首页 理论教育 星光游乐园:Workday+万圣节+FridayBooth!


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:从假期回来以后没两天就迎来了我的第一个work day!work day之后没两天就到了一个好玩的节日——万圣节!我们学校有一个学生组织的万圣节舞会。还有恐怖区,幽灵吸血鬼女巫等,千奇百怪。我和同学约定明年的万圣节我们要扮有中国特色的——清代僵尸!听Libby说以前发生过一次更牛的事呢!再一次比赛的时候,手已经明显不受控制了。


从假期回来以后没两天就迎来了我的第一个work day!这应该也是我们学校原创独有的。就是在这一天,大家都不上课,也没有下午活动,一整天的时间全部在校园里帮忙工作。大家会被分成好多组,有的修剪树枝,有的清理草坪,有的搬东西,有的清洁教学楼。有意思的是,这些分组首要的安排方式是由每组的老师先选自己想要的学生。后来我细细看名单才发现有意思的就是,我和另两个喜欢画画的学生都被分到去艺术教室打扫卫生、清理颜料,而那两个会做饭的中国男生都被分到食堂去收集学校里遗留在各处的餐具盘子。虽然这些跟画画、做饭,都没什么必然联系,不过还是觉得能在自己喜欢的地方干活更有动力,不知道学校是不是考虑到这个才让老师来挑人的。我们在艺术教室清理东西的时候,我看到版画制作区有一块大玻璃,上面挤了一些颜料,好奇心驱使我溜过去看了看,一时兴起就拿起来旁边的一个小铲子把颜料堆到一起。我也不知道为什么这么干!然后就被老师发现了,她就过来了!我顿时手一抖,赶紧想要编什么理由结果她居然过来问我想要调什么颜色。我随口说了一句暖一点的吧。结果,老师居然拿起来旁边的黄色,又往上挤了一点,跟我说:“你再搅搅看……”然后就飘走了。“我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了!”

work day之后没两天就到了一个好玩的节日——万圣节!其实在国内到这个时候有的超市也会卖一些魔杖、面具以及和幽灵有关的东西。我们学校有一个学生组织的万圣节舞会。大家都要穿着奇形怪状的衣服一起去跳舞,最后还评比谁的衣服最特别。我和朋友实在是找不到喜欢的奇装异服,干脆买了两件女仆装穿上变身爱丽丝。本来觉得是很可爱又是出《自爱丽丝梦游仙境》童话故事里的人物,应该很受欢迎。没想到我们在各种僵尸海盗异形里面,显得跟穿运动服出来买菜的小孩子一样,一点都不特别了。晚上的舞会真是“群魔乱舞”,有豹纹、恐龙、怪物史莱克、史迪奇……还有恐怖区,幽灵吸血鬼女巫等,千奇百怪。甚至有人拿麻袋套在自己脑袋上,模仿一个恐怖电影里的杀人狂,在黑暗的走廊里把我们吓了个半死。我和同学约定明年的万圣节我们要扮有中国特色的——清代僵尸!哈哈,不知道外国人能不能看懂我们在扮什么。最受欢迎的环节其实还是去不同的宿舍里找管宿舍的老师要糖吃。不给糖果就捣乱!一般老师都会拿个袋子让你挑几颗糖的。据说有次一个老师没准备糖果,那些没从这个宿舍拿到糖果的学生居然拿好多卫生纸把宿舍外面的树一圈一圈绕起来,这个老师早上起来发现自己走不出卫生纸迷阵了!有没有觉得很意外?学生居然可以整蛊老师。听Libby说以前发生过一次更牛的事呢!有几个学生不喜欢一个老师,想整她,于是半夜把学校鸡圈里的鸡全都抱出来赶进了那个老师的办公室!第二天,老师进去一看,满地的鸡毛、鸡屎,还有不停乱跑、乱叫的鸡!想想都觉得不可思议,这些学生的招都太损了!


9.Work day+Halloween+Friday Booth!

I experienced my first workday after we were back from vacation.It was created by our school as a special day and no students had class or activities.Students were divided into many groups to work on campus,doing things like trimming trees,raking,and cleaning the buildings.The interesting part was that every teacher who led a group chose the student members by themselves.So I found the students who went to clean the art building were also good at art.Two students and I were in the art building crew and the Chinese boys that liked to cook went to the kitchen.Even though our jobs were not actually related to drawing or painting,working in the place we liked made us happier.I guess that is the reason the school asked the teachers to pick students.When we were cleaning up the art building,I saw some paint on a glass table in the printmaking area.I had never done printmaking so I was curious and used a tool to mix the paint.Do not ask me the reason I did this!I did not even know myself!Then,a teacher entered and I panicked since I was playing with and wasting the paint.However,she asked me what kind of color I wanted!I said I did not know,maybe a warmer color?Then she picked a tube of yellow and squeezed some onto the glass board.Before she left,she said“Try it now.”I was totally shocked by her.(www.xing528.com)

A few days passed and another exciting holiday came,Halloween!In China,some supermarkets sell things related to ghosts.In our school,students organized a dance that required everyone to wear strange clothes—a costume.The students would choose the most creative one.My friends and I felt other clothes were too scary or bloody,so we wore clothes from Alice in Wonderland.We thought the cute Alice would be popular,but we seemed like

little children in a crowd of zombies and pirates.When the zombies andpirates were all dancing together,it was pretty scary.Some students were animals,some were vampires and others were witches.A boy even got a sack on his head to imitate a killer in a movie and smcardee ama l.ot Tohf epeople

most popular part was trick or treat,of course.Generally teachers would give students some candy but I heard that oncea teacher did not prepare candy and some students used toilet papered and made a mess.Is that a surprise?Students could trick teachers.I heard there was another one who did not participate in Halloween.Some students did not like that teacher and they took all of the chickens from the barn and put them in the offce of that teacher at night.The next day,when the teacher went to her offce,a lot of chickens were walking and eating her documents.It was hard for me to imagine that picture.

Those days,during lunches on Fridays,two international ambassadors sat behind a table and organized some activities in the hallway of the KDU.For example,they wrote“Hello”in different languages and asked students to match the languages with the countries.Sometime they wore clothes from different countries,even different had chili sauces!There was a contest and we had to use chopsticks to move beans from a bowl to another.The winner would be the fastest person.As a Chinese person who used chopsticks for a long time,I did well in that contest.The next day was the fnal contest and we would do that in front of all the students and teachers.After I walked on the stage,I found out that we had to move M&Ms instead of beans.That would be much more diffcult.I looked up,200 people were shouting and called our names.I got more nervous and found my hands were shaking.It was the time to test my mental capacity.After the starting cue,I began to move and control my cold hands as much as I could.At the same time,I felt the boy next me shaking and drop several chocolate beans on the table.Three...Two...One...Finished!I stood up and prepared for the cheer.But I saw another girl stand at the same time!People started to screech and we had to do it again,just ustwo.I could not control my hands this time,with all the people starring at me.I lost.But it was a nice experience for me—my frst time on the stage at that school.

