首页 理论教育 我国民营图书零售业困境与出路:《出版产业转型研究(下)》成果


更新时间:2025-01-13 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:摘 要近年来,我国民营图书零售业由于历史条件、科技发展、自身经营管理等因素的影响,导致其发展陷入困境。本文的研究思路是以经济学理论中的市场结构理论、供给与需求理论、营销理论为基础,结合国内外民营图书零售业的发展现状,就我国民营图书零售业所处的困境提出宏观和微观层面的对策和建议。

摘 要






Due to the historical conditions, the technological development, the limited management and other factors, the development of private book retailing is in trouble. In the view of the private book retailing development, this article combines the relevant theories of economics with the research of private book retailing development. And through the comprehensive analysis of our country’s private book retailing external policy and the competition environment, we are trying to fi nd out a more scientifi c and reasonable countermeasure by analyzing the existing “domestic strife” and “foreign agression” from a macro and a micro perspective.

The research idea of this thesis is under the basis of market structure theory, marketing theory, supply-demand theory in economics. It combines the current development of domestic and foreign private book retailing to give macro and micro countermeasures and suggestions on how to deal with the diffi culties of our private book retailing. As the limited study need and space, the research object of this paper about private book retail on the microcosmic level is only limited to the entity bookstore, network bookstore.

The distribution of this paper is as follows: the fi rst chapter analyzes the research background and signifi cance, defi nes the research object combing the research status at home and abroad, and explains the basic ideas, research methods, research purposes and innovation of this thesis. At last, the thesis reviews the history of private book retailing; the second chapter is the supportting theory of this paper. It defi nes the economics of market structure theory, supply and demand theory and marketing theory. Combining with the present situation of the retail market, this paper analyzes the practical signifi cance and value of the theoretical analysis; the third chapter analyzes the existing problems of our private book retailing in the macro and micro level and thoroughly analyzes the cause of the trouble which based on the theoretical review in the second chapter; the fourth chapter put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to help thecountry’s private book retail out and develop continuously and healthy on the basis of the foregoing analysis from a macro and a micro level respectively.

Key words: Private; Book retailing; Market structure; Entity bookstore; Online bookstore

目 录


第一章 绪 论 ...........................................................................................466

1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ...........................................................................................466

1.2 核心概念的界定 .....................................................................................................469

1.3 研究文献综述 ..........................................................................................................473

1.4 研究思路与研究方法 ...........................................................................................480

1.5 本文创新点和不足之处 ......................................................................................481(www.xing528.com)

1.6 国内外图书零售业发展状况 ............................................................................483

第二章 经济学视角下民营图书零售业的理论分析 ...........................................488

2.1 民营图书零售业的市场结构现状分析 ........................................................488

2.2 民营图书零售业的供给需求理论分析 ........................................................493

2.3 民营图书零售业的营销理论分析 ..................................................................496

2.4 理论分析的意义总结 ...........................................................................................497

第三章 我国民营图书零售业的困境分析 ........................................................499

3.1 民营图书零售业的整体困境分析 ..................................................................499

3.2 实体书店的困境分析 ...........................................................................................503

3.3 网络书店的困境分析 ...........................................................................................508

第四章 我国民营图书零售业的出路 ..............................................................512

4.1 民营图书零售业整体出路 .................................................................................512

4.2 实体书店的出路 .....................................................................................................515

4.3 网络书店的出路 .....................................................................................................522

第五章 结语 ..............................................................................................524

参考文献 .....................................................................................................525

