首页 理论教育 15岁留学美国:探索未知之旅


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈



胡思乱想了四个小时,就已经来到这个叫Putney的小镇了,还真是人烟稀少呢!店面什么的都特小,淳朴的乡村风格啊。左拐右拐,跟着GPS一路上了山,旁边只有丛林,一点都不像有学校的样子!就在我们怀疑走错路了的时候,一大片平坦的草坪出现了,草坪的尽头就是房子。开车过去,找到main building,问清Libby在哪(就是那个director of international students),我就去找她啦。听说她在KDU(好吧,就是我们学校的餐厅,叫了这么个猎奇的名字)吃饭,找到她,然后Libby向我介绍了一个international ambassador,名字叫Jane,是个泰国女生。同时,也见到了正在一桌一起吃饭的中国新生,好几个都是之前QQ上很聊得来的,见到真人超有亲切感的!然后就被Jane带去了宿舍,当时感觉拐来拐去地走了好久才到,其实很近。走到窄窄小小的宿舍门前,打开门是个很窄的楼梯,Jane帮我把行李搬到二楼,三个大箱子都是奇重无比的(因为用了压缩袋,所以装的东西比正常能装下的多了很多)。我拉着都费劲,她居然能搬上去了!那可是只有Tiffany的肌肉男朋友才搬得动的!独立生活真是件锻炼人的事情!图书馆里面有一个小房间,一个胖胖的头发灰白的女老师在她拥挤的办公桌上翻了好久,递给我一份绿色的硬纸夹子,里面是各位老师的联系方式,还有课程表什么的。回到宿舍,小小的房间里有两张床,一张靠墙一张靠窗,都还没人,折腾了好久,还是选了靠墙的这张床。各种床单、各种被子都铺好,又听大人嘱咐了两句。就是该和妈妈还有Tiffany他们分手的时刻了。相信不管你多坚强,在国内多烦你爸妈,甚至有些是因为不想在家里呆着才自己出国的,这种时刻,即使你强颜欢笑勇敢去面对你也会忍不住难过的。原谅我还是个女生,尤其是被他们送来后看着他们离开,有种一个人被丢进未知世界的感觉。最后坐在宿舍地板上,还是没忍住掉眼泪了,又很矫情地回忆了一遍自己以前在国内的亲人和我的小伙伴们,我的房间我的床,家里的餐桌和沙发,家里的鱼缸和熟悉的味道,我挂念的一切,从小陪伴我的一切。我的人生真的就这样发生了翻天覆地的变化了吗?就这样在我还没反应过来的时候就发生了吗?一个人坐了好久,等恐慌和不舍慢慢褪去,我才站起来开始收拾东西。接下来的两天一直都忙于国际生新同学的一些活动和安排。由于大家都不是从一个地方来的,共同语言这和个喜学好校差,别同很时大小心,但翼是翼地大观家察都周很围努的力一地切融。入

5.The unknown world

Looking at the golden clouds from the window of airplane,I was troubled by this important moment.My new life was coming,but I had to find out for myself if it was the right decision.I could not fall asleep despite being awake for two days.The sunshine became brighter and brighter.Does that mean a new beginning?After we rented a car and drove to Putney,I calmed down because of the quiet rain and green forest outside.I started to recall my life before,everything I was familiar with.My middle school,my dear friends,our preparation for the tests,my home,my room,my bed,my novels,even the two goldfsh in our house.I recalled that most of the fsh in that aquarium were eaten by two bigger fsh.Eventually,one of them even ate the other.My mother,my cousin and I fnally used any implement we could fnd to get that horrible fsh out.Now,even those kind of creepy memories seem noteworthy.

I heard the sound of a car and thought about the situation again:how much had I learnedin English?What would my new school look like?Will it be diffcult to get along with people?My decision was made so recently but I was already on the way to my high school now!How could four hours pass so quickly?I did not even realize when we arrived in Putney village.It was so different from my home city.(www.xing528.com)

The GPS led us into the mountains,but it did not look like a place for a school.Just as we suspected that we might have driven the wrong way,a huge lawn with some houses appeared.It was the main building.I asked someone where Libby(the Director of International Students)was,since she was the only teacher I knew.Then,in the dining hall,I asked

a gray-haired woman if she knew where Libby was and she told me she wasLibby!That was very embarrassing because I did not realize her as theperson who interviewed me.Then sheintroduced one of the international ambassadors,Jan.She led me to my dorm.At that time,I felt it wasvery far and the layout of the school was so complicated,but itactually was pretty close.

A narrow stairway was visible after she opened the door.Jan helped me take my baggage upstairs.Actually,she did not just help...she did it for me.Those suitcases were so heavy that only Tiffany's strong boyfriend could have moved them.Living independently could make a girl so strong...Then,Jan sent me to library.An older woman found a green folder from her crowded office desk.It must be the schedule.I thanked her and went back to my dorm.It was a small room with two empty beds.I was lucky this time and was able to choose my own bed.Since I heard Vermont is a very cold place,I chose the one that was farthest from window.Tiffany and my mother helped me to set up everything and reminded me again about everything I needed to take care of.

Then,it was time to say goodbye.Trust me,even though some teenagers cannot wait to leave their parents and be free,no one can help but being sad and hate the coming separation.Watching them leave me was a cruel experience.I sat on the floor and cried,feeling as if I had been thrown into a black hole.Everything I knew had now left me.So is it time for a new life? I stood up andbegan to put my clothes in drawers.

