首页 理论教育 宁波历史身影:发现古城记忆


时间:2023-08-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:阅读宁波,原本从唐代的三江口开始。一次次考古发 掘,重新发现了宁波。上林湖底沉寂的文明碎片,它山堰边 千年的排涝泄洪,江南最为古老的保国寺木构大殿,元代永 丰库遗址的城市胎记,以天一阁为代表的藏书文化象征和王 守仁、黄宗羲、张苍水等名人的身影,生动地凸现出宁波地 域文化的历史地位。这些众多历史遗存伴随着宁波的发展走到了今 天。全市现有各级文物保护单位324处,其中国家级22处,省 级34处。


阅读宁波,原本从唐代的三江口开始。一次次考古发 掘,重新发现了宁波。河姆渡、田螺山、句章故城等古遗址 佐证了七千年的文明。上林湖底沉寂的文明碎片,它山堰边 千年的排涝泄洪,江南最为古老的保国寺木构大殿,元代永 丰库遗址的城市胎记,以天一阁为代表的藏书文化象征和王 守仁、黄宗羲、张苍水等名人的身影,生动地凸现出宁波地 域文化的历史地位。近代因鸦片战争而被迫开埠,城市在中 西文化碰撞和融合中又较早地产生了洋行、医院、学校以及 工业文明。这些众多历史遗存伴随着宁波的发展走到了今 天。全市现有各级文物保护单位324处,其中国家级22处,省 级34处。大运河(浙东运河宁波段)、海上丝绸之路宁波部 分、中国古窑址系列之上林湖越窑青瓷大遗址等3项进入中国 申报世界文化遗产预备名单。

People used to understand Ningbo,s history from Sanjiang Estuary of Tang dynasty. With the help of archaeological excavations, Ningbo has been rediscovered and the ancient relics of Hemudu, Tianluoshan and Gouzhang prove that Ningbo enjoys a histoιy over 7,000 years. From the civilization fragments of Shanglin Lake to water conservancy of Tuoshan Dam thousands of years ago, from Baoguo Temple—the oldest wood construction in south China, to Yongfeng Storage--a city landmark built in Yuan Dynasty, from Tianyi Pavilion--a symbol of book collecting culture, to well-known scholars as Wang Shouren, Huang Zongxi, Zhang Cangshui and so on, they all vividly represent the historic status of Ningbo culture. After Opium War, Ningbo port was forced to be opened. Many foreign firms, hospitals, schools and industrial civilization gradually appeared under the impacts and integrations of Chinese and Western culture, and most of them remained along with the city. At present, there are 324 cultural relics of different protection levels, with 22 of national-level and 34 of provincial-level. Especially, the Great Canal( Ningbo segment), the Maritime Silk Road( Ningbo segment) and relics of Shanglin Lake Yue kiln sites have been on the China,s preparation list for World Cultural Heritage.

河姆渡遗址 邱文雄(优秀奖)

Hemudu Culture Relics By QiuWenxiong (Merit Award)

河姆渡遗址博物馆 于鲁成 摄(优秀奖)

Museum of FIemudu Culture Relics By Yu Lucheng (Merit Award)

文明的碎片 桑金伟 摄(优秀奖)

Fragments of Civilization By Sang Jinwei (Merit Award)

田螺山遗址陈列馆 于鲁成 摄(优秀奖)

Tianluoshan Ruins Exhibition Hall By Yu Lucheng (Merit Award)

田螺山遗址现场陈列 张立勇 摄(优秀奖)

Tianluoshan Ruins Site Exhibition By Zhang Liyong (Merit Award)

句章故城遗址 褚晓波 摄(优秀奖)

Gouzhang Relics By Chu Xiaobo (Merit Award)

傅家山遗址 丁友甫 摄(优秀奖)

Fujiashan Relics By Ding Youfu (MeritAward)

永丰库遗址 褚晓波、陆锋(优秀类)、贾铭摄

Yongfeng Storage Relics By Chu Xiaobo, Lu Feng (Merit Award) and Jia Ming

保国寺许平、励军辉 摄

Baoguo Temple By Xu Ping, Li Junhui

保国寺 龚国荣 摄(优秀奖)

Baoguo Temple By Gong Guorong (Merit Award)

慈城古建筑群 沈国峰 摄(优秀奖)

