首页 理论教育 在纪念孔子诞辰2565周年国际学术研讨会第五届开幕会上的讲话


时间:2023-07-17 理论教育 版权反馈


中国国家主席 习近平








































Confucianism : World Peace and Development——Opening Remarks by President Xi Jinping at the International Conference in Commemoration of the 2,565th Anniversary of Confucius's Birth and the Fifth Congress of ICA[1](www.xing528.com)

Distinguished Guests, Experts and Scholars, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

“How happy we are to have friends from afar.” Today, we come together in Beijing for the International Conference in Commemoration of the 2,565th Anniversary of Confucius's Birth and the Fifth Congress of the International Confucian Association.This is a grand meeting for Confucians and scholars from the international community.First of all, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on its opening and sincere welcome to all the guests and friends.

The conference theme, “Confucianism: World Peace and Development,” reflects the concerns for the world and human destiny.I believe it is a topic of great significance.

Peace and development remain the theme of the times, and are also two major issues that affect human happiness and well-being.People wish to live in a peaceful world without wars and violence, free from starvation and poverty.But the real world is far from ideal, for wars break out all the time, and poverty and hunger remain rife and difficult to overcome.All the disasters and woes are threatening the lives of people, of women and children in particular.When people are suffering, we feel compassion and obligation for them in their anguish.The international community should work closely to create world peace and promote common development.Only in this way is there hope for peace and prosperity.

I believe we can achieve world peace through concerted and collective effort.When I paid a visit to the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris this past March, I was deeply impressed with the inscription of one single message carved on the stone tablet at the entrance to the headquarters.It writes in several languages: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” I concur with this message.It is very important for us to nurture the idea of peace in human minds.

The Chinese people have always been peace-loving, and this tradition has been deeply rooted in Confucianism.Since ancient times, the Chinese have been staunch advocates of peaceful ideas, such as “All nations coexist in concord , ” “ Loving people and treating neighbors with kindness are most valuable to a country, ” “ Within the four seas, all men are brothers, ” “ A close neighbor is better than a kinsman afar, ” “ Neighbors wish each other well, just as family members do,” and “A warlike state, however big it may be, will eventually perish.” The love for peace has been embedded strongly in the Chinese spiritual world, and remains China's fundamental philosophy in handling international relations.

From the Opium War in 1840 until the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese nation suffered from repeated foreign invasions, internal turmoil, and even severe crises of national subjugation and genocide.The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937—1945) alone incurred 35 million Chinese casualties.These traumatic experiences enable us to most understand the value of peace and development.Peace is like sunshine and fresh air.We cannot grow and even survive without it.

As Confucius put it, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” China needs and loves peace.We should endeavor to maintain world peace and help those who are plagued with wars and famine.China will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development, and hopes other countries will do so as well.And we can work together as peers in the pursuit of peace and development.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends !

This year marks the 2,565th anniversary of the birth of Confucius.As the core of China's traditional culture, Confucianism has profoundly shaped the Chinese civilization.Like other philosophical systems arising in the development process of the Chinese nation, Confucianism has recorded Chinese social activities, rational thinking, and cultural achievements since distant past.It also has reflected Chinese inner spiritual pursuit, and provided deep and concentrated nourishment for the Chinese people to sustain national prosperity and growth.Chinese civilization has not only significantly shaped our country in many different ways, but also made extraordinary contributions to the progress of human civilization.

Traditional Chinese culture, particularly philosophy, has experienced several stages of development, including the contention of a hundred schools of thought during the pre-Qin period, the boom of Confucian classics studies in the Western and Eastern Han dynasties, prevalence of metaphysics in the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties, the coexistence of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the rise of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties.Over a span of thousands of years, Chinese culture has retained its unique traditions and features.For starters, Confucianism and other schools of thought are like the two sides of the same coin, competing with and learning from each other.Despite its long-standing predominance, Confucianism has always been in a state of harmonious coexistence with other theories.Second,Confucianism and other schools of thought have maintained tremendous vitality, for they have constantly evolved and renewed themselves while responding to demands of times.Third, Confucius and other great thinkers all stressed practical application of their ideas through the incorporation of individuals' and society's education into state governance.

China's traditional culture, including Confucianism, has never ceased to foster the formation and development of the Chinese civilization.It has facilitated our political unity and national integration, shaped the tradition of ethnic harmony, and enlivened the national spirit.It also has inspired us to defend the independence of the country against foreign aggression, and to promote social development and balance social interests and relations.

