游戏是幼儿最喜欢的活动,富有兴趣性、虚构性、社会性和个体性等特点。幼儿英语教学与游戏相结合,能使幼儿对英语语言本身产生浓厚兴趣,而且通过一些游戏规则能激发幼儿开口说的欲望。幼儿教师创设游戏情景,让幼儿在玩中不知不觉地学习语言。例如,在学习《Wolf and Rabbit》时,请一部分幼儿扮演wolf(狼),另一部分幼儿扮演rabbit(兔子)进行表演。W:“Im a wolf.Im hungry.Open the door!”R:“Who is it?”W:“Its me,grandma”幼儿进入角色后,会努力地模仿W和R去听去说。在这样的活动中每个幼儿都是主角,都在参与,都在反复地听、说,教学效果好。
小班英语教学问候语Good morning教学设计
本次教学活动的教材是在棒棒糖幼儿英语的基础上,结合电子英语绘本Big Muzzy在夹江外国语实验幼稚园所做的实践运用。
主要从幼儿认知水平、思维能力和阅读能力来设定。学习本课程之后,幼儿在真实的语言环境中有效地使用“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”“Good evening!”“Good night!”这几个问候语。并为幼儿以后的英语学习夯实基础,锻炼幼儿的阅读能力,激发幼儿的情感,培养幼儿的审美情趣,给幼儿更加丰富的精神享受。
Step 1 Warm-up
Task 1:The teacher greets with the children using“Good morning”.
T:Good morning,everyone.
S:Good morning,teacher.
StudentsReaction:The children greet with the teacher,“Good morning,teacher.”
Task 2:The teacher uses the puppet to review the sentence“Good morning”.
T:Good morning.
S:Good morning.
StudentsReaction:The children review“Good morning”.
Step 2 Presentation
Task 1:Introduce the topic.
The teacher plays the video,the children appreciate the video.
T:Lets watch the video.
Task 2:The children read the story following the teacher.The teacher can point to the words,sentences and pictures.At last,they sing the song following the video.
T:Good morning.
S:Good morning.
StudentsReaction:The children read the story and the sentences.
Task 3:Turn Over the Card.(
The teacher turns over the word cards,two children in one group.A child opens the card,sees the clock,and says“Good morning!”If he is right,he can continue to open the next card.If he is wrong,another child will say“Oh,no!”and then the child will turn over the word card and say the relevant sentence patterns.
S1:Good morning!
S1:Good afternoon!
S2:No.Good evening!
S2:T:Good night!
StudentsReaction:The children play the card and practice the sentence patterns.
Step 3 Game Time
Task 1:The teacher and the children circle together hand-in-hand.The teacher and the children sing the song until they are in a circle.Make sure that each child can see other children.
The teacher says“Good morning”and the children say“Good morning”.Then the teacher randomly invites one child to speak out the sentence:“Good afternoon.”Make sure that every child takes part in the game and that all words are used in the activity.
T:Good morning.
S:Good morning.
S1:Good afternoon!
S:Good afternoon!
Task 2:The teacher prepares the“clock chair”in advance.
When the teacher shows the picture with“clock”in the chair,the child stands up and reads“Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Good night”.When the teacher turns the card and shows the picture without“clock”on the chair,the child sits down and read.
T:Read after me.
T:You should stand up and say the word when you see the“clock”on the chair.You should sit down and say the word when you see the chair without“clock”.
StudentsReaction:The children play the game and practice the sentence patterns.
Step 4 Closure
The teacher makes positive comments on childrens performance and say goodbye to the children.
T:Thank you for your great work.Good-bye!
StudentsReaction:The children say“See you”to the teacher.
Teaching Extension:
The teacher shows the clock in the practice zone,and the children practice the sentence pattern.
The teacher asks the children to sing the song.