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尼斯湖(Loch Ness):不列颠多元文化研究成果揭示

更新时间:2025-01-13 工作计划 版权反馈

Loch Ness is hidden away in the Scottish highlands.In fact Loch Ness might be nothing but unknown to the world were it not for one rather notable attraction.Loch Ness has the distinction of being home to the world's most famous monster.Loch Ness(Loch is a Scottish word for "lake" or "arm of the sea") is part of what is called the Great Glen,a narrow valley some 96 kilometers long that stretches to the sea from one coast of Scotland to the other.It is one of the three interconnecting lochs in the valley.A t its deepest point Loch Ness reaches far below sea level,deeper even than the North Sea.


Despite the reputation of monster as being frightening,dangerous creatures ready to gobble up anyone who happens by,the Loch Ness monster seems to have developed a large and popular following in modem times."Nessie",as the monster is called by her loyal fans,she proved to be neither fearsome nor harm ful.In fact Nessie seems to be rather shy and withdrawn,preferring its own company to that of strangers.


Although many sightings of the creature have been recorded,they are no truly reliable images or pictures of her existence.Most accounts of the monster's appearance refer to a very large creature with a long neck and flippers,something like those of a whale or fish,for propulsion through water.


The first encounter with a monster in Loch Ness was recorded around 1,500 years ago.According to record,an Irish saint chased away a large and fearful creature that was attacking one of his monks as the monk swam across the loch.The monster,apparently,was frightened off by the shouting of the saint and had no heart to return.There is no record of another sighting until centuries later.

有关尼斯湖水怪的记载最早可追溯到约1 500年前。据记载,一位爱尔兰圣徒赶走了一个大块头的可怕的家伙,他的一个僧侣游过湖面时遭到了它的袭击。水怪显然被圣徒的叫喊吓坏了,再也不敢回来,直到数世纪以后才又有了它的消息。(www.xing528.com)

In 1871 a Scotsman described that he saw a strange creature moving slowly across the loch.Others who saw the creature,at the same time,described it as having a large hump on its back that rose out of the water.Loch Ness hunting has become an industry in Scotland in recent times.M odeminterest in Nessie began with a sighting that occurred in May of 1933.A local newspaper report of an enormous animal swimming in the loch caused some excitement.London newspaper sent reporters north for stories of a "monster in Loch Ness".


The search for Nessie continues these days with the use of high-tech equipment.In recent times two deep-sea submersibles(miniature submarines used for deep water investigations) have been brought in for detailed sonar searches of the Loch.So far,no monster has been found yet.


There has been speculation over the centuries about what the Loch Ness monster really is.Some say the sightings may have been nothing more than seals or large fish in the loch.One theory had it that a creature resembling a species of dinosaur could be living somewhere in its depths.Others have suggested that minor volcanic activity at the bottom of the loch could have caused disturbances in the water that were mistaken for a monster.Guesses range from floating debris to unusual wave pattern on the surface of the water.No explanation accounts for the attraction that has lasted for so long.


