vary according to d ifferent situations.For some students or those just graduated, they may not afford renting living places so they have to stay with their parents for a certain period.For those married, engaged or even those who have just had relationships with their partners, they may desire high level of privacy, hence staying with parents would not be a wise choice.(音频203)



(1)What sorts of problems can people have with their neighbours?

Well, as the traditional inhabitation custom collapses in China, people are no longer familiar with their neighbours and the problems among them would be limited.Since they don’t visit each other frequently, the main trouble might be unpleasant noise.The loud voice from TV, quarrels, or decorating would easily make the people nearby angry and unhappy.Es pecially during weekends, some children would practice playing musical instruments while their neighbours are trying to enjoy valuable periods to rest, conflicts would then arise inevitably.Another kind of inconsiderate behavior is irregular parking.Sometimes, unattended cars would even block the fire fighting access, which also causes serious troubles.(音频204)


(2)How has the relationship between neighbours changed between now and the past?


People as myself witness that the relationship in the neighbourhood changed completely during last 2 decades.Pr eviously, the traditional inhabitation custom was that employees from same organizations would be settled together which allow them to spend more time connecting with each other.The activities would include having meals, playing sports or just chatting, and so on.Nowadays, neighbours are no longer familiar with people living around so we don’t visit each other frequently and in many cases we don’t even see or have the chance to know our vicinage.(音频205)


(3)What are the characteristics of a good neighbour?


I b elieve th e mo st important characteristic a good neighbour should poss ess is considerateness.Being considerate means to lower the voice from TV and control all other noise trying not to make people nearby uncomfortable.Besides, it also lies in the daily habits and behavior, such as the way of parking.Some unqualified neighbours may park irregularly and even block the fire fighting access in a community sometimes.An ideal neighbour should also be someone who is helpful, keeping an eye on your house or apartment when you are absent, and be friendly and respect your privacy, inviting you for meal but never violating your own business.(音频206)


(4)What is the difference between a real neighbourhood and the one shown on TV?

In many TV programs, the relationship in the neighbourhood could be much closer than that in real life.TV shows that people living nearby would easily know each other and get along well with them.The reason might be that most person being filmed would try to show all his or her positive characteristics and personalities, so everyone seems always ready to give a hand to his or her neighbours.In reality, the true connection in one’s neighbourhood is quite another thing.At present, many people don’t know the names next door, not even invite them for meals at home.(音频209)



(1)Do you think it is better to live in the countryside or in the city?

I’d say it really depends.I believe many young people just like me would choose to live in cities, and those metropolises seem to be most attractive.The reason is appar ent: such places could offer abundant employment opportunities as well as better medical care, education, finance, entertainment and many other services.While for people retired, the best choice might be living in the peaceful countryside.Because only by doing so, could they escape from the urban life with heavy pollution both in air and noise, traffic problems, which are more harmful for the elders’ health.(音频208)


(2)In your experience are city centers usually attractive places?

Yes, they ar e alw ays the first choices for us to visit, especially during the weekends.Because of their superior locations, the traffic to these places is normally most convenient for the urban residents.Further more, these centres are also CBDs with not only office blocks but also large shopping malls, which offer various styles of catering and entertainment service.Thinking about the advantages mentioned just now, I be lieve they a re r eally att ractive fo r us to do shopping or entertain as well as to meet friends.(音频209)


(3)What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?

城镇面临的挑战首先可以是第1 题人们住在乡村的原因,考虑环境因素(environmental issues),其次还有工作竞争压力(具体可参见工作部分话题答案)。

(4)What are the advantages of living in the countryside?

第1 题讨论了部分住在乡村的好处。+Besides, the pace of life would be much slower than living in cities.Then, such pace would not only contribute to your heart health, but also allow you to concentrate on studies or researches you are most interested in, instead of wasting lots of time in daily transportation, lining up for something or being distracted by all kinds of affairs.(音频210)

(5)Do you think that people should have permission to build houses in the countryside?

可回答:应该允许(permit)大家去乡村修建房子。一方面参考1、4 题说明在乡下居住的好处;另一方面,可以减轻城市压力(relieve the pressure of cities),具体参考第3 题。


人与人之间从建立(build)到维持(maintain)关系(relationship),有礼貌(being polite)是非常重要的。

(1)In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?