Ancient Architectural Complex in Cicheng By Shen Guofeng (Merit Award)

林宅 蔡明明 摄(优秀奖)

Lin's Residence By Cai Mingming(Merit Award)

白云庄 沈一鸣 摄

Baiyun Village By Shen Yiming

鼓楼 吴挺 摄(优秀奖)

The Dnim Tower By Wu Ting (Merit Award)

银台第 包悲英 摄(优秀奖)

Yintaidi: Museum of Official Residence By Bao Huiying (Merit Award)

天一阁 黄友平 摄

Tianyi Pavdlion By Huang Youping

天一阁 许平、励军辉、邱文雄、干燕燕 摄

Tianyi Pavilion By Xu Ping, Li Junhui,Qiu Wenxiong and Gan Yanyan

梁弄五桂楼 黄孟丹 摄

Wugui Building in Liangnong By Huang Mengdan

烟屿楼 姚昶 摄(优秀奖)

Yanyu Building By Yao Chang (Merit Award)

王守仁故居 朱鑫树 摄(优秀奖)

Wang Shouren,s Former Residence By Zhu Xinshu (Merit Award)

王守仁讲学处——中天阁 黄孟丹 摄

Zhongtian Pavilion: Where Wang Shouren Once Lectured By Huang Mengdan

王守仁讲学处一瑞云楼 黄孟丹 摄

Ruiyun Building: Where Wang Shouren Once Lectured By Huang Mengdan

张苍水故居 沈一鸣 摄

Zhang Cangshui,s Former Residence By Shen Yiming

柔石故居 徐培良摄(优秀奖)

Rou Shi's Former Residence By Xu Peiliang (Merit Award)

四先贤故里碑亭 朱鑫树 摄

Stele Pavilions of Four Forerunners Former Residence By Zhu Xinshu

梨洲文献馆 黄孟丹 摄

Lizhou Libraiy By Huang Mengdan

浙东革命根据地旧址 徐炯明 摄(优秀奖)

Site of Former Revolutionary Bases in Eastern Zhejiang By Xu Jiongming (Merit Award)

宁波总工会旧址温尔平 摄(优秀奖)

Site of Ningbos Former Federation of Labor Unions By Wen Erping (Merit Award)

朱贵祠 沈国峰 摄

Zhugui's Ancestral Hall By Shen Guofeng


Miaogouhou Memorial Stone By Xie Guoqi

横省石牌坊 史久阳 摄

Hengsheng Memorial Stone By Shi Jiuyang

余姚朱舜水清节流芳牌坊 黄云升 摄

Zhu Shunshuis Memorial Stone in Yuyao By Huang Mengdan

秦氏支祠 吕平 摄(优秀奖)

Qins Ances Wal HaIl By LV Ping (Merit AWard)

宁海古戏台 徐培良 摄

Ancient Stage of Ninghai By Xu Peiliang

东钱湖石刻 贾宁摄(优秀奖)

Carved Stone in Dongqian Lake By Jia Ning (Merit Award)

南宋石刻 姚昶 摄(优秀奖)

Carved Stone of South Song Dynasty By Yao Chang (Merit Award)

余姚胜归山摩崖石刻 汪一煦 摄(优秀奖)

Inscriptions on Precipices of Yuyao Shenggui Mountain By Wang Yixu (Merit Award)

达蓬山摩崖题刻 黄友平 摄

Inscriptions on Precipices of Dapeng Mountain By Huang Youping

咸通塔万伯春 摄(优秀奖)

Xiantong Pagoda By Wan Bochun (Merit Award)

天封塔 沈一鸣 摄

Tianfeng Pagoda By Shen Yiming

⑴跃龙山文峰塔、(2)镇蟒塔、⑶ 瑞峰塔、(4)彭山塔(www.xing528.com)

(1)Wenfeng Pagoda,(2)Zhenmang Pagoda ,(3)Ruifeng Pagoda,(4)Pengshan Pagoda

天童古刹 史久阳 摄(优秀奖)

Tiantong Temple By Shi Jiuyang (Merit Award)

天童寺 金韵(优秀奖)、许平 摄

Tiantong Temple ByJin Yun (Merit Award) and Xu Ping

阿育王寺邱文雄 摄

Asoka Temple By Qiu Wenxiong

阿育王寺 许平、励军辉、沈一鸣 摄

Asoka Temple By Xu Ping, Li Junhui and Shen Yiming

七塔寺全景 金迪 摄(优秀奖)

