首页 理论教育 干杯丰收节:迈向烹饪起航


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈


好不容易适应了学校生活节奏,能每天安排好自己的时间,下午活动翻垃圾桶的时候也不会那么不淡定了,晚上做雕塑的时候也不会因为看到女模特的裸体而脸红了。总之,刚刚进入状态以后,学校就开始有大型活动了。不是综艺晚会,不是歌舞比赛,不是艺术大展。记住这里是小乡村,想想有乡村风格的——是丰收节!在校园里会有镇上的人来摆摊弄个小集市,每个宿舍要在路上游行,牲口棚里的动物也会全部被牵出来溜一遍,哈哈!当然了,还有个重头戏就是international cafe!我们学校从世界各地不同国家来的学生都会做自己国家的菜,然后摆在一起当午餐卖给来参加丰收节的人们。丰收节的前一天是周六,几乎学校里所有学生都开始紧张准备,尤其是国际生们。Libby拿来了以前历届学生们做的海报给我们参考。每个国家的菜都需要准备一个像菜单一样的海报,上面画上菜品的样子,写好里面有什么主料,还有这道菜的价格!中国人里有两个很会做饭的男生(话说为什么都是男生!),他们问了问大家的意见,商量好要做东坡肉!说起来,其实大家在国内去饭店也很少会点这个菜,但是这样一提起来大家都觉得格外亲切而且很兴奋。关键是听起来这道菜很有水平,很难做的,而且是很好吃的。作为自小就是参与各种画板报活动的文艺宣传委员,我自然去了画海报的那一组。用楷体写了中国两个字,下面再画上一幅图,用水墨的效果画了两块诱人的五花肉。价格嘛,三美元一块!话说第二天上午搬东西、搬食物,还把学校唯一一个老挝和美国混血的女生做的老挝汤在途中给撞洒了,好有罪恶感。因为毕竟是人家努力了一整天的成果。韩国果然是烤肉日本果然是拉面!哈哈,看来看去还是我们的东坡肉成色最佳,怎么看怎么有食欲!一切都摆放好以后,抬头一看,哇!太漂亮了!旁边一圈都是忙忙碌碌的小商小贩,有卖糖苹果的,有卖小饰品的,还有可以给人画脸谱的摊位,各有特色。中间的空地是一排拼起来的长桌,桌子上方各国的海报已经挂成一排,下面热腾腾的菜也都陆续端了过来。最后一步就是各国的学生站到自己国家的菜后面去帮忙给前面的“客人”盛菜。当别人走过来问你这是什么菜的时候,每个人都是带着微笑和一种强大的民族自豪感去描述。每当有人对自己国家的东西感到好奇或者称赞时,这种心情就油然而生。



8.Harvest Festival

I just started to calm down from seeing bugs and naked models when a formal activity took place.It was not a fashion show ora singing and dancing show.It had the characteristic of the countryside,the Harvest Festival!Some people from the town of Putney would come and have a booth and sell their things.Students here would have a parade and take animals to campus.The most important part was the international cafe!The international students in our school would cook our own food and sell it to the people who came to this festival for lunch.The day before Harvest Festival was Saturday,and all of the students,especially the international students,began to prepare.Libby gave us some of the posters that former international students made as a model.Every dish from different country needed a poster with the picture,material and price of that dish.Two Chinese boys were really good at cooking so that they were appointed as chefs of the Chinese dishes.We decided to cook dongpo pork,which was pretty difficult but verydelicious.As the designer of every poster in my middle school,I went to the group to design our poster.I wrote China in Chinese and asked two girls to draw the picture together.I peeked at the dishes of other countries in the kitchen.The Korean dish was barbecue pork with kimchi and the Japanese dish was noodles,which were the same asin our imaginations.(www.xing528.com)

After all the set-up,we had our own time to spend at the festival.Wow!The whole campus became so beautiful and full of little booths with maple syrup,apples and cookies.The posters

for our dishes were hung up already.Every dish was put below its own poster.The last task for us was to serve our own dishes to the guests.Whenever someone asked me what was our dish,I would describe it proudly.It was the same as when others praise something from China.

After Harvest Festival,another Chinese girl and I went to the house of an American boy to spend our seven-day break.I heard that they liked Chinese girls so they also invited me and we were good friends.The American boy called Issac;both of his parents were artists.The frst time I went to his house,the many puppets that were there scared me.Many of them were hung by string everywhere and would move with the wind sometime.I was afraid of dogs but they had three cats and a dog in their house.But they were nice and friendly to me.So I decided to cook Chinese dinner for them and try some new dishes since,like most of the Chinese students,I did not usually cook before.Except for fried eggs,I knew only a higher-level dish that was sugared potatoes.My aunt used to cook that dish for me and I learned the recipe from her because I love it so much.This was the time to show off!But it only could be the dessert.How about the main course?I thought about several homey dishes,such as vinegary cabbage,red cooked eggplant and celery with mushroom.I looked up the recipes online,but I could not get all the steps right because I did not have any experience.After an hour of hard work,I finally got all of the dishes done.They were not as good as in my imagination,but the other people were surprised when I took the potatoes out,including the other Chinese girl!Because they did not think that I could really make the potatoes that were so delicious and had sugary threads between the pieces.

There was nothing fun except the cooking game and we were not busy with homework.We went to shopping and had Chinese food.Actually,we had American-style Chinese food.It was quite inconvenient to live in another person’s house.For example,I was used to staying up late at night,but they slept very early everyday.So I had to keep every step slow and quiet.It was a mental adventure to pass through the dark room with puppets.