In the present-day world, the human race has made exponential material and spiritual progress.Material abundance, in particular, is beyond the wildest imagination of our ancestors.And yet we are still struggling with many tough issues, such as widening income gaps, boundless pursuit of luxuries, expansion of individualism,diminishing social credibility, moral bankruptcy, and increasing tension between man and nature.To meet these challenges, we need to draw on not only the latest discoveries and improvements of the science, but also the wisdom and strength that humanity has accumulated throughout history.

People of insight believe that the key to addressing these issues can be found in traditional Chinese culture and Confucianism in particular.Such ideas include: “Dao follows spontaneity,” “Man is an integral part of nature , ” “The world belongs to all, ” and “ Great virtue carries all things.” There are plenty more examples, such as “ putting people first and making them live a secure, affluent, and happy life, ” “ governing with moral principles and uprightness, ” “ keeping reform alive and advancing with the time, ” “ staying down-to-earth and seeking truth from facts, ” “ unifying knowledge and action, ” “ practicing what one preaches, ” “ drawing upon collective wisdom and absorbing all useful ideas,” “being benevolent and loving,” “being a man of moral virtue,”“ treating people with honesty, and advocating credibility and harmony , ” “maintaining clean politics and performing duties diligently and honestly, ” “ being thrifty and refraining from extravagance, ” “ seeking common ground while reserving differences and harmonious coexistence,” and “bearing in mind perils in times of safety,destruction in times of survival, and adversity in times of prosperity.” These traditional philosophical theories,humanistic values, educational ideas and moral visions will remain a source of inspirations for people to recognize and transform the world, to govern and rule their countries, and to improve their morality.For those parts of traditional culture that regulate social relations and motivate people to become better and kinder individuals,we should carry forward and promote them into the modern era.I hope scholars from both home and abroad will exchange ideas and learn from each other.By this means, the great traditional Chinese culture, along with other cultures, could contribute to the benefit of humankind.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends!

Since the dawn of human civilization, only a country or nation that has inherited the past can create the future.The world today has evolved from the coming together of a variety of civilizations.I believe mutual exchange and reciprocal learning between civilizations can help us to forge a more beautiful world and a better quality of life.

And this endeavor challenges us to think about how we treat different civilizations as well as traditional and modern cultures.In my view, we should uphold the following principles:

First of all, preserve the diversity of world civilizations.As Mencius said, “It is only natural for things to be different from one another.” Harmony in diversity embodies the law that governs all things to develop.Creatures and things vary from each other in a fascinating way, and advancement and progress will cease once such diversity is replaced by uniformity.Rooted in the native soil, every country or civilization is unique and beautiful.We must maintain the diversity of civilizations, promote mutual exchange and shared learning, and also no transform, assimilate or even seek to replace other cultures.In so doing, cultures of all sorts can blossom with vitality in the garden of world civilizations.

Rich and colorful human civilization has its own value of existence.To take a rational attitude toward the difference between our civilization and others, we should realize that every country or civilization is unique.Meanwhile, we need to seek common ground while reserving differences, and learn from each other while avoiding attacking or belittling other civilizations.It is unwise to attempt to completely transform or assimilate a different culture, or even replace it with one's own.History has repeatedly proven that compulsory solution intending to address differences among cultures has never been worked out, but rather brought repeated disasters to the world.

Second, respect all civilizations in the world.Civilization, particularly thought and culture, is the heart and soul of a nation.No country or nation can survive if they lose their own thought and culture.A country should value and preserve its own culture and respect others.Different cultures have their respective advantages, strengths and features, and none of them can be judged superior to others.Each country's culture equally deserves our respect, regardless of its size and power.

Recognizing the achievements of our country does not mean shutting the door to the outside and exclusively assuming self-importance.Learning from other countries and nations is crucial to building up our self-esteem,self-confidence, and independence.

Third, encourage mutual exchange and reciprocal learning.Civilizations become richer and more colorful with exchange and mutual learning.Any civilization, regardless of its origin, is fluid and open.This is an important rule for the spread and development of civilization.Throughout its long-term evolution, Chinese civilization has gained rich nutrition through exchange with others, and in turn made contributions to the human progress.The opening of the Silk Road, the mass foreign envoys sent to China in the Sui and Tang dynasties,Faxian and Xuan Zang's westward pilgrimages for Buddhist scriptures, and Zheng He's seven voyages to the western ocean are the most vivid cases of exchanges between China and foreign countries.While Confucianism originated from China, it has already embraced the world and become part of human civilization.