Panorama of Qita Temple By Jin Di (Merit Award)

清真寺许平、励军辉 摄

Mosque By Xu Ping and Li Junhui

天主教堂 邱文雄 摄

Christianity Church By Qiu Wenxiong

华美医院 沈一鸣 摄

Huamei Hospital By Shen Yiming

庆安会馆 万伯春 摄 (优秀奖)

Qing'an Guild Hall By Wan Bochun (Merit Award)

意匠庆安 陈曙皓 摄(二等奖)

Qing'an Guild Hall By Chen Shuhao (Second Prize)

钱业会馆 陈曙皓、周建南(优秀奖)摄

Qianye Guild Hall By Chen Shuhao and Zhou Jiannan (Merit Award)

鹏欢十七房 水贵仙 摄(三等奖)

Geese Dancing Through Zheng's Seventeen Rooms By Shui Guixian (Third Prize)

郑氏十七房 胡建华 摄(优秀奖)

Zheng s Seventeen Rooms By Hu Jianhua (Merit Award)

和丰纱厂 金迪 摄

Hefeng Spinneiy By Jin Di


Yu’s Former Residence in Longshan By Li Junhui

锦堂师范 桑金伟 摄

Jintang Normal School By Sang Jinwei

包玉刚故居 章玲玲 摄(优秀奖)

Bao Yugang's Former Residence By Zhang Lingling (Merit Award)

宁波帮博物馆 胡建华 摄(优秀奖)

Ningbo Fellowship Museum By Hu Jianhua (Merit Award)

宁波帮博物馆开馆 王增芳摄(优秀奖)

Opening Ceremony of Xingbo Fellowship Museum By Wang Zengfang (Merit Award)

土色时空 贾铭 摄(三等奖)

Terreous Space-Time By Jia Ming (Third Prize)

宁波博物馆 张立勇(优秀奖)、潘前波 摄

Ningbo Museum By Zhang Liyong (Merit Award) and Pan Qianbo

宁波博物馆外景 朱伟 摄(优秀奖)

Outside Ningbo Museum By Zhu Wei (Merit Award)

它山堰 史久阳 摄(优秀奖)

Γuoshan Dam By Shi Jiuyang (Merit Award)

运河占渡 邱文雄 摄(三等奖)

Ancient Ferry of Canal By Qiu Wenxiong (Third Prize)

水则碑亭 吕平 摄

Stele of Water Gauge By Lv Ping

祝家渡铁桥 金晓燕 摄(优秀奖)

Iron Bridge on Zhujia Ferry ByJin Xiaoyan (Merit Award)

长坝 邱文雄 摄

Long Dam By Qiu Wenxiong


Yingjia Lock

江南水乡 谢国旗 摄(优秀奖)

Water County ByXieGuoqi (Merit Award)

百梁桥 史久阳 摄

Bailiang Bridge By Shi Jiuyang

夕阳下的灵桥 史凤凰 摄(优秀奖)

Lingqiao Bridge in the Sunset By Shi Fenghuang (Merit Award)

津渡之骨 李本健摄(优秀奖)

Components of Lingqiao Bridge By Li Benting (Merit Award)

三江口 水贵仙 摄

Sanjiang Estuary By Shui Guixian

镇海后海塘 李浙东 摄(优秀奖)

Zhenhai Seabank By Li Zhedong (Merit Award)

峥嵘岁月 王士杰 摄(优秀奖)

Memorable Years By Wang Shijie (Merit Award)

历史的见证 史凤凰 摄(优秀奖)

Witness the Histoiy By Shi Fenghuang (Merit Award)

渔山灯塔阿宝 摄(优秀奖)

Light House of Yushan By Lu Abao (Merit Award)

甬江口1 胡卫国 摄(优秀奖)

Yongjiang Estuary 1 By Hu Weiguo (Merit Award)

甬江口2 胡卫国 摄(优秀奖)

Yongjiang Estuaiy 2 By Hu Weiguo (Merit Award)

甬江口3 胡卫国摄(优秀奖)

Yongjiang Estuary 3 By Hu Weiguo (Ment Award)