In Chinese culture, I think there are two ways of showing politeness or respect, language and behavior.Well, different from the westerners, we express our greetings, congratulations and apologies by performing dedicated gesture, making both of our hands overlapped, named ‘Zuo Yi’, instead of saying something like ‘Thank you, excuse me, sorry’ and so on.Interestingly, speaking these words can be viewed as distancing (疏远), insulting (侮辱), or insincere (不诚恳) among relatives or close friends.And there are many other requirements for us to comply with.For example, some special table manners –we should ask the guests to enjoy their dishes first and sit in the north to identify their importance.(音频211)


(2)Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?

As my p ersonal exp erience, I th ink t here a re s everal reasons why we treat our family members less politely.Most importantly, the more close we are to others in our families, the more easily we tend to lose our temper, because negative feelings like resentment and disappointment could be accumulated more than the strangers or others less contacted.Be sides, the faith of security allows us to have worse attitude and manner to our families.The fact is that, unlike those people including our colleagues, neighbors, friends or others unknown, members in the same family would hardly cancel the relationships between each other.(音频212)


(3)What according to you is politeness?

Well, I believe politeness means to be thoughtful to others with good manners, because the goal of such attitude and actions is to make all parties relaxed and comfortable with one another.In our da ily life, there are norma lly two ways of showing politeness, language and behavior.Well, modern Chinese express our greetings, congratulations and apologies by saying things like “Thank you, excuse me, sorry” instead of doing conventional gestures.Ho wever, there are still many other traditional requirements for us to comply with.For exampl e, to show the hosts’ politeness, we should ask the guests to enjoy their dishes first and sit in the north to identify their importance.(音频213)


(4)Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?

Indeed, I learned all t hese from my parents but t hey didn’t actually teach me anything when I was young.What they’v don e was setting up positive role models of using proper language and perform polite behavior.In my m emory, they were always thoughtful with good manners to make others relaxed and comfortable, and people dealt with all appreciated that.That’s how I knew appropriate manners and the importance of appreciation and respect.(音频214)


(5)Why is it important to be polite to people?

Someone said: Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you – not because they are nice, but because you are.We understand such statement as: provided you are nice to someone, they are mostly likely to be nice to you.Besides, people will easily forget what you said or what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel.So, to build and maintain good relationship, we should be aware of our words and actions and their direct or potential influence to others.Never do things unkind or rude, or treat anyone as though they are less important than you, as long as you value your relations, no matter in daily life or business.(音频215)


(6)Do you think people have become less or more polite since the time you were a child?

Generally, I believe current people are more polite than they were a few decades ago.It’s noticeable that we are using ‘Thank you, excuse me, sorry’ more frequently in public places, and even when with our family members.However, some traditions are fading away, such as the dedicated gesture named ‘Zuo Yi’, as a traditional way to express greetings, congratulations and apologies, is rarely used in contemporary Chinese society.Anyway, with the pace of social civilization increased, people have become more polite.(音频216)


(7)Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?

Besides, there is a theory named ‘garbage man’ in China.I know it may sound rude, so let me explain it to you.In o ur society, some people around us may carry full of negative thinking and emotions: frustration, disappointment, complaints, jealousy, prejudice, greed, anger and even revenge.Such person needs to find a place to dump all these things by always being impolite to others, all we have to do is to leave them alone to protect ourselves and prevent such negative effects spreading to our family, friends, colleagues, or other people we meet.(音频217)



(1)How do people become famous?

In the past, I believe the only way to become famous is to achieve a high level of success in one’s professional field, especially in the entertainment and sports industry.However, in the 2 1st century, people become well-known for various reasons.Some of them invest large amounts of money in promoting their images or works, improving public relationship but little in polishing up themselves, but they still get succeed.Others may do certain crazy or disgusting things and post them on social net working websites or APPs to attract attention.From my po int of vi ew, many people are blundering(浮躁的)nowadays and just seeking for short cuts(捷径)to become famous.(音频218)


(2)What types of people become famous in your country?

It’s really amazing that nowadays all kinds of people could become famous for a variety of reasons.Such fame is no longer guaranteed to those talented or hard-working people only.For example, some of them invest large amounts of money in promoting themselves could end up becoming successful in China.Others may do things really bad or stupid and expose them on social networking websites or APPs to become online stars.All in all, I’d really like to see those contributing enormously to our society becoming popular, such as the Chinese professor Tu, who won a Nobel Prize in medicine recently, instead of some silly clowns.(音频219)


(3)Are there any differences between the people who were famous in the past, and the people who are famous today?


