首页 理论教育 王阳明传奇!启迪良知,振奋家乡


时间:2023-08-08 理论教育 版权反馈


Arousing the Conscience&Learning by Heart




148.In March of the 16th Ming Zhengde's reign year(1521),the Emperor Zhu Houzhao died at the age of 31.Zhu Houcong inherited the throne.In September,Wang Yangming asked the new emperor for absence and went back to Yuyao to worship ancestors.Once he arrived in Yuyao,the first thing he did was climbing Bo Mountain to worship ancestors,and then he went back to his old house“Ruiyun Pavilion”.He felt so sorry and anxious for not being with his parents and grandparents because of the heavily occupied military business,which made him cry for many days.


149.There was a renowned knowledgeable person in Yuyao called Qian Dehong,who was admired by local people as a virtuous scholar of Yuyao.Qian Dehong gave lectures to make a living in Zhongtian Pavilion in Longquan Mountain,which was located in the downtown of Yuyao.He heard that Wang Yangming had a lecture about conscience,so he took two nephews with him and visited Wang Yangming when hearing the news of Wang's returning home.


150.Qian Dehong chose a lucky day and invited 74 local scholars including Zheng Yin,Yu Daben and Xia Chun etc..They all invited Wang Yangming to Zhongtian Pavilion and conducted the ceremony of apprentice there.After that,Wang Yangming was asked to have his first lecture.The Theory of Conscience,which advocates inducing conscience and unity of knowing and doing,broke through the bondage of thoughts completely since Zhu Xi,which has brought a refreshing style to his hometown.


151.In December of the 16th Ming Zhengde's reign year(1521),the new emperor awarded Wang Yangming a promotion called Earl Xinjian along with a Minister of War and Counselor as an encouragement of Wang's huge achievement.When the imperial common arrived,Wang Yangming's father,Wang Hua,suggested to him,“It's an honor to be promoted,but it's also a thing you should fear!”In order to avoid disasters and meanwhile,to express protest against unfairness,Wang Yangming reported to the imperial court and tried his best to resign the newlypromoted position,Earl Xinjian.


152.After two months only,in February of the first Ming Jiajing's reign year(1522),Wang Yangming's father,Wang Hua,died of sickness.The grief of losing such a close family member brought back Wang Yangming's old illness.He refused all visitors and adjusted his physical condition while in mourning.In July,the imperial court refused his request of resigning the newly-promoted position,Earl Xinjian.


153.During the six years of mourning and resting at home,Zhongtian Pavilion was the main classroom for Wang Yangming's lecture.Wang Yangming made a regulation for the students and wrote it on the wall to advise the students.The first,the eighth,the fifteenth,and the twenty-third day of every lunar month were the days of lectures given by Wang Yangming himself.The number of students could even reach over 300.Qian Dehong did some tutoring about the basic things of“Conscience”to the students for the rest time.


154.Dong Yun,from Haining,Zhejiang Province,was a renowned scholar during the period of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty.At his age of 68,he heard about the lectures made by Wang Yangming in Zhongtian Pavilion in Yuyao,then he used his stick bearing bamboo hat and books,rushed to Yuyao and climbed to the pavilion.He stood in the crowds listening.Wang Yangming spotted an old man with snow white eyebrows and beards while giving lectures,then he politely invited the old man to have a seat in front of the class and started communicating with him about learning principles.


155.Dong Yun admired the Theory of Conscience a lot,he said,“I am so lucky to have known the theory and feel just like waking up from my dream.”He thought that Wang Yangming was the most knowledgeable person and asked Wang to be his teacher.At this time,Wang Yangming was only 53,which was 15 years younger than Dong Yun.Wang Yangming declined Dong's request for many times and didn't dare to take the old generation as students.However Dong Yun was very determined and insisted on asking Wang to be his teacher.


156.The other day after two months,it was snowing lightly and the road was muddy and steep.Dong Yun went to Yuyao from Ninghai,wearing bamboo hat.In order not to slip,he wore a pair of straw sandals outside of his cloth shoes.He took one step after another to climb to Zhongtian Pavilion.It was in the lecture hall that a 68-year-old man conducted the ceremony of apprentice to the 53-year-old Wang Yangming.Wang Yangming became Dong Yun's teacher officially and thus Dong Yun became the oldest student among Wang's students.


157.Dong Yun said with emotion,“I was living in the fear and worry,but today I have found a teacher who can give me guidance to be a sage,how can I leave my teacher and go back to the confused life?”He gave himself a new name called“Taoism follower”,meaning following Wang Yangming to learn Taoism from the very beginning.Wang Yangming even wrote an article about it in particular.


158.On the Middle Autumn Day of Ming Jiajing's reign year(1524),the moon was as bright as the day time.On the Tianquan Bridge,which was near Bixia Pond in front of Wang Yangming's Earl Xinjian Mansion in Shaoxing,there were over ten tables of feast with over 100 students.Some of them were close to the lake,and some of them were in the boat.They played some activities such as pitch pot,gathering together,playing drums,chessing,composing poems,or discussing studies.They even toasted to each other for the amazing night.Wang Yangming asked the servants to take out papers and brush pen to write poems,singing.


159.Wang Yangming's students Wang Ji and Qian Dehong had an academic conflict when they understood the four sentences of the Theory of Conscience,so they both came to ask Wang Yangming for advice.Wang advised them,“You two should tell other scholars about the four sentences obeying my basic principles.There is no good side or evil side when it comes to human's minds.Temptation has good and evil sides.Knowing good and evil is the conscience.Doing good and eliminating evil is the pursuit of knowledge.You should know how to treat good and evil side of yourself when you get along with others.And thus,it will lead you to be a sage.”They three had the talk on Tianquan Bridge,so it's called“Enlightenment on the Tianquan Bridge”.


160.Wang Yangming often warned his students that they should always have admirable tolerance just as ancient emperors like Shun or Yu did before.Firstly he requested that every student had to set a target on the way to becoming a sage.He said that there was no way to succeed if there was no ambition set.You could do nothing without any ambition even if you have loads of skills.As long as you try to learn something,you should learn it by heart.


161.Wang Yangming knew the importance of people's minds.The secrets of his educational ideas and the Theory of Conscience are conquering the minds and solving problems from the heart.There was a scholar from Yongkang,Zhejiang Province,who was determined to learn Wang's philosophy of minds.He came all the way down to visit Wang Yangming,fatigued.Wang told him,“You came here for a long distance and felt very tired,but you didn't give up because of your ambition of learning principles of being a sage.Are you still afraid that you can't reach that level if you use the ambition in your study?”

