首页 理论教育 15岁留学美国,轨迹改写:离家过年,首遭年夜饭分离


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈




再看汤圆,我们把红豆和几大块黄油还有几大碗糖倒在一口大锅里熬汤圆的馅。我们几个没忍住的同学偷尝了一口,香甜软糯,真是太完美了!但是要说汤圆皮的制作过程倒还真是遇到不少困难。一开始厨师不清楚我们要的是糯米粉,买成了一粒一粒的整颗糯米。这可怎么办,再去买糯米粉,时间就来不及了,可是总不能自己磨吧。厨师给我们搬来了面包房里的磨粉机,把糯米倒进去,糯米份就出来了。解决了这个问题下一个问题马上又来了。有人觉得包汤圆太慢,决定滚汤圆,所以要先把红豆馅捏成球,但是馅料软软黏黏的,太难弄成球形,费了好大的工夫才弄成一小团一小团的,全部倒进弄好的糯米粉里,沾上了一点粉,然后就不行了,又要蘸水才能再沾上糯米粉,就这样来回倒腾了好几次以后,我们发现这方法滚汤圆、沾糯米粉的速度更慢了,还不如包汤圆来得快。于是又改变主意开始包汤圆。别以为包汤圆就一路轻松了,在那么多人里面,会包汤圆的就只有一个女生,其他人都不会。我们包的汤圆总是馅在皮外面,不是这儿漏,就是那儿裂,怎么看都不像是能下锅的食物。大家忙手忙脚地一边学一边自己研究,倒也是包得越来越好了。好不容易紧赶慢赶把所有的饺子和汤圆都弄了出来,最后在晚饭来临之前,还有一个重大的惊喜——我们谁都没玩过的舞龙!这是新来的中文老师的点子,从外面租了一条龙来,十来个中国学生在下面举着,跟着前面的珠球跑,在开饭前绕了整个餐厅跑了一圈。我们自然是舞不出民间那种炫目的花样来的,但是外国人从来没见过舞龙,第一次见这么神奇的东西也还是觉得很新奇好玩的。整个餐厅里除了舞龙的脚步和敲鼓的声音外,就是大家的喝彩声了。美国人也都积极学着用筷子来夹东西吃,为了吃到有硬币的饺子,大家都抢着往嘴里塞。吃完饭还有international ambassador组织的烟火,虽然不是在国内,但也觉得这顿年夜饭很是热闹。

14.The first Lunar New Year inthe U.S.

The Lunar New Year was approaching.This was my frst Chinese New Year in the US instead of China.There were no feelings of excitement for the coming New Year.In China,people start to clean their houses and put on decorations.A lot of people would be selling freworks on the street.Libby allowed us to prepare for the Chinese New Year like we were in China and cook dinner for the whole school.One week before the New Year,another Chinese girl and I did a presentation about Chinese New Year in Assembly.If I said I did not feel nervous,it would be a lie.When 200 pairs of eyes are staring at you,it is hard to keep calm.Since it was my frst time to give a presentation in Assembly,it counted as a big step.The PowerPoint included the origin of Lunar New Year,traditional food,adornment and activities.Before I got on the step,I was shaking and sweating.After I got the microphone,my natural instincts forced my nervous feeling to hide.It was going well at the beginning,but on the last page,I could see the panic in my partner’s eyes when I handed the microphone to her.She said she forgot to prepare for this slide in a really low voice.She held the microphone and said the Dragon Dance was a traditional Chinese activity and then she did not know what to say.I felt a short silence,maybe the audience could not feel it,but it was suffering for me.I recalled some details that I saw when I prepared and snatched the microphone from her hands.Several sentences passed and I fnished the presentation.A lot of people praised my presentation and said I did a good job.It was another accomplishment in my high school.(www.xing528.com)

Next,it was time for the preparation of the food.All of the Chinese students gathered together to cook and compose Chinese statements of good luck written on red paper called red couplets.The dinner was dumplings and our new idea:rice balls!As a Northern child,I had never made rice balls by myself—we bought them from the supermarket.Libby offered us some red paper and ink to write red couplets by ourselves.We had fun creating our own interesting sentences.I had several good ideas with rhymes but I could not write well with a brush so I helped by hanging them up and making dumplings.It was so fun to make the inside part of the dumpling.Everyone held different vegetables and chopped them crazily.Put together with pork and seasoning and they were good.How about the dumpling skin?No need to worry,we could buy it from the Asian market!They were all made by machines and usually round.We showed each other our different methods of making dumplings and made a lot of funny shapes.Some American students also came and learned how to make dumplings.We put some Chinese coins in some dumplings and the people who ate those dumplings would have good luck.

Then I went to check the rice balls.We put red beans,butter and sugar together to make the inside part.I tried some of them and they were so tasty!But we faced diffculty during the process of making the rice balls’skin.The chef did not realize that we wanted the sticky rice powder so he just bought grains of sticky rice instead.We did not have time to buy the powder so we had to make powder with a bread-making machine.Another problem occurred:someone said it would be better to roll the inside part in the powder to make skin.The frst step would be to make red bean balls,but they were too soft to keep a certain shape.When we put the red bean balls into the powder,they did not go together.So we had to change methods to make

rice balls in the same manner as making dumplings.It would not be much easier.Only one girl in our group knew how to make rice balls.The rest of us were all learning so the rice balls that we made did not look like something for dinner.But we were all happy about learning to make rice balls and made them better.

Before the Chinese dinner,there was a surprise that was the Chinese teacher’s idea.We played Dragon Dance in the KDU.No one of us had ever played this in China so that we could not do it very well.But none of Americans had ever seen one before so they were still amazed by the performance.At the same time,they ate all of the dumplings to fnd the dumplings with coins.What a successful activity!

