在意大利,对于刑事案件的受害人,法律给予的保护是比较全面的。《意大利民法典》第2059条所规定的精神损害(danno morale)是以触犯刑法为前提的。意大利法认为,对人的身体或健康的侵害其本身就构成了一种“事件损害”(danno evento),即使在原告既没有主张《意大利民法典》第2059条所规定的“疼痛和痛苦”之损害,也没有主张《意大利民法典》第2043条所规定的金钱损失的情况下,这种“事件损害”也是可以得到补偿的。现在,对这一问题的标准表述是,“无论对主体的收入和其他方面有无消极或不利影响,他在生理或精神上的完整性的损害,即受宪法第32条保护的健康上的损害本身就是一种独立的损害形态”。换言之,对个人的心理上/生理上的完整性的侵害或损害,即构成本身可诉的损害。[234]
[1]Winfield/Jolowicz( −Rogers)Tort 14thed.,p.3.
[2]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:4.
[5]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:20.
[6]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].Hague: Kluwer Law International,2001:7 −8.
[7]Henry Camlbell Black.Black’s Law Dictionary[M].5thed.Minnesota:West Publishing Co.,1979:999.
[8]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7thed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:134.
[9]See John Munkman,Damages for Personal Injuries and Death 122(9th ed.1993).
[10]Harvey McGregor,McGregor on Damages,15thed.,1988,956.See Thompson v.Royal Mail Lines Ltd.,[1957]1 Lloyd’s List L.Rep.99(Q.B.)(Eng.).
[11]Laid down in Fetter v.Beale(1701)1 Ld.Raym.339 at 692.;Fitter v.Veal[1701]12 Mod.542.
[12]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7thed.London: Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:134−135.
[13]David K.Allen.Damages in Tort[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell,2000:244.
[14]Henry Camlbell Black.Black’s Law Dictionary[M].5thed.Minnesota:West Publishing Co.,1979:999.
[15]Comment,Loss of Enjoyment of Life as a Separate Element of Damages,12 PAC.L.J.965,969 −72(1981).
[16]Estate of Pearson ex rel.Latta v.Interstate Power and Light Co.,700 N.W.2d 333(Iowa 2005).
[18]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.2.,p.19.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[19]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.2.,p.19.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[20](1967)111 S.J.670.
[22]John Cooke.Law of Tort[M].5thed.Beijing:Law Press,2003:359.
[23]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7thed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:134.
[24]Rourke v.Bardon[1982]C.L.Y.793.
[25]Thompson v.Royal Mail Lines[1957]1 Lloyd’s Rep.99.
[26]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:173,fn.1029.
[27]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 905,Comments and Illustrations.
[28]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 905,Illustration 3.
[29]Young B.Smith & William L.Prosser,Cases and Materials on Torts 617(1952).
[30]Smith v.Pittsburg,Fort Wayne & Chicago Ry.Co.,23 Ohio St.10,18 −19(1872).
[31]Capelouto v.Kaiser Found Hosps.,500 P.2d 880,883(Cal.1972).
[32]Fantozzi v.Sandusky Cement Prods.Co.,597 N.E.2d 474,484(Ohio 1992).
[33]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.16.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[34]John Cooke.Law of Tort[M].5thed.Beijing:Law Press,2003:359.
[35]Administration of Justice Act 1982 s1(b).根据该法案的规定,“预期寿命的丧失”已不再是一个独立的损害种类。
[36]John Cooke.Law of Tort[M].5thed.Beijing:Law Press,2003:359.
[37]Hicks v.Chief Constable of South Yorkshire[1992]2 All E.R.65.
[38][1992]P.I.Q.R.P.43.;and See[1992]2 All E.R.65,H.L.
[39]The Law Reform(Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1934.