(4)What are the good points about being famous?

Well, there must be many advantages derived from being famous, otherwise lots of people won’t be so eager to win all kinds of talent shows to become stars.Most of them seek for enormous economic returns through advertisements or other activities, because fame often comes hand-in-hand with money, although not all famous people are wealthy.Be sides, other perks include many immaterial benefits, such as priorities in many places like restaurants.Further more, the adoration, love and attention of the public are also good points about being famous.(音频220)


(5)Are there any disadvantages to be famous?

There ar e al ways a ssociated d rawbacks o f being famous although it might sound like a dream to become famous.Obviously, when a person is famous, he or she is recognized virtually everywhere he or she goes, which means lacking of privacy, not even to mention the troubles paparazzi (狗仔) could bring about.In addition, some stars can’t cope with the outcome of being famous and resort to self-medicating, including drugs and alcohol.Some others, are struggling to reach a balance between their public and personal lives.(音频221)


(6)Do you think famous people have much influence on young people?

Absolutely, yes.The reason is that young people especially the children are enthusiastic to copy the behavior or viewpoint of their idols.As a matter of fact, the followers like me imitated the unique performance of Michael Jackson and accepted all his claims such as environmental protection and racial equality when we were teenagers.The point is that famous people should keep their disciplines in all aspects and set positive role models for youngsters.(音频222)



(1)Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?

Well, this is really a complicated issue.From the macro point, finding a job in China is not an easy task.You know what? In each recent year, there would be more than 7 million university graduates swarming into the employment market.Unfortunately, the long lasting economic downturn doesn’t guarantee everyone a vacancy.However, f rom the micr o ang le, those candidates with dedicated or cutting edge major or skills like IT enjoy evident advantages when seeking for job opportunities.(音频223)


(2)What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?

Admittedly, everything changes rapidly in contemporary China, including the competition level and structure of the employment market.On the one hand, the number of fresh graduates from universities is seven times than the figure 15 years ago, with a rising number of overseas returnees in recent years, and the long lasting economic downturn since 2007 has laid so many employees off, so the level of competition has been significantly increased.On the other hand, as we are aware that, the world manufacture center is shifting from China to other destinations such as Southeast Asia, and labour-saving technology and robots have been increasingly spread in use, which has also reduced the positions available for job hunters.In cont rast, a number of opportunities has been created from the wide spread of IT and service industries, which releases the whole employment pressure in a way.(音频224)

(3)What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?

Well, from my experience and observation, I would say jobs in sales departments offer the highest payment in my place.Although the basic salary for these salespeople is normally not attractive at all, their earnings could be multifold than that.Especially, in the current finance and real estate industry, the commission would be very considerable, and I’d say, it wou ld be no wonder that some of them could become millionaires within just a few years by selling financial products or house properties.(音频225)


(4)Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?

Well, I’d s ay i t really de pends.F or peop le who prefer avoiding changes, doing one job seems to be the best choice, and some of them could become experts in certain fields by accumulating abundant experience.For others, especially the young generation full of enthusiasm and energy, doing one job would easily make them bored or lose interest in what they are currently doing.By changing work, some of them could be smelted into all round talents and acquire experience in different sections,which would be beneficial for their qualification of management and decision making.(音频226)


(5)What age do you think is suitable to start work?

For s uch issue, I really c an’t def ine a most suitable or standard age to begin work for every one of us, but at least an employee should meet the requirement of legal minimum age.Well, peopl e preferring practical tasks such as cooking, gardening and carving, could acquire related knowledge and experience while working, hence they could start work immediately after high school.However, those whose careers require abundant theory and academic qualification, should attend universities first, especially people interested in the finance, law and medical care fields.And then, the proper age would range from 22 to 30, depending on the level of degrees they are going to achieve.(音频227)


(6)How do you think work will change over the next few decades?

Well, I believe work would change in many aspects in the coming future.Apparently, the labour-intensive industries are fading away, gradually replaced by some labour-saving technology and robots.The expected result of this is that jobs would demand much higher ability of creation and innovation but much less opportunities of labour-like vacancy would be available.Besides, taking advantage of automation and IT, people may work from distance, less hours a day and less days a week.(音频228)(www.xing528.com)


(7)Is it easier or more difficult to get a job today than in the past?

