首页 理论教育 社会多元, 变与新-私法 第14辑 第2卷(总第28卷)

社会多元, 变与新-私法 第14辑 第2卷(总第28卷)

时间:2023-07-29 理论教育 版权反馈

社会多元, 变与新-私法 第14辑 第2卷(总第28卷)



Constructive Jurisprudence and Empirical Jurisprudence——Comments on Hobbes’A Dialogue Between A Philosopher and A Student of the Common Laws of England and the Controversy It Caused

Li Honghai

Abstract:As theories on law,jurisprudence can not only be based on human reason,but also on social experience.Thomas Hobbes’ ideas on law,which is only a part of the whole system of his political jurisprudence,belongs to the former.To Hobbes,the sovereign did not sigh the social contract,therefore it is beyond its regulation.Additionally law can only be made by the sovereign,who thus can actually be beyond the law.Conversely,to common law which is based on social experience,the sovereign is not only limited by the social contract—which is equivalent to constitution today,but also by ordinary law.This great divergence owes to the different starting point when each constructing their political structure.

Keywords:Hobbes;Common Law;Natural Law;Sovereign




[3]See J.H.Baker,An Introduction to English Legal History,4thedition,Oxford University Press,2007,p.97.

[4]See F.W.Maitland,Equity also the Forms of Action at Common Law,two courses of lectures by F.W.Maitland,ed.by A.H.Chaytor and W.J.Whittaker,Cambridge University Press,1909,p.18,p.156.

[5]关于16世纪英格兰特权法院的情况,参见J.H.Baker,An Introduction to English Legal History,4thedition,Oxford University Press,2007,chapter 7。

[6]See J.H.Baker,An Introduction to English Legal History,4thedition,Oxford University Press,2007,pp.108—109.

[7]关于此主题,可参考普斯特玛的两种重要著述:G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986(尤其是其中的头两者);G.J.Postema,“Classical Common Law Jurisprudence”,in Oxford University Law Journal,Winter 2002。

[8]See L.1.c.8;l.2.c.16.§.3.转引自I Bl.Comm.234。注:“I Bl.Comm.234”意指布莱克斯通的《英格兰法释评》第一册第234节。因为布氏该书后来有太多的版本,但基本都保留了布氏原来的框架结构不变,因此学界习惯采用这种引用方式。下同。文后参考文献部分列举了一个较新的版本。


[10]See IBl.Comm.235。

[11]通常译为“特权”,但此时无法与“privilege”相区别,此处采用了李猛的翻译,即“专权”。据布莱克斯通的解释,专权是指为了能够更好地实现国王对王国之统治而必须享有的某些权力,集中体现于税收、外交、军事等方面。在英格兰,国王的专权源于征服的事实和习惯,光荣革命之后逐渐受到制定法的限制。See IBl.Comm.238—241.










[21]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.5.

[22]梅特兰说:“最有效的规则往往是那些我们听说最少的规则,它们是如此的有效以至不会被打破。”F.W.Maitland,Constitutional History of England,Cambridge University Press,1946,p.482.

[23]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.5.

[24]Sir Edward Coke,I Institutes,sect.21;See also Blackstone,1 Comm.77.,cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.7.

[25]A.W.B.Simpson,“The Common Law and Legal Theory”,in A.W.B.Simpson(ed.),Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence(Second),Clarendon Press-Oxford,1973.

[26]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.7.

[27]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.63,p.65.

[28]See Hale,“Reflections on Hobbes’ Dialogue”,504.cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.64.

[29]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.64.

[30]See Coke,‘Calvin’s Case’,7 Coke’s Reports,cited from J.G.A.Pocock,The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law:a study of English historical thought in the seventeenth century,Cambridge University Press,1957,p.35.

[31]See G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.65.

[32]Coke,I Institutes,sect.138.,cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.66.


[34]Coke,12 Coke’s Reports,63,65.,cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,pp.30—31,p.61.


[36]See Hale,“Reflections on Hobbes’ Dialogue”,502-3,cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.32.

[37]See Hale,“Reflections on Hobbes’ Dialogue”,505,cited from G.J.Postema,Bentham and the Common Law Tradition,Clarendon Press-Oxford,1986,p.31.


