首页 理论教育 电商购物节传播策略研究结论及成果


时间:2023-08-01 理论教育 版权反馈


摘 要










With the constant innovation of Internet technology progress, quickening the pace of the electronic commerce development, the integration of network technology and communication strategy gave rise to the electricity shopping festival. In 2009, Taobao mall was the Chinese festival of the plot and sale mode, which was the first belongs to consumers “11•11 Shopping Carnival”. At present, the “double 11” has become the pronoun of China electric commercial shopping festival. JD’s “6•18 shopping festival”, Le TV’s “Le Mi festival”, Su Ning E-commerce’s “O2O shopping festival”, making the electricity shopping day more colorful. The new practice in the world needs to track for academic study closely, and also provides material for my master’s thesis topic. This paper is based on the communication theory and combined with electric commercial shopping festival case, studies the development of electrical business shopping section, analyzes the “11•11 Shopping Carnival”, “6•18 shopping festival” and other important mall shopping mode of transmission, discusses the characteristics, advantages and existing problems of electricity shopping festival, puts forward the feasibility suggestions to optimize shopping festival’s communication strategy from the angle of communication theory, giving benefi ts to the study and improvement of electrical shopping festival.

This article is divided into five parts. The first chapter is the introduction part which introduces the selected topic, significance and research situation at home and abroad. Now, there is not so many papers to study electrical shopping festival in the communication perspective, but this article will use this perspective to systematically study communication strategy of the electrical shopping festival.

The second chapter is “the development and status of electrical business shopping festival”, and analyzes the electricity network in the development of our country. On the classifi cation, business shopping festival can be divided into the number type, the product type and custom type according to the holiday names. On the characteristics, electricity shopping festival contains the characteristics of the strength of agenda-setting, the precision of news transmission, deconstruction of traditional media and concentrated intensive collected communication.

The third chapter discusses the communication strategy of electrical business shopping festival. First, paper analyses the theoretical basis of the electric business shopping festival. Then paper talks about the electric commercial shopping festival communication strategy, including the analysis of communication environment, transmission’s accurate positioning, brand symbol’s creation, and user experience’s innovation.

The fourth chapter studies the case study of electricity shopping festival in transmission mechanism, which selects “double 11”, “618” and other electrical shopping festival for research of disseminator, audience,media,informationsource,information,and obtaining-information empirical.

The fifth chapter discusses the marketing communication’s advantages and existing problems of electrical shopping festival and puts forward the marketing communication’s suggestions of electrical shopping festival, including optimizing agenda-setting propagation mode, improving the user experience, innovating communication mode, introducing social activities, consolidating brand advantage and cultivating the consumption culture, etc.

Hope this article’s innovative research can benefit for understanding of communication studies and electrical business shopping festival, promoting the development of the “festival”.

Key words:Electricity suppliers; Shopping festival; Communication strategy

目 录


第一章 引言 ..............................................................................................672(www.xing528.com)

1.1 选题目的及意义 .....................................................................................................672

1.2 研究现状及趋势 .....................................................................................................674

1.3 研究思路及方法 .....................................................................................................675

第二章 电商购物节的发展及现状..................................................................677

2.1 网络电商在我国的发展历程 ............................................................................677

2.2 电商购物节的由来及发展 .................................................................................678

2.3 电商购物节的类型 ................................................................................................682

2.4 电商购物节的传播特点 ......................................................................................683

第三章 电商购物节营销传播策略..................................................................685

3.1 电商购物节营销传播的理论基础 ..................................................................685

3.2 电商购物节的传播策略 ......................................................................................687

第四章 电商购物节传播策略的案例研究 ........................................................690

4.1 淘宝“双十一”购物节 ......................................................................................690

4.2 京东“6·18”购物节 ........................................................................................692

4.3 其他电商购物节 .....................................................................................................694

第五章 电商购物节营销传播的问题及对策建议 ..............................................696

5.1 电商购物节营销传播中存在的问题 .............................................................696

5.2 电商购物节营销传播的对策建议 ..................................................................699

结 语 .....................................................................................................706

参考文献 .....................................................................................................707