Although getting a job is not too difficult for most of us, to secure a well-paid, decent and ideal job is no longer as easy as it was for the university graduates just a few decades ago.(音频229)

原因参考第1、2 题。



(1)How can technology make our life easier?

There is no doubt t hat t echnology ha s improved t he way we work, communicate, do shopping and so on.For instance, having the feature of instant communication, E-mail has been the dominant way of exchanging long text message information between individuals and organizations, which saves us plenty of time.Besides, we could work at home through the Internet and telephones connecting our office and the whole world, which keeps us from traffic congestions and make us more comfortable.Further more, I also have to mention the great assistance from the Internet and smart phones, which makes tasks like on-line shopping and banking available everywhere and anytime.(音频230)


(2)What are some greatest inventions you know about?

结合Part 2 物品类里的电脑,当然此题说的是一些最伟大发明(some greatest inventions),还可以再谈谈上题的相关内容。

(3)Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?

I believe the main reason we should restrict the use of mobile phones is that uncontrolled usage of them could cause noise pollution.Just li ke the w ay of being good neighbours in our community, we are also expected to be considerate and control the noise from using mobile phones so as not to make people around uncomfortable.Otherwise, I don’t think it should be restricted to use our phones connecting the Internet, watching videos with earphones or doing any other things silently.(音频231)


(4)Why mobile phones are gaining popularity?

As you may notice, mobile phones are becoming as essential as things like air and water for us to liv e with, and are gradually replacing other products relying on its comprehensive functions and other advantages.And t here a re th ere ma in r easons fo r it pop ularity.F irstly, current smart phones could carry out almost all tasks that PCs or other electronics could do, and their function of entertaining is also as powerful as specialized game machines.Moreover, mobile phones are more portable and affordable than their competitors, and this makes them very attractive for people who need to work or communicate with others at all times.Hence, they are increasing popular.(音频232)


(5)Can you do without your mobile phone?

注意这里的“do”的意思是维持生活,答案可参考上题并结合第1 题手机带来的便利。


Part 2 人物类话题有一个喜欢冒险/尝试新事物的人,在这里我们可以补充一些细节。

(1)Why do you think some people like doing new things?

I believe mo st peopl e try ing new t hings are driven by their inner curiosity or pursuit of stimulation by taking risks or meeting challenges.When we do so, there is always the risk with which we will not be happy or even safe with our choice, just like the first man who tried the first tomato without knowing whether he would be satisfied with the taste.Even if it might have tasted good, he might have had lost his life or been poisoned as the cost of his curiosity, but the happiness and sense of achievement would bring him great joy.Similarly, activities like trying to use other languages, visiting unfamiliar destinations and so on would also attract people.(音频233)


(2)What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?


Especially in o rganizations, try ing to implement new strategies or operational activities initially should always take account of the negative criticisms and power of resistance, because there must be someone whose positions, benefits, conventional ways of doing business would be threatened by trying new things or activities.(音频234)

(3)Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?

Well, this time, I’d say it really depends on what kind of new things I’m going to do.For those risky sports like Bungee Jumping or road racing, I’d better try first to make sure how I could succeed without injury, and then share my experience and tips with friends to persuade them.However, when I’m making inventions or doing big projects, it would be better for me to carry them out in groups, so that we could discuss all the problems and contribute our knowledge and experience together to find the best way out.(音频235)


(4)What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important are these things?

I believe a very important skill that babies learn to practice is speaking certain languages, because it’s widely acknowledged that early childhood is the best period of rapid grasp of their mother language or even a second one, and good language ability not only means better effects of communication, but also helps them to develop their other talents.Another c rucial thing they should learn early is to have good attitudes, like being independent and patient.The reason is that such habits once learned would be rather difficult to change, and could affect their development and achievement lifelong.(音频236)


(5)Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their learning style different?

People say teaching adults can be a very different experience from teaching children because of their different learning styles.Most evident ly, adults would bring vast amounts of prior knowledge to the classroom, and children bring just their limitless enthusiasm and curiosity.The result is that adults are often self-motivated and have specific learning goals, while children tend to follow their teachers’ directions actively without dedicated objective.Besides attitudes, the methods of learning are also varying.The grown-ups mainly learn by understanding theories and analyzing cases, while the children especially those in early ages always acquire knowledge or skills by memorizing and imitating the speech or behaviour of all the people around them, especially their parents and teachers.(音频237)


(6)Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the past.Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?

