首页 理论教育 15岁留学到美国:下一个天亮的特别晚餐


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈


当然了,有服务员的晚餐并不只有这一顿那么令人印象深刻。它是让我们所有人,不止是中国学生,更是全校学生都永远难忘的一顿饭。那天晚餐大家进食堂的时候,门口就有人拿着一个桶,所有人进去前都有先抽签。桶里有几种颜色的水性笔,抽出来一根,拿着桶的人就会在你的手上用那根笔画一道。我抽到了蓝色的笔,给我抽签的那个美国学生就冲我笑了笑,然后说“Lucky you!”我当时没反应过来,刚进门就被一个穿戴比平时好很多的学生服务员带到了餐厅中央搭起的台子上,上面只有两个长桌,摆着丰盛的饭菜和精致的装饰。我坐下后问旁边的人为什么我们要坐在台上吃饭,她让我注意一下两边。这个时候我才发现两边平时的圆桌都还是原样,并没有同样被装饰起来。其中一边还很夸张地被扯去了白色的桌布,露出坑坑洼洼突兀的棕色木头桌面。这时候食堂的门被关上了,有个黑人老师进来拿着话筒说,今晚我们模拟社会三种不同层次人的晚餐,中间是最有钱的富人,两边的普通桌子有桌布的那边是中产阶级,没桌布的那边是穷人。中产阶级是普通饭菜,富人的服务员穿戴也都很好,端上来的饭菜都是我们平时不吃的大鱼大肉,做得十分精致。而穷人那边只有米饭和豆子,连水都没有了。可能在这个时候你会觉得我确实很幸运,可是这顿饭的目的是为了让每个人都真切地感受到这个世界上还有人过得很困难。我坐在“富人”里,一顿饭“味如嚼蜡”,什么都吃不下。尤其是一想到我们“富人”什么都有,而“穷人”连水都喝不到的时候。虽然他们并不是真正的“穷人”,但是偶尔也能看到他们眼里闪出的些许懊恼和对坐在“富人区”的渴望。我叫来服务生问可不可以把饭菜送一些到下面,他说他很理解我现在的感受,但是不可以。宁愿把这些上面人吃不掉剩下的饭菜浪费了,也不会分给下面的人吃。顿时,我心里生出一种前所未有的悲凉感。可能以前从来都没有真切地感受过,这才突然发现社会的不公平,而我竟然什么都做不了,只能眼看着他们挨饿。一顿饭吃得无比沉重,相信所有学生心里都经过了一番深思和斗争,也以另一种真切的方式体会到了现在世界上真实存在的贫富差距

虽然平时学校里的饭菜并不太好吃,但是有那么一个特殊的晚饭会格外好吃,那就是每年冬天大家最期待的snow ball舞会前的晚宴。舞会前一周大家就变得特别兴奋,尤其是女生总是会激动地问自己的舞伴是谁,要穿什么样的衣服之类的问题。今年负责举办舞会的学生想用《哈利波特的魔法学校》来作主题。提前一周,他们就请了几个老师拍了个魔法学院的视频。在视频里,老师们都手拿魔杖扮成伏地魔,黑魔法防御术老师斯内普和海格等人,吸引学生的注意力。然后紧接着在每个学生的小邮箱里放了一张小纸条,上面写着你被分到了哪个学院,下面有一个目标人名。那个目标就是你要杀死的人,除上课、吃饭和睡觉时间之外的所有空闲时间都可以偷偷溜到那个人背后,念一句哈利波特的咒语:“stupefy!”那个人就算被你杀死了。接着再去杀死掉那个人的目标人,这样杀一圈以后,如果杀到自己的名字,那你就赢了。这个游戏成功地把舞会前一周的气氛推了起来。在校园里走着,经常会看到有同学偷偷地溜到另一个同学的身后冷不丁拍他一下:“stupefy!”然后被杀的人一般或惊讶或懊恼:“原来要杀我的人是你啊!”最好玩的是老师们也在一个单独的圈子里,互相用咒语“残杀”,与学生同乐。

舞会是在周六晚上,没想到周三晚饭的时候大家正在用餐,从门外飞进来一只白色的猫头鹰,绕着食堂飞了两圈,紧接着一个身形高大的人走了进来,原本吵吵嚷嚷的食堂马上安静了下来。那个高大的人是我们的一个老师,他扮成《哈利波特》里海格的样子,进来以后猫头鹰就飞向他,从嘴里掉下来一封信。“海格”打开信封,里面写着“Drop Holiday”。顿时整个餐厅都沸腾了,所有的人都在欢呼。旁边的老师告诉我,这是每年都会有一次或者两次的惊喜,学校体谅到快到学期末,学生们都事多压力大,所以不定时给这样一个惊喜。也就是说明天一天不用上课,也没有下午活动,可以用来休息一下。学校真是太贴心了。