As a Chinese proverb reminds us, “Studying alone and having no peer friends makes one ignorant and illinformed.” We should learn from all human civilizations across time and space, from ancient China, Greece,Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia and India, and from modern Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Oceania.In this fashion, we can establish the great cultural genome of human civilization and advance those fine cultures whose value transcends geographic borders and social boundaries.I believe that exchange and mutual learning between civilizations should proceed with reciprocal complementarity, and be open and inclusive.However, this does not mean to simply accept everything without careful selection and screening.Instead, we must reject the dross and take in the quintessence of other cultures.

Fourth, treat traditional culture in a scientific manner.We can only inform the future by learning from the past.And we can only base our innovation on the inheritance of tradition.A country's traditional culture is the cornerstone of its growth and prosperity.Losing it will remove the country's heart and soul.As such, we need to integrate traditional culture into the modern society, and develop a modern culture in which we not only inherit instructive tradition but also continuously reshape and remodel it for the demand of real time.

During its formation and development, traditional culture had its inherent drawbacks due to the limits of ancient knowledge and social conditions, which inevitably brings some obsolete and even dangerous ideas into modern society.This requires us to get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh in a variety of cultural traditions.Instead of blindly copying old ideas, we should sort out fine traditional culture based on the need of our times.Drawing lessons from the past can help us to identify positive and negative aspects of our traditions.China's traditional culture is neither perfect nor infallible, and this is why we should creatively transform and innovatively develop it in keeping with the progress of the times.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends!

Culture conveys truth and educates people.Today's China is a continuation of ancient China, and the Chinese have inherited and advanced the tradition of Chinese culture.To understand present-day China and her people, one must delve into our culture lineages, and precisely make sense of the cultural soil that nourishes the Chinese nation whilst growing.

Studying Confucius and Confucianism is a great way to understand Chinese national traits and characteristics as well as the origin of their inner world.During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, Confucianism and other schools of thought such as Legalism, Daoism, Mohism, Agriculturism, and Militarism have competed with and complemented each other, greatly enriching Chinese people's spiritual life.While Confucia nism has dominated Chinese society for thousands of years, the Chinese culture encompassed diverse and competing schools of thought in its long history.The essential part of this tradition has evolved into the cultural genome of the Chinese nation, and shaped their longstanding view of the world, of life and of ethic values, as well as their aesthetic standards.It is the cultural genome, which has been developed during the long-term process of Chinese self-cultivation, familial harmony, state governance, and world peace, that distinguishes the Chinese uniquely from other nations.

The ambitions and diligent endeavors as well as the values and spiritual traditions of the Chinese people have been ultimately rooted in China's traditional culture, and have constantly progressed with the times.

The Chinese Communists are Marxists, adhering to the scientific theories of Marxism and committing themselves to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.But the Chinese Communists are neither historical nihilists, nor cultural nihilists.We believe that the basic tenets of Marxism must be adapted to the reality of China, and that we should treat traditional culture in a scientific manner, and arm ourselves with all outstanding cultural achievements that humanity has created.While leading the Chinese people to carry out the magnificent revolution, reform and modernization, the Communist Party of China has always been a loyal inheritor and promoter of fine traditional Chinese culture.Great thinkers and practitioners, from Confucius to Sun Yat-sen, unexceptionally inherited the treasured values of traditional culture.Nowadays, the Chinese people are committed to the “two century goals,” one of which is to build a moderately prosperous society by 2020, a concept drawing from the chapter “The Operation of Etiquette” in the Book of Rites.This goal entails the vision of an ideal society that the Chinese has pursued since ancient times.Taking this idea from dream to reality as a development agenda of China can help us to build broad public understanding and support.

In a word, only if we draw upon the wisdom of history and carry on the cultural bloodline of China, can we become more successful in our endeavor.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends !

We need to consider the past to know the future.Both traditional knowledge passed down through generations and modern knowledge acquired until present have important implications.Traditional knowledge encompasses the ancient perception and experience of the relationship between man, society and nature, whereas modern knowledge reflects the contemporary vision of wisdom gained in the exploration of modern world.Both types of knowledge are essential to human development and social advancement.

Today, as we look at the 21st century world, the considerable body of theoretical and practical knowledge that has accumulated over thousands of years still remains a solid foundation of human progress.Certainly, we can know the world, our society and ourselves better, and create a brighter future for humanity, but only if we keep exploring and exploiting the great achievements of human thought and culture.

I wish the conference every success.

Thank you.



[1]ICA is the International Confucian Association.