和作文问法类似。把抽象的新事物(new things)具体化到日常生活就好处理了。

I do agree with this statement.To begin with, I’d like to refer to a classic line from A Tale of Two Cities (双城记):It is the best of times, it is the worst of times,because in the 21st century, the pace of t echnology d evelopment has b een increased unprecedentedly, an d n ew d evices and facilities have b een applied to ou r life and work constantly.People scared of changes or reluctant to learn new things would be weeded out (淘汰) from the job market.Meanwhile, this century is full of fierce competition in many aspects including scientific research, education, business and employment etc.so people without cutting-edge knowledge or skills would be at disadvantageous positions.(音频238)


8.购 物

(1)Which is the most popular place for shopping in your hometown?

Obviously, I believe no one would deny the fact that Saige International Shopping center in our city Xi’an is the first choice for most locals.The most evident advantage for its success lies in its gold location.You know, it’s sitting on the interchange of sub way line 2 & 3, which guarantees its customer inflows.Further more, it’s popular for its multifunction.It is a building with 6 layers, one of the largest commercial projects in western China, and bes ides shopping, business, social, catering, leisure and entertainment activities could also be carried out comfortably and conveniently there.(音频239)


(2)Why do you think people like to visit shopping centers?

I think the first reason for visiting these places is that many people like my parents hold the belief: To see is to believe, so before they make decisions of purchase, they’d like to touch, feel and try their target products personally.Besides, people visiting shopping centers for its multifunction, because in addition to shopping, other activities for business, social, catering, leisure and entertainment purpose could also be carried out comfortably and conveniently there.(音频240)

(3)Do you like shopping on the Internet?

Absolutely! I can hardly recall the last time when I visited a physical store.Shopping online is not just convenient but also cost-effective.Look.I don’t have to leave my room to order almost anything at any time; besides, I can buy many favorable foreign products through just one click and wait for the visits from express.And, another important reason is that the prices from the Internet are always unbeatable compared with exactly the same stuff in the supermarkets or shops.So, I do love buying things on the Internet, which could save me much time to concentrate on my studies.(音频241)

(4)Are there certain kinds of shops that are becoming more popular?

From my observation, I believe increasing number of people are shopping online, but still there are certain physical shops not selling goods but also offering related service becoming more popular.For example, one kind of pet stores are spreading everywhere nowadays, not just selling things like pet food but also offering pet caring service.You know, people busy with daily work would like to check in their little friends to such places and pick them up when off duty without worrying too much during absence.(音频242)


(5)What disadvantages do you think there may be to an increase in consumerism?

构词法词汇分析“consumerism”:① consume (消费+rism (主义)=消费主义;② consumer消费者+ism (主义)=客户至上主义;一般情况下,问的是①。如果不确定,可用猜测法询问考官:Does the word ‘consumerism’ mean to emphasize the importance of customers? 考官确认后再回答。

In many critical contexts, consumerism is used to describe the tendency of people to identify strongly with products or services they consume, especially those with commercial brand names and perceived status-symbolism appeal, e.g.a luxury car, designer clothing, or expensive jewelry.The most ev ident di sadvantage fo r individuals is that in many cases consumers sacrifice significant time and income not only to purchase but also to actively support a certain firm or brand.One illustration coul d be those Apple followers using up savings just to keep their products up-to-date.While fo r t he whole world, oppon ents o f consumerism also ar gue t hat excessive consumption of too many luxuries and unnecessary products may facilitate exhausting our resources, produce more unnecessary wastes, damage the environment and contribute to global warming.(音频243)


(6)In what ways do you think advertising affects people’s attitudes?

This i s the a ge when advertisements flood everywhere, and we are always likely to be affected by them when choosing target products.For one thi ng, the advertising nowadays is spreading information of their products everywhere through all means of the medium, which include newspapers, magazines, TV, films and the Internet.Such efforts and brainwashing could show great effects on persuading people to change their attitude to be fond of certain products.But not all advertising is profit seeking, such as the public benefit ads of protecting our environment and staying away from drugs.These kinds of advertising contribute a lot to forming a general and positive concept of people.(音频244)


(7)In what ways do you think shopping may change in the future?

