首页 理论教育 欧盟研究重点小结:欧洲成人教育


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:欧盟在超国家层面对成人学习工作者专业化建设的研究对欧洲各国的研究有着引领性的作用,特别是在能力界定与能力认定方面的研究是具有创新性、突破性与可借鉴性的。[2]European Commission, Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality, Commission of the European Communities, 2001.[3]European Commission, Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn, Commission of the European Communities, 2006.[4]杨平等:《欧盟终身学习政策与实践新进展》,《教育发展研究》2010年第17期,第83—87页。




[1] [法]保罗·朗格朗:《终身教育导论》,滕星等译,华夏出版社1988年版。

[2] European Commission, Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality, Commission of the European Communities, 2001.

[3] European Commission, Adult Learning: It is Never too Late to Learn, Commission of the European Communities, 2006.

[4] 杨平等:《欧盟终身学习政策与实践新进展》,《教育发展研究》2010年第17期,第83—87页。

[5] 报告有《成人学习专业在欧洲》(2008)、《成人学习工作者核心技能》(2010)等。

[6] Bert-Jan Buiskool et al., Key Com petences for Adult Learning Professionals: Contribution to the Development of a Reference Framework of Key Com petences for Adult Learning Professionals, Research voor Beleid, 2010.(www.xing528.com)

[7] Bert-Jan Buiskool et al., Key Com petences for Adult Learning Professionals: Contribution to the Development of a Reference Framework of Key Com petences for Adult Learning Professionals, Research voor Beleid, 2010.

[8] CEDEFOP, "European Guidelines for Validating Non-formal and Informal Learning", www.cedefop.europa.eu, 2018-08-01.

[9] CEDEFOP, "European Guidelines for Validating Non-formal and Informal Learning", www.cedefop.europa.eu, 2018-08-01.

[10] Simona Sava and Raluca Lupou, "The Adult Educator in Europe: Professionalisation Challenges and the Alternative of Validation of Learning Outcomes", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.1, No.1, 2009, pp. 2227—2232.

[11] Anne Strauch et al., eds., Flexible Pathways Towards Professionalisation, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2010.

[12] Boye Gooding, Flexi-Path Toolkit: A Guide to Creating a Professional Protfolio to Demonstrate the High Level Com petences of Adult Educators, Editura Waldpress, 2010.

[13] 参见Flexi-Path, http://www.flexi-path.eu/project.htm。

