So now that I’ve told you how risky film investments are and the differentways you can make them,I thought Iwould wrap this up by offering some advice on what an equity investor can do to protect itself as best as possible.First and foremost,if you are investingin an independent film,you must insist on the producer using a collection account established with a reputable third party collection agent.This is single most important piece of advice I can give to an equity investor.If a producer refuses to use a collection agent,walk away from the deal.A collection agent is a company that sets up a dedicated bank account that all of the film’s distributors are instructed to pay their revenues to.The collection agent then calculates how thatmoney should be allocated and pays out to each beneficiary its respective share.If you don’t have a collection agent,you have no way to independently determ ine whatmoney has come in and where it has gone.This is an invitation to the producer to steal from you.
Next,if you can get it,is to take a security interest in the film as security for the producer’s obligation to pay you what you are due.While a security interest is good,please keep inmind that itwill be subordinated to the production lenders and perhaps to other parties.But it is a benefit if,for some reason,the production company files for bankruptcy.In that case,it is always better to be a secured party than not.
And if there is a production lender,always keep open the option of buying the production lender out and stepping into its shoes.When it comes to the recoupment pecking order,the production lender is always in first position.If things are looking bad and you as an investor have the opportunity to buy the production lender out,it could be the difference between recouping and not.If nothing else,stepping into the production lender’s shoes(and security interest)will put you ahead of any other equity investors and,in the worst case scenario,would give you the ability to foreclose and take over the film.
So this,in a nutshell,is the world of investing in Hollywood films.If I can leave you with one last piece of advice,it would be,if you think you want to do this,please find a lawyer who is know ledgeable in film financing to assist you.Don’t use your general corporate or family lawyer,no matter how good he or she is.This is a highly specialized area of law.In the same manner that you would not go to a general practitioner for brain surgery,you should not go to a generalist for advice about financing films.And if,after all of this,you do decide to take the plunge,I wish you the best of luck.