The most significant change might be the way of paying the bill.Previously, we were restricted to settle our bill by cash or credit cards only, but nowadays we could pay by Wechat, ApplePay and so many other third parties, and it’s believed that in the future, we could pay by simply have our face screened.Besides, it is already the fact that increasing number of people is choosing to do shopping online, and many of them are going to buy things on foreign websites and have their deals posted crossing borders.All in all, shopping experience would be more convenient, time and cost saving tomorrow.(音频245)



(1)How often do you read books?

It’s r eally a shame that I don’t read as oft en a s a primary or middle school student.Studying in a college (Working in a company), I just focus on all the essential tasks to comply with the basic requirements of my major.In my spare time, I’d like to play computer or phone games, or spoil myself in some socializing APPs like Wechat and Facebook, just as many other young people do, while, younger students would read many extracurricular books in bookstores, at home or on line.I really admire them because they read broadly and driven by interests or curiosity, not like us, no reading if books are not related to exams (without benifits).(音频246)


(2)How books can impact on a man’s life?

注意:a man 说的是一个人,而不是特指男人。

Western phil osopher concluded th at books are the ladders of human progress.For individuals, Chinese ancients illustrated the way to achieve success, which is reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles, because in our history, reading a certain range of books and passing official exams were almost the only way to improve personal social status.Nowadays, to read not always means to prepare for exams, but to acquire knowledge in all fields like history, arts, science, philosophy, business and law etc.As you know, this is an era f ull of information and knowledge, so if one wants to gain competence or just catch up with the developing society, he or she must take books as crucial resource and assistance.(音频247)


(3)Name some of the famous writers of your country?

注意:一些作家(some writers),应提到不止一位。

Mr Don’t Talk, the first Chinese to win Nobel Prize in Literature, has gained broad reputation with his master work – the novel Red S orghum Clan.The cr itics ackno wledge that he merges hallucinatory realism (幻想现实主义) with folk tales, history and the contemporary successfully.Actually, his name is Guan Moye and his pen name is Mo Yan, which means Don’t Talk in English, but in many occasions we address him as Mr Don’t Talk just as a way of showing kindness and respect.Besides, there are many other renowned writers in my province, including Chen Zhongshi, Lu Yao, Jia Pingwa.Although they are not lucky enough to win the same prize, their works really match and deserve it.(音频248)


(4)Have you ever thought about writing a book?


Well, you know, I’m just a high school/ college student with limited skills or knowledge of writing a book.And, I believe writing long articles or stories must be very demanding, since I’v heard about news that some writers would live in some remote areas alone to concentrate on his or her work.Ho wever, I rely on the smart phone too much, just as most of my peers do, which doesn’t allow me to focus on current studies, not to mention things about creation.Maybe, when I get retired, I may start writing a biography (自传), because summarizing my personal stories and experiences would be much easier, compared with starting from scratch.(音频249)


(5)How reading books is different from watching movies?

It’s a common belief that watching movies is quite different from reading books.The fact is that film adaptations from books are prone to failure, because original novels always allow us larger extent of imagination, which is also the magic of books.Unfortunately, movie shots could not only restrain our vision, but also break or even betray their originals due to personal preference, lack of foundation or technical support and so on.However, indeed, there are a few works succeeded, including ‘The Shawshank Redemption’,‘The Silence of the Lambs,’ ‘Life of Pi’ and so forth.(音频250)



(1)What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?

There are various reasons why many people love traveling to other places during holidays.First, vacations away could bring us happiness because it could be easy to forget our difficulties or troubles both in our work/studies or daily life, doing so is good for our health.Although we all need certain level of stress to keep the pace, it’s also important to know how to take time out.A vacation offers a chance for our body to turn off the stress systems, to recuperate (恢复健康) and to repair.Further more, not only are vacations good for our health but that they may also increase our learning/working efficiency when we return to school/work place with refreshed minds.(音频251)

(2)What are some famous tourist spots in your country?

Well, when talking about famous tourist destinations in China, the first name jumps into my mind immediately is the Great Wall, one of The World’s Eight Wonders.However, I’d like to introduce another renowned place of interest in my city, the Terracotta Army.It’s a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of QinShiHuang, the first Emperor of China, with more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 horse chariots (战车).Also, It’s a form of funerary art buried with the emperor more than 2,000 years ago and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.(音频252)


(3)What are the positive impacts of tourism in your country?