15.Other special dinners

This was not the only special dinner.There was another dinner that impressed not only international students but also all the students in the school.In that sit-down dinner,two students stood by the door with buckets in their hands and asked everyone to get a pen from the bucket before they went into the KDU.After I got a pen,the person who held the bucket drew a circle on my hands with that blue pen,smiled and said“Lucky you!”.I did not realize what happened and a student waiter asked me to sit on the stage in the middle of the KDU.There were two tables on it with opulent food and adornments.I sat down and asked the girl next to me why we were having dinner on the stage.She asked me to look at the other tables in the KDU and I saw there was nothing fancy on the other tables.In fact,some of the tables had even lost their tablecloths and showed the wood.Suddenly,the door of the KDU was closed and an African-American teacher entered.She said we were going to simulate the different dinners for three groups of people with different wealth levels in the world nowadays.The middle two tables represented the tables of wealthy people.The tables with tablecloths and normal food represented the tables of middle-class people.Those tables without tableclothswere for "poor" people.Our waiters wore better clothes to serve us and gave us some dishes that we did not usually eat in school.At the same time,the food for "poor people" was just rice and beans-they did not even(www.xing528.com)

have water.Maybe some students who sat on the stage really felt they were lucky,but I could feel that a lot of people were starving.he sat in the“wealthy people”group and could not eat when I saw the disappointment in others’eyes even thought they were not really poor.I asked the waiter if he could send some food down to the people in other groups.He said he could not do that but he understood my feelings.As that moment,I felt the unfairness of society and my own powerlessness to help them.That was a dreary dinner and gave students a sense of the serious problems in society.

Although our meals in the school were generally not that fancy,dinners could be really good.One that was the most desirable was a dance and dinner called the Snow Ball.One week before the Snow Ball,students started to get excited,especially the girls.Everywhere,I could hear the questions like“who’s your date?”The students in charge of the named the Snow Ball this year“Yule Ball”and simulated everything from the Harry Potter movies.One week before the Ball,they invited several teachers to pretend to be the teachers in Harry Potter and made a video.In the video,teacher held wand and pretended to be Voldemort,Snape and Hagrid to attract students’attention and interest.Then,every student received a slip of paper in their mailbox about the institutes they were in and the name of a target.That target was the people that you were going to kill.Except dining time,class time and sleeping time,any other time during the day you could walked behind your target and kill him with the incantation:“Stupefy!”Then the person was dead and you had to kill his target.If a student could kill all of the students in his institute and fnally got to his or her own name,then he or she won.This game made students got even more excited before the prom.I could always see people “killing”each other and the dead people would be surprised,“You’re the person who was supposed to kill me!”The interesting part was that teachers also targeted other teachers.It was fun to see faculty play games with us.

The ball was on a Saturday evening.However,during the dinner of Wednesday,a white owl flew into the KDU and made several rounds above our heads.Then a huge man walked in,it was Hagrid!

The owl few to him and a letter dropped from the owl’s beak.Hagrid opened the envelope and showed the paper inside it.“Drop Holiday”were the words on the paper.Suddenly,everyone in the KDU started to scream and cheer.The teacher next to me told me that every year we got a surprise one-day break because students were exhausted in the winter trimester.When we got one-day break,we did not have classes or afternoon activities.Instead,we could use this day to catch up some homework and relax.

The real surprise came on the day of the ball.Before the dinner started,students were standing in the lobby of the KDU with their dates.The doors of the KDU were covered by cloth that looked like a brick wall.When we entered,it was like we were walking through a brick wall.A huge circle with“Number 9¾”was drawn on the wall above the doors.Do you understand now?It was like the same scene in Harry Potter.After the doors opened,everyone received a wand before we sat down.I sat down with my friends and discovered it was much darker than usual in the KDU.I looked up and saw the reason:the lights were not turned on;instead,there were lots of candles in the air above us.Our student planners did not know magicbut they got good ideas:they used the fake candles made with plastic and small bulbs.Even the salt and pepper on every table were put in the small crucibles just like inHogwarts.The waiters were also teachers dressed aswizards.Every part of the dinner was great and brought us surprises.

