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[1]Sudha Shetty&Jeffrey L.Edleson,“Adult Domestic Violence in Cases of International Parental Child Abduction,Violence Against Women”,Vol.11 No.1,pp.115~138.(2005).

[2]G.L.Grief&R.L.Hegar,When Parents Kidnap:The Families Behind the Headlines,New York:Free Press(1993).

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[4]J.Alanen,“When Human Rights Conflict:Mediating International Parental Kidnapping Disputes Involving the Domestic Violence Defense”,40 U.Miami Inter-Am.L.Rev.,64(2009).

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[6]Sharon C.Nelson,“Turning Our Backs on the Children:Implications of Recent Decisions Regarding the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction”,2001 U.Ill.L.Rev.,677(2001).

[7]Noah L.Browne,“Relevance and Fairness:Protecing the Rights of Domestic-Violence Victims and Left-Behind Fathers under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction”,11 Duke L.J.,93(2011).

[8]Nunez-Escudero v.Tice-Menley,58 F.3d 374,376-77(8th Cir.1995);Croll v.Croll,66 F.Supp.2d 554,561-62(S.D.N.Y.1999);In re Walsh,31 F.Supp.2d 200,204(D.Mass.1998)(Walsh I).

[9]Nunez-Escudero,58 F.3d at376-77;Croll,66 F.Supp.2d at561-62;Walsh I,31 F.Supp.2d at 204.

[10]Sharon C.Nelson,“Turing Our Backs on the Children:Implications of Recent Decisions Regarding the Hague Convention on International Child”,U.Ill.L.Rev.669(2001).

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[12]Baran v.Beaty,526 F.3d 1340,1346(11th Cir.2008).Tsarbopoulos v.Tsarbopoulos,176 F.Supp.2d 1045,1057(E.D.Wash.2001).Van De Sande v.Van De Sande,431 F.3d 567,570-71(7th Cir.2005).

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[14]The Reunite International Child Abduction Centre,“Mediation in International Parental Child Abduction”,53,Oct.2006.

[15]Melissa A.Kucinski,“The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Using Technology in Mediation Cross-Border Child Custody Cases”,J.Disp.Resol.,(318)2010.(www.xing528.com)

[16]Sarah Vigers,Mediating International Child Abduction Cases:The Hague Convention,Hart Publishing,UK,2011,p.76.

[17]F.Garwood,“Children in Conciliation:The Experience of Involving Children in Conciliation”,28 Family and Conciliation Courts Review,(50)1989.

[18]J.Goldson,“Hello,I'm a Voice,Let Me Talk:Child-inclusive Mediation in Family Separation”,The FamiliesCommision Innovative PracticeReport No.1/06,December 2006,p.7.

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[20]Elisa Perez-Vera,“Explanatory Report of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction”,Actsand Documents of the XIVth Session,Volume I,1982.p.30.

[21]Rania Nanos,“The Views of a Child:Emerging Interpretation and Significance of the Child's Objection Defense Under the Hague Child Abduction Convention”,22 Brook.J.Int'l L.,(443~444)1996.

[22]Paul R.Beaumont&Peter E.Mceleavy,The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction,Oxford University Press,1999,p.177.


[24]Lynda R.Herring,Comment,“Taking Away the Pawns:International Parental Abduction&the Hague Convention”,20 N.C.J.Int'l L.&Com.Reg.,164(1998).

[25]Rania Nanos,“The Views of a Child:Emerging Interpretation and Significance of the Child's Objection Defense Under the Hague Child Abduction Convention”,22 Brook.J.Int'l L.,451(1996).

[26]Paul R.Beaumont&Peter E.McEleavy,The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction,Oxford University Press,1999,p.179.

[27]Elisa Perez-Vera,“Explanatory Report of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction”,Acts and Documents of the XIVth Session,Volume I,1982,p.30.

[28]Sheikh v.Cahill,145 Misc.2d 171,177(N.Y.Sup.Ct.1989).

[29]Tahan v.Duquette,613 A.2d 486,490(N.J.Super.Ct.App.Div.1992).

[30]In re Nicholson v.Nicholson,1997WL 446432(D.Kan.1997).

[31]Nigel Lowe,International Forum on Parental Child Abduction:Hague Convention Action Agenda12,finding that in Germany,between 1990 and 1996,in every case inwhich a child's objection was raised,a return was refused.

[32]Amanda Michelle Waide,“To Comply or Not to Comply?Brazil's Relationship with the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction”,39 Ga.J.Int'l&Comp.L.,280(2010).

[33]Linda Silberman,“Hague Convention on International Child Abduction:A Brief Overview and Case Law Analysis”,28 Fam.L.Q.9,30,citing Rajaratnam v.Rajaratnam-Hertig,Zurich,Switz.,July 18(1988).

[34]415 F.3d 1028,1037(9th Cir.2005).

[35]Rania Nanos,“The Views of a Child:Emerging Interpretation and Significance of the Child's Objection Clause under the Hague Convention Abduction Convention”,32 Brooklyn J.Int'l Law,(447)1996.

[36]Paul R.Beaumont&Peter E.McEleavy,The Hague Convention on Intenational Child Abduction,Oxford University Press 1999,pp.201~202.

[37]Jeanine Lewis,“Comment:The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction:When Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Impact the Goal of Comity”,13 Transnat'l Law,415(2000).

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[39]R Lamont,“The EU:Protecting Children's Rights in Child Abduction”,International Family Law,(112)2008.

[40]N.Lowe et al,“A Statistical Analysis of Application Made in 2003 under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction:PartⅡ”,National Report's Prel.Doc,No.3/2008.

[41]A Daly,“Considered or Merely Heared?The Views of Young Children in Hague Convention Cases in Ireland”,1 Irish Journal ofFamily Law,(16)2009.

