首页 理论教育 超级语法:英语复数名词详解


更新时间:2025-01-14 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:Ms.Jones: Yes, I do.Eggs are in the boxes over there.How many do you want?Diana: I want twelve eggs.My boys like eating eggs.Please put them into my basket.Ms.Jones: Sure, here you are.B 语法聚焦1: 可数名词变复数的规则变化一般情况下,可数名词变复数的变化规则有以下几种情况:小贴士以f 或 fe结尾的名词,其复数直接加s的,常见的有:屋顶roof → roofs ,证据proof → proofs,首领chief → chiefs,信念belief→ beliefs,保险箱safe→ safes练习1请写出下列名词的复数。

A 篇章学习:朗读对话,回答问题

Ms.Jones: Hi, how can I help you?

Diana: I want to buy two carrots, two tomatoes and noodles.

Ms.Jones: OK, here you are.What else do you want?

Diana: Do you have eggs?

Ms.Jones: Yes, I do.Eggs are in the boxes over there.How many do you want?

Diana: I want twelve eggs.My boys like eating eggs.Please put them into my basket.

Ms.Jones: Sure, here you are.

B 语法聚焦1: 可数名词变复数的规则变化



以f 或 fe结尾的名词,其复数直接加s的,常见的有:

屋顶roof → roofs ,证据proof → proofs,

首领chief → chiefs,信念belief→ beliefs,

保险箱safe→ safes

练习1 请写出下列名词的复数。

1 class ____________5 box ____________9 tomato ____________

2 baby ____________6 month ____________10 knife ____________

3 glass ____________7 watch ____________11 wolf ____________

4 story ____________8 peach ____________12 desk ____________

练习2 圈出下列句子中的名词,并且把单数名词变复数,复数名词变单数。

1 There is a box in my bag.


2 These are interesting stories.


3 Do you have a new radio?


4 The wolves are eating some apples.


C 语法聚焦2: 可数名词变复数的不规则变化







练习3 将中文翻译成英文。

1 两只脚 _______________________4 七只老鼠_______________________

2 四个孩子 _______________________5 三个中国人 _______________________

3 六只鹅_______________________6 五只鹿_______________________

练习4 请选择正确的答案。

1 ( ) The old woman has many _______ on her farm.

A.sheep B.sheeps C.deers D.cow

2 ( ) I brush my _______ every day.

A.tooth B.teeth C.tooths D.toothes

3 ( ) That pair of _______ is expensive (昂贵的).

A.glass B.glasses C.classes D.class

4 ( ) Look, there are three _______ over there.You should get a cat.

A.mouse B.mice C.month D.months

5 ( ) Many _______ like to give flowers to _______.

A.man; woman B.men; woman

C.men; women D.man; women


练习5 请用括号内单词的正确形式填空。

1 _________ (leaf) turn yellow in fall.

2 Children like all kinds of _________ (fish).

3 There are four _________ (German) in our class.

4 Our city has two _________ (zoo).

5 I see five _________ (potato) in this __________ (photo).

练习6 看看图片中有什么?将它们的名字和数量写出来。

