首页 理论教育 两广新命戎马倥偬-王阳明督军挫敌攻心


时间:2023-08-08 理论教育 版权反馈


New Political Career in Guangdong and Guangxi&Military Life




162.In the first of Ming Jiajing's reign year(1522),there were always some ethnic conflicts among minorities in Tianzhou and Si'en in Guangxi.Leaders of every ethnic group,who had hereditary right,hated each other and got into fight because of competing for property and land,even had some rebellion and fought against the imperial court.In September of the 6th Ming Jiajing's reign year(1527),the imperial court commanded that Wang Yangming,with the title of Top Censor of the court censors,supervise the military affairs of Guangdong,Guangxi,Jiangxi and Huguang,and go on an expedition to Tianzhou and Si'en.


163.Wang Yangming arrived in Nanning on the 26th of December,and commanded to eliminate over ten thousand of armies,which were gathered by Yao Mo.Lu Su,Wang Shou and other local tribe chiefs admired and were afraid of Wang Yangming very much.Wang Yangming passed on what he said to them,“As long as you come here to surrender and admit mistakes,I will assure you free from penalty of death.”


164.When Lu Su and Wang Shou heard of the words,they went outside of Nanning government mansion together.They both put on the prison uniforms with hemp rope,leading hundreds of tribe leaders to Wang Yangming's office and begged for being free from penalty of death.Wang Yangming said,“Surrender can free you from penalty of death,but you must get some punishment to comfort local soldiers and folks.”Then,he asked the executive officers to give Lu Su and Wang Shou each spanking of 100 times.


165.Wang Yangming knew that it's easy to capture them,but it's not easy to make them convinced.He released the two guys'hemp rope by himself,and told them with sincere words and earnest wishes,“The imperial court is kind to free you from penalty of death today and it's my job to give you spanking.You should be sincere to restart your career and be loyal to the country.”After hearing these,Lu Su and Wang Shou suddenly realized their mistakes with tears,went down on their knees to express their sincerity and loyalty to the country.


166.In this way,Wang Yangming solved the intense ethnic conflicts of minorities without any killing and fights.Wang Yangming immediately reported to the imperial court with the benefits and harms of managing minorities by their own special customs.He insisted that self-government should be set in Guangxi area,and only in that way,the lasting political stability in southwestern area could be assured.


167.After suppressing the rebellion in Si'en and Tianzhou,Wang Yangming heard about the local armed forces in Duanteng Canyon and Eight Stockaded Villages in Guangxi.They always attacked the government and robbed the local residents,which interrupted the political rule of the imperial court.Therefore,he had the last battle in his lifetime.


168.Duanteng Canyon is located in an important area of Guangxi,and its surrounded by high mountains and lofty hills.The environment is pretty terrible.Its closely connected with Eight Stockaded Villages.Moving to the west after Duanteng Canyon is the access to Eight Stockaded Village.The main army force Wang Yangming led was the 6000 tribe soldiers which were gathered by Yao before.Wang Yangming pulled out the tribe soldiers deliberately to make the enemies believe that they had withdrawn.


169.At the same time,Wang Yangming sent out some secret agents to get to know the traffic situation around every village,made detailed and practical strategies along with attacking routes.He stressed,“The main aim of this battle in Duanteng Canyon is to clear the chaos and calm the folks.Don't take killing leaders as your achievement or you will get penalty of death if you break it.”


170.On the early morning of the second day of April of the 7th Ming Jiajing's reign year,the army force,mainly the tribe soldiers,started attacking each main village of Duanteng Canyon in a real quick way.The enemies were caught unprepared and got into chaos.The soldiers of Wang's armies were pretty strong and brave with yellow mark on their arms,which made enemies scared.On the 24th of the month,the main force of enemy was cleared out and the battle ended at last.


171.Eight Stockaded Villages referred to eight main mountain villages.Each of them had over 1000 folks,they worked and fought for themselves.However,once attacked,they would cooperate and fight against the enemies together.Wang Yangming's armies,which were mainly embodied from Lu Su's and Wang Shou's forces,were quite familiar with the geographical situation and were good at fighting in mountain areas,which became the main force to take down Eight Stockaded Villages.


172.After several intense battles,Wang Yangming found a weird phenomenon when he sorted out the results.Each village was taken down,but the main leaders of each village all disappeared.


173.It turned out that the women from each village disguised themselves in Wang Yangming's armies.Some soldiers liked these women and immersed themselves in dating with them.Some even deliberately let the enemy leaders flee.Some lost the motivation to fight.All these were pretty dangerous in the process of battles.Once the enemies secretly attacked without any sign,Wang's armies would be destroyed heavily.


174.Wang Yangming commanded to research each military camp.The soldiers who hid the women would be asked to search the mountain instead of being punished.If the soldiers made it,the hidden women would be returned to them and they would also be free from punishment.If the soldiers were obsessed with the women,they would get penalty of death to strengthen the military discipline.


175.The measures to purge the military discipline worked very well.In early June,some good news spread widely that all enemy leaders got captured or killed.All eight villages were taken down completely.The rest of the enemies were forced to the Hengshui River.Thousands of enemies fought for boats to cross the river,and most of them ended up in falling down into the water at last.There were endless death in the river.So far,Wang Yangming had took down Duanteng Canyon and Eight Stockaded Villages,and helped the country wipe out several decades'hidden danger.