When referring to the benef its of tourism, economic effects always tend to be the first concern of many nations, and China is no exception.Being a country with more than 5,000 years history and countless tourist spots, China attracts mountains of people domestically and internationally to consume in all fields of tourism, including travelling, accommodations and catering.You know what? Last year (2016), the total number of visitors in China reached around 5 billion, which involved roughly 5 trillion Chinese Yuan spent.Further more, such activities have created certain millions of job positions, which not only contributes to local and national economy, but also relieves the pressure in job/human resource market by offering large number of employment opportunities.(音频253)


(4)What are the negative impacts of tourism in your country?

Everything h as i ts pl uses and minuses.When bringing us economic growth and employment opportunities, tourism also causes evident problems to our environment and society.Such consequences include putting strain on already scarce resources such as water, energy, food and natural habitats areas.In addition, unchecked tourism development may lead to soil erosion, increased pollution and waste, as well as increased pressure on endangered species.Simultaneously, mass tourism may also erode traditional values by introducing foreign elements in conflict with our cultural, historical, and religious heritage.One instance co uld b e that: current youngsters love to celebrate western festivals like Christmas instead of paying enough attention to our traditional ones.(音频254)


(5)What do you think are the reasons people visit new places?

此题和第1 题答案有交叉的地方,但是要扣住“new”这个限定词。人们去新地方的原因除了为了健康、放松和更好地回到工作和学习外,学习相关知识和增长见识也是原因。

Similar with the reason why we should attend museums to appreciate, observe and feel the exhibits instead of studying them online or through books, some feeling and experience could only be acquired by standing on the spot.So, to learn other culture and history well, it’s suggested to visit related places personally.Besides, going to unfamiliar locations helps people to broaden their horizons…(音频255)

(6)What can you tell about the future of tourism industry in your country?

Well, it’s really hard for me to predict the future of Chinese tourism industry due to lack of related knowledge and research methods.Anyway, based on my experience and observation, the number of visitors is growing significantly during recent years, which not only contributes to local and national economy, but also relieves the pressure in job/human resource market.It’s reflected in our daily life that we could meet foreign travellers more frequently nowadays.And I believe such trend of growth would last in the coming future, but not sure about situations after a long time.(音频256)



(1)What different sorts of personal plans do people usually make in their everyday lives?

I believe personal plans for our daily lives are just about the minor decisions on those basic necessities, among which food, clothing, housing and means of transportation are most important.(音频257)


(2)When students are doing big assignments, why is it a good idea to make some plans before they start?

A Time Management Expert once said, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do somethi ng about it now.” (可视情况引用) And, there do exist many benefits of making plans, not just for big assignments, but also for personal careers, projects, and management.Let’s ta ke doing assignments as an example.M ost importantly, planning ensures more productive use of our resources including time, energy and attention.As you know, many students would like to waste their time on playing games and social networking, or be distracted by some meaningless things, which would easily push them to face the threats of overdue assignments.Besides, proper planning could not only keep the students on the right path, but also reduces mistakes and oversights.Because with appropriate plans, we don’t hurry to finish our essays, projects or researches under clear milestones, the quality would tend to be guaranteed.(音频258)


(3)In general, what sorts of plans do governments all over the world usually have?

Well, I don’t know exactly what plans they usually make worldwide, but I do have heard expressions like military budget, economic developing milestones for the next 5 years from the news.From a tax payer’s point of v iew, the supreme tax gat herer – our government should scientifically plan and allocate such spectacular financial resource to proper use to maintain or improve the conditions of national economy, security, legislation, and all other sections closely related to its citizens’ daily life, like accommodation, education, medical service, transportation and environmental protection.(音频259)

为了扣题,在结合政府的各种责任时加入了“plan and”两个词。

(4)What are some of the major problems facing the whole world today? / What do you think is the major environmental problem facing the world today?

There really are many serious common problems around the whole world.And I have to address one term here – Overpopulation.It occurs when our population exceeds the carrying capacity of ecological niche, which means that there are too many people in the same habitat with limited available resources.However, we are wasting food, drinking water or fuel in some countries, but millions of people are suffering from lacking of them.Beside, significant economic developing imbalance/disequilibrium between nations would not only deteriorate/exacerbate such situation, but also accelerate environment pollution, climate change and growth of unemployment and crime rate.(音频260)


(5)Who do you think should be responsible for solving these problems?

