这个时候可能大家都迷惑了,第一个学期的成绩已经评好了,那剩下的半个月做什么呢?这就要说到我们学校的另一大特色了,那就是Project week!翻译过来就是“课题周”,有点奇怪吧!这两周一般是美国别的学校的期末考试周,但是我们学校没有期末考试,全靠平时表现打分,所以这两周时间就给我们自己,让我们去做自己喜欢的项目。每个人可以选两个项目,其中一个是必须和自己这学期的一门课有联系的学术项目;另一个是可以自己随便想做什么都可以的非学术项目。我选的一个是和英语课有联系的,就是在两周之内读一本英文小说然后写读后感;另一个非学术的,是和同学一起做饭。听起来很好玩吧。不过,我真的没有想到project week会这么轻松!整整两周都不用上课,每天都是大家自由支配时间做自己的东西,然后和负责自己项目的老师找个时间见面,说一说进展情况。看书其实没什么亮点的,那也是一本很普通的小说,有时候也觉得光看书闲得无聊,还是做饭比较好玩,也更有挑战性。因为以前在家从来也只是想着学一学,从来没自己做过饭,最多也就是煮个泡面。这次虽说是要给学校的厨师们露一手中国菜,但其实我一点经验也没有,心里还是挺没底的。好在我耍了个小聪明,让那个会做饭的男生跟我一起做,这样多少也有点把握了。后来我发现他是专门学过烹饪的,所以这次我算是跟着他学做饭了。一直都是打下手,顺便在旁边表示一下赞叹。我们做了宫保鸡丁、东坡肉、菠萝肉、糖醋里脊和松鼠鱼。一开始,我是完全不会,也不知道怎么做,但是在旁边看久了,再加上从网上找来的各种食谱,慢慢也就清楚了红烧XX要放什么调料,糖醋XX要放什么东西。松鼠鱼算是最复杂,也是我做得最好的一道菜了。最后一天“大厨”有事先走了,剩我一个人迷茫地按事先写好的食谱熬酱汁、炸鱼。本来已经抱着必死的心态了,没想到做出来以后还很好吃!超开心,我也会做饭了……放假前的最后一天是所有人的Project展出,我觉得这是我们学校最有艺术气息的一天,好多好看、好玩的东西。
11.Project week(www.xing528.com)
After Thanksgiving,December came.The winter break in the US was around Christmas so winter break would come in the middle of December,which meant we could go back to China after half a month.We were so excited because of our desire for real Chinese food.We found a Chinese restaurant in Putney,but they cooked American style Chinese food that has a totally different taste.Also,we could not wait to meet our family members and friends.Everyone had a list of things to do after returning to China.At this time,news arrived:the comments from our first trimester were ready!The rule of our school was that we could not know our scores before 11th grade,but we could get a sense of how we were doing from the comments of teachers.At the end of every marking period,teachers combined our participation,homework,and group work to give us a grade.In the comments,teachers would give an effort grade.One meant the highest effort and more than was required.Four meant that you did not try anything.But if students felt they would defnitely earn an A if they received a one for the effort grade,they were wrong.In the teachers’minds,some students would not learn a course very well even if they tried their best.Of course,that was an unusual situation.On the other hand,some students might not be the most hardworking but could still do well and handle all the knowledge;they still got a high grade.I read through my comments and found the similarities.Teachers always praise what you do well and then gently point out the areas where you needed to do more.I felt those comments were pretty good and happy about my effort.It was my frst step toward success.
Maybe some people were confused now.We got our grades already,what about the next half of the month?Ha!That was another special thing in our school,Project Week!During those two weeks,other American high schools had finals but we did not.Since teachers gave us grades by our daily behavior,we could use the two weeks to design and fnish the projects we liked.Everyone had two projects,one was academic and the other one was nonacademic.I chose a project related to English and to cook with my friend.It sounded great!I did not realize that we had our own schedule and could take our time.No class for two weeks,sometime we just needed to meet with our sponsors.I read a novel and found my sponsor everyday to discuss what happened in that book with her.Compared to this,cooking was more challenging for me.I was not good at cooking,but the boy who was doing the same project as me was.So I was actually learning cooking from him,hongpao chicken,dongpo pork and squirrelfish…at the beginning I did not know what to do,but after a few days watching and helping,I began to acquire some cooking skills.We cooked the most complex squirrel fsh at the last day.However,that boy had to go early,so I had to do that all by myself according to the recipe.It surprised me that the dish was delicious!I was so happy I learned how to cook.