短短两周Project week过去以后,我迎来了激动人心的第一次回国!我想念的各种吃的啊!果然出了国以后才知道中国的食物是多么的丰富和奇妙。火锅、羊蝎子、水煮鱼、麻辣烫、锅魁、饺子、拉面、红烧肉、炖猪蹄、烧排骨……一想到这些真的是马上口水就流下来了,13个小时的飞机变成了漫长的煎熬。下飞机见到妈妈的第一眼,本来以为自己会很矫情地掉眼泪,没想到居然是不由自主地咧开嘴笑了,然后给了妈妈一个大大的拥抱。可能现在在国内读书的同学每天还是会因为琐事和父母吵架,甚至离家出走,父爱母爱可能真的是距离远了才能感觉到。突然觉得自己才离开父母三个月,心理的变化和成长都是飞快的。然后就是吃各种东西了。天天除了吃,就是缠着我妈陪我出去逛街。其实我每天都背单词的,主要是美国逛街的资源太贫乏了。且不说我们的学校在小山沟里,不开车一个小时以上根本找不到任何可以逛街的地方。在美国大家穿得也都很随意,虽然学校并没有校服这种东西,但是学生们大多穿得也都特别简单。一般都是T恤加牛仔裤或者套头衫加牛仔裤,真的没有别的了。在这种情况下,实在很难找到国内那种琳琅满目全是女装的商店了。虽然在国内过假期很开心,但是没能领略美国人最重大的圣诞节真是种遗憾。他们的圣诞节像我们过年一样、一家人在一起。
12.Merry Christmas
After two weeks of projects,I could go back to China!I missed Chinese food so much!I just realized how colorful Chinese food is.Hotpot,spicy food,dumplings,noodles,red-cooked pork and rib....A lot of them could not even be translated in English.Whenever I thought about them,I started to drool.After thirteen hours,I saw my mother.I thought that I would cry when I frst met her,but I actually smiled and gave her a hug.If I had been studying in Chinese high school,I might have argued with her everyday because of something frivolous.You can only feel how strong some emotions are,especially love,after you left.Although I had only left my parents for three months,the change in me was huge.I asked my mother to go shopping with me.In the Putney School,we could not fnd any mall unless we drove for an hour.Also,in that country,high school students do not really spend a lot of time on their dress.Although we did not have a dress code,American students wore casual clothes,always T-shirts or hoodies.In that situation,people could not fnd a shop that had different style of clothes.I had a good time in China during vacation,but I also hoped to spend a Christmas in the US.(www.xing528.com)
The good time of vacation was too short for me.When I went back to school,all the snow on the ground scared me.Vermont is a heaven for skiers.When the wind blew,I could
see the snow in the wind like white smoke—it was very pretty.Of course,the temperature was low and we had to be careful of the slope at the school.No one wore Ugg boots here in the snow.Do you feel strange?It was because that Ugg sare one of the most slippery shoes in the snow.It changed my viewpoint.More surprising,when we wore sweaters,American girls were wearing dresses and leggings.They are accustomed to the cold weather,I think.