同第3 题,政府理当解决问题,此外还有企业和组织、个人和社会媒体等。

To so lve such problems is definitely not just t he responsibility of any si ngle person o r organization, but is the shared duty of countries, societies, enterprises and individuals.(音频261)


(1)What types of weather do people in your country dislike most? Why is that?

和part1 关于天气的问法稍有不同,但是事实上只是把个人喜好变成全国人群。此题可用分类法,把人群分为南北方人:

表2.3 南北方人对天气的喜好及原因

(2)How do rainy days make you feel?

分类法,把感受分为需要出行和待在家中两种情况:When going out / staying at home

Although rainfall means good harvest for farms, especially during spring, I’d rather stay at home compared with going out.You know, when you have to travel in the rain, you must look out for passing vehicles, no matter walking or driving.And, in many cases, most of us still can’t avoid getting our outfit wet.However, staying at home is totally another story.You can hear the rain drops striking windows, which sounds like beautiful songs.Such peace could make you recall things happened in your childhood: Both happy and sad memories would make your mind refreshed.(音频262)

(3)What jobs can be affected by different weather conditions? Why?

Well, being a student, I really don’t have enough knowledge about influences on different jobs of various weather conditions.I guess those occupations requiring people to preform tasks outdoors would be seriously affected by extreme or bad weather.For example, farmer’s agricultural activities like planting crops in the open field could be forced to stop due to heavy rain.Besides, drivers of Taxi, buses, trains or ships might be laid idle in dense fog days for safety consideration.(音频263)


(4)Are there any important festivals in your country that celebrate a season or type of weather?


Indeed, there aren’t such festivals or celebrations in China.However, we did hold big events to celebrate certain weather on unfixed days in ancient times.As you know, irrigation facilities were not available in many areas of my country during that age, rain was the dominant way to irrigate crops in the wide fields.Unfortunately, during drought seasons or in the northwest of China, rain water had been precious and infrequent so that our superstitious ancients would prey to specified gods for rainfall and if they succeeded, following party or ceremony would be carried out.(音频264)


(5)How important do you think it is for everyone to check what the next day’s weather will be? Why?


I believe it’s necessary to be aware of the weather condition in the following day for almost every one of us.For working people, if some of them perform job tasks outdoors, they should plan or replan related activities before getting affected by extreme or bad weather.For example, farmer’s agricultural activities like planting crops in the open field might be forced to stop due to heavy rain.Others travelling to workplaces daily should scientifically choose their way of transportation according to different weather conditions.For instance, it would be unsafe if you drive or take bus in a foggy day.While for people not working, at least they should make sure whether the weather next day still permits them of their plan to do shopping, visiting or others.(音频265)

(6)What is the best way to get accurate information about the weather?

Although there are many ways to observe and predict the weather, like observing the clouds, animals or insects, to obtain the most accurate information, we are suggested to rely on weather forecasts on TV, reliable websites or APPs.The r eason is a pparent: These organizations or services would take advantage of the talents and experts in this field and utilize the latest technology and equipment so that they could work out best forecasts for their users.Especially, information from national institutes is the most trustworthy among all those providers.(音频266)


(7)How easy or difficult is it to predict the weather in your country? Why is that?

Being a northerner, I’d say that the weather in the North is more stable than that in the South, and therefore more predictable.Although it’s much colder and drier here, to forecast the weather is not that tough.However, when living in the South, you could experience sudden rainstorms within a few minutes in bright spring days, so to predict the weather often tends to be useless.Also, it’s worth mentioning that the effects of El Nino would make weather forecasts in both North and South China more difficult, because the climate becomes quite abnormal and extreme weather like rainstorms and droughts occurs more frequently than before.(音频267)

(8)Which months have the best weather in your country?

此题可参照Part1 天气相关内容,个人喜欢某种天气,那么这种天气多发的几个月(季节)就是对你来说最好的。比如:

Normally, it wo uld be very hot in China in summers and people can’t concentrate on their work or studies, also winters could be freezing which lowers our efficiency of doing things.Hence, the most comfortable weather is the one in springs and autumns, ranging from April to May and September to October.The temperature then would be around 20℃, and the air would not be too dry or moist, so our physical and mental status would be at the best levels.(音频268)

