首页 理论教育 《鲁滨逊漂流记》:多元文化研究方面的成果


时间:2023-07-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:It was not until he was nearly fifty that he began to w rite the famous novel Robinson Crusoe,which was published on April 25,1719,and it was a big hit.Since that one worked so well,Defoe published Captain Singleton,Moll Flanders,A Journal of the Plague Year,later.直到将近50岁的时候,笛福才开始写《鲁滨逊漂流记》。Plot:Robinson Crusoe is first published in 1719 and sometimes regarded as the first novel in English.Experience of Robinson Crusoe on an isolated island is the clue of the story.故事梗概:《鲁滨逊漂流记》于1719年首次出版,被认为是英国文学史上的第一部小说。故事以鲁滨逊的孤岛经历为主要线索。最后,一艘英国轮船将鲁滨逊带回欧洲,结束了他28年的孤岛生活。


Daniel Defoe is an English novelist,journalist and pamphlets w riter.He was born in London in 1660.Early in 1683,he became a successful as a merchant.Unfortunately,he was bankrupt by 1692,which left him a large sum of debt.Around this time,Defoe began to w rite partly as a way to earn money.At the beginning,he w rote political pamphlets.


It was not until he was nearly fifty that he began to w rite the famous novel Robinson Crusoe,which was published on April 25,1719,and it was a big hit.Since that one worked so well,Defoe published Captain Singleton,Moll Flanders,A Journal of the Plague Year,later.

直到将近50岁的时候,笛福才开始写《鲁滨逊漂流记》。这部小说于1719年4 月25日出版,立刻引起了很大的轰动。由于这部小说的巨大成功,笛福又随之创作了《辛格顿船长》、《摩尔· 弗兰德斯》、《大瘟疫年日记》等小说。

Plot:Robinson Crusoe is first published in 1719 and sometimes regarded as the first novel in English.Experience of Robinson Crusoe on an isolated island is the clue of the story.


At the beginning of the story,Robinson Crusoe is a seaman,plantation owners and slave traders who is shipw recked in a storm when in the journey of selling slaves to A frica.Waved into a deserted island,he tries to survive there.On the island,he plants crops,feeds animals,fights with the savages on the close island and saves a savage.He names the savage Friday who becomes his loyal servant.He also makes his own boat hoping to be back to Europe.Finally,a British ship brings him back.Robinson Crusoe ends his 28 years life on the isolated island.(www.xing528.com)


The novel consists of three parts.The first part is the background about Robinson's three times sailing away from home,which paves the way for the story.The second part is the specific description of the Robinson's hunting,living in the cave,engagement in agricultural production and struggling with the nature.The third part tells the experience of his return from the island and his feeling that the world is changing rapidly.


Comment:Daniel Defoe has been called the father of English novel.Robinson Crusoe is the landmark of modern English fiction.It is a very widely spread and greatly influenced literary masterpiece,which expresses the strongly entrepreneurial spirit and the Enlightenment awareness of the bourgeois.The character Robinson Crusoe Defoe creates is completely new and becomes the hero in the heart of small and medium-bourgeois,and thus is a well-known literary image in the European literature.


