The Four—dimensions Angle of View on Educational Policy
LIU Fu—xing
【作 者】刘复兴
【作者简介】刘复兴(1966— ),男,山东利津人,北京师范大学教育政策与法律研究所副教授,博士,研究方向为教育政策分析、教育法学和教育哲学。北京师范大学教育学院,北京100875(
【英文摘要】The process of policy analysis is usually determined by the understanding to the essence of educational policy.The dissertation recongnizes educational policy from four respects such as phenomenon,essence,process and par-ticularity.On the respect of phenomenon,educational policy is political measures about education.On the respect of essence,the ultimate aim of educational policy is to allocate educational benefits.On the respect of process,educational policy is always a process that is ongoning and dynamic.On the respect of particularity,educational policy has characteristics of itself comparing with common public policy.