[40]W.V.Horton Rogers(ed.),Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss in a Comparative Perspective,Springer Wien New York,2001,p.63.但是,在美国,即使死者在事故发生时就死亡了,其在死前遭受的痛苦也可以得到补偿。许多法院准许陪审团对死者在受到的伤害前的恐惧给予高额的损害赔偿金,即使该种恐惧仅仅持续了几秒钟,如死者在飞机起飞或降落时发生的爆炸中感受到的恐惧。参见:[美]文森特·R.约翰逊.美国侵权法[M].赵秀文,等,译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004:65.
[41][1992]The Times,19 June,C.A.
[42]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 905,Comments & Illustrations.
[44]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 910.
[45]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 910,Illustration 1.
[46]Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts § 924.
[49]Mich.Comp.Laws § 600.2922(6)(1989)(只在受害人清醒的状态下,裁定“疼痛和痛苦”的赔偿金)。Utah Code Ann.§ 78 −11 −12(1989)(same);Wyo.Stat.§ 1 −38 −102(1989).(对死者的“疼痛和痛苦”做出裁定,并不是确定的损害的组成部分)。
[50]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001.Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998.Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,http://www.jus.unitn.it/cardozo/Review/2002/ Cannarsa.pdf.
[51]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:173.
[52]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001:148.
[53]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001:12.
[54]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:175,fn.1044.
[55]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.18.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[56]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.17.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[57]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:175,fn.1045.
[58]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].Hague:Kluwer Law International,2001:81.
[59]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.2.,p.19.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[61]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.2.,p.18.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[64]OGH 13 July 1988,JBL 1989 pp.41 −42.quoted from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:73,fn 361.
[65]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:73.
[66]Bourhill v.Young,SC 1941 pp.395,407.,quoted from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74,fn 364.
[67]Hinz v.Berry[1970]2 QB 40(CA).
[68]Soutar v.Mulhern SC 1907 p.723.
[69]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74,fn 367.
[70]OGH 16 June 1994,ZVR 1995/46 p.116.quoted from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74,fn 368.
[71]BGH 30 Apr.1991,BGHZ 114 p.284.quoted from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74,fn 369.
[72]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74,fn 370.
[73]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:74 −75.
[74]OLG Munich 9 Feb.1995,NJW 1995 p.2422.
[75]BGH 30 May 1995,NJW 1995 pp.2412,2413.
[76]OLG Düsseldorf 13 Jan.1994,NJW-RR 1995 p.159.
[77]See McMahon/Binchy,Irish Law of Torts,2ndedn.pp.407 −409.
[78]RL 31 Oct.1984,CJ IX(1984 −4)p.155.;cf.Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:84.
[79]E(A Minor)v.Dorset County Council[1994]4 All ER 640,660(per Evans LJ).
[80]Meah v.McCreamer(No.1)[1985]1 All ER 367(Woolf J).;Meah v.McCreamer(No.1)[1986]1 All ER 943(Woolf J).
[81]Décret n° 88 −523 of 5 May 1988,modified by Décret n° 95 −408 of 18 April 1995.
[82]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.2.p.19.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[83]BGH 25 Sep.1970,VersR 1970 p.1107.
[84]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:87.
[85]OLG Hamm 20 Dec.1977,VersR 1979 p.579.
[86]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:88.
[88]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7th ed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:138 −139.
[89]See Stuart Speiser,Charles Krause & Alfred Gans,The American Law of Torts 70(1990).
[90]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.18.http://www.jus.unitn.it/cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[91]See Cook v.J.L.Keir & Co.,[1970]1 W.L.R.774,775 −76(Eng.C.A.)(在该案中,对于味觉和嗅觉的丧失裁定了损害赔偿金).
[92]See Cook v.J.L.Keir & Co.,[1970]1 W.L.R.776(Eng.C.A.)(该案判决称,人身伤害的后果包括性无能).
[93]Harvey McGregor,McGregor on Damages 959(15th ed.1988).
[95](1967)112 S.J.32.
[96]Hoffman v.Sofaer[1982]1 W.L.R.1350 at 1353 C.
[97]Ichard v.Frangoulis[1977]1 W.L.R.556.
