首页 理论教育 小说中人物的努力和勇气


时间:2023-07-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:to explain that they started early to avoid the hottest part of the day.P.145.He couldn't for the life of him figure out why anyone would want to be called Armpit.P.206.…but I am very proud of you for trying to make the best of a bad situation.P.7523.And it was a relief not to have other shovels swinging past his face,…P.8024.He needed to save energy for the people who counted.P.8225.Since he had taken the blame for the sunflower seeds,he realized,…P.9426.None of them took credit for it.P.9527.…P.15035.It was a mirage caused by the shimmering waves of heat…P.15236.It distracted Stanley as well.P.16237.He gathered his strength and for a brief second seemed to defy gravity as…


1.If you don't bother them,they won't bother you.P.4

2.Other times they'd run an obstacle course,or go bungee jumping…P.7

3.To be a successful inventor you need three things:intelligence,perseverance,and just a little bit of luck.P.8

4.…to explain that they started early to avoid the hottest part of the day.P.14

5.He couldn't for the life of him figure out why anyone would want to be called Armpit.P.20

6.…he had donated them to help raise money for the homeless shelter.P.23

7.Stanley took it as some kind of sign.P.24

8.Using all his might,he brought the shovel back down onto the dry lake bed.P.26

9.For once in his life it paid to be overweight.P.28

10.Elya took the tiny piglet,but he didn't see what good it would do him.P.30

11.“You'd better get with it,”he said.P.32

12.He was glad X-Ray and Armpit had come to his rescue.P.45

13.He stopped writing as he became aware that somebody was reading over his shoulder.P.46

14.The second hole was the hardest.It would take a miracle.P.49

15.Derrick wouldn't stand a chance.P.54

16.You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it.P.57

17.After all,you only have one life,so you should try to make the most of it.P.57

18.After a while he'd lost track of the day of the week,and how many holes he'd dug.P.59

19.His curiosity had gotten the better of him.P.60

20.I want you to take over X-Ray's hole.P.69

21.The warden saw to it that nobody in Group D was ever thirsty.P.70

22.…but I am very proud of you for trying to make the best of a bad situation.P.75

23.And it was a relief not to have other shovels swinging past his face,…P.80

24.He needed to save energy for the people who counted.P.82

25.Since he had taken the blame for the sunflower seeds,he realized,…P.94

26.None of them took credit for it.P.95

27.…trying to act like it was nothing,but his big smile gave him away.P.97

28.He found it hard to believe that Miss Katherine had turned him down.P.103(www.xing528.com)

29.He agreed to fix the leaky roof in exchange for six jars of spiced peaches.P.109

30.Katherine Barlow was rescued against her wishes.P.115

31.But the image of the fist and thumb remained in Stanley's head.P.129

32.His body had adjusted somewhat to the heat and harsh conditions.P.131

33.The Warden ordered the counselors o take turns guarding…P.140

34.…the Warden would just pick a spot at random,and say…P.150

35.It was a mirage caused by the shimmering waves of heat…P.152

36.It distracted Stanley as well.P.162

37.He gathered his strength and for a brief second seemed to defy gravity as…P.166

38.The ground got steeper and steeper,and then there was no doubt that…P.167

39.It no longer resembled a thumb.P.171

40.It felt like the insides of his mouth and throat were coated with sand.P.173

41.Tell Becca that when she feels up to it to come by the store for a piece of candy.P.179

42.Maybe sneak into the kitchen and get some food.P.188

43.…and Stanley carried the sack,which was crammed with onions and…P.191

44.A wave of terror rushed over him when he saw the compound…P.197

45.He stumbled over a small pile of dirt.P.199

46.…the hard object became more pronounced.P.200

47.…and carefully began to dig a tunnel underneath the metal object.P.201

48.If he pulled too hard,he feared,he'd caused a cave-in.P.202

49.“You boys arrived just in the nick…”the Warden started to say.P.204

50.The lizard which had been in the cereal box was springing toward him.P.207

51.Standing still was more strenuous than walking.P.210

52.He's been suffering from hallucinations and delirium.P.215

53.You stole it from my cabin,and you've been caught red-handed.P.216

54.It's like they've fallen through a hole in cyberspace.P.222

55.Here,I've got a sample in my briefcase.P.225