[98]per Birkett L.J.in Manley v.Rugby Portland Cement Co.Ltd,a decision of the Court of Appeal in 1951.
[99]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7thed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:139 −140.See e.g.Hughes v.McKeown[1985]1 W.L.R.963.
[100]Hale v.London Underground[1993]P.I.Q.R.Q30 at Q39.
[101]David K.Allen.Damages in Tort[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell,2000:249.
[102]See Harvey McGregor,McGregor on Damages 962(15th ed.1988).
[103][1991]2 Med.L.R.419.
[104]David K.Allen.Damages in Tort[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell,2000:245.
[105]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:174.
[106]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.19.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[107]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:176,fn.1047.
[108]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:175.
[109]Basil S.Markesinis and Hannes Unberath.The German Law of Torts: A Comparative Treaties[M].4thed.Oxford and Portland,Oregon:Hart Publishing,2002:921.
[110]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:170.
[111]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:175,fn 1041.
[112]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.18.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[113]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:175,fn.1040.
[114]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7th ed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:138 −139.
[115]“Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss” Law Com.Consultation Paper No.140(1995)at 2.14.
[116]David K.Allen.Damages in Tort[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell,2000:246.(www.xing528.com)
[117]David Kemp.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:140.
[118]See Burke v.United States,605 F.Supp.981(D.Md.1985).
[119]See Cramer,Carleton R.Cramer,Comment,Loss of Enjoyment of Life as a Separate Element of Damages,12 Pac.L.J.966(1981).
[120]Simms v.Progressive Ins.Co.,883 So.2d 473(La.Ct.App.2d Cir.2004),reh’g denied,(Oct.21,2004).
[122]Sherrod v.Berry,629 F.Supp.159,163(N.D.Ill.1985),rev’d and remanded on other grounds,856 F.2d 802(7th Cir.1988).
[123]Kyle R.Crowe.The Semantical Bifurcation of Non-Economic Loss: Should Hedonic Damages Be Recognized Independently of Pain and Suffering Damage[J].Iowa Law Review,1990(7).
[124]Kyle R.Crowe.The Semantical Bifurcation of Non-Economic Loss: Should Hedonic Damages Be Recognized Independently of Pain and Suffering Damage[J].Iowa Law Review,1990(7).
[125]Haynes v.Waterville & Oakland St.Ry.,64 A.614,615(Me.1906).
[126]Haeussler v.Consol.Stone & Sand Co.,127 A.602,604(N.J.1925).
[127]Bennett v.Lembo,761 A.2d 494,498(N.H.2000).
[128]Canfield v.Sandock,563 N.E.2d 1279,1282(Ind.1990);Flannery v.United States,297 S.E.2d 433,436,438(W.Va.1982).
[129]Schindler Elevator Corp.v.Anderson,78 S.W.3d 392(Tex.App.2001),vacated on settlement,Docket No.02 −0426(May 22,2003).
[130]Wise v.Kaye[1962]1 QB 638(CA).;H.West v.Shepard[1964]AC 326(HL).
[131]Harvey McGregor.McGregor on Damages[M].15thed.London:Sweet & Maxwell,1988:956 −958.
[132]John Cooke.Law of Tort[M].5th ed.Beijing:Law Press,2003:359.
[133][1980]A.C.174 at 188.
[134][1962]1 Q.B.638;[1962]2 W.L.R.96;[1962]1 All E.R.257,C.A.
[135][1962]2 W.L.E.,JAN.19,1962 THE WEEKLY LAW EEPOETS,p.99.
[136][1962]2 W.L.E.,JAN.19,1962 THE WEEKLY LAW EEPOETS, p.105.
[137][1964]2 A.C.326,349(U.K.).
[140]See H.Street,Principal of Law of Damage,63(1975).
[141]David Kemp Q.C.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].7th ed.London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:138 −139.
[142]Lang v.City of Des Moines,294 N.W.2d 557,562(Iowa 1980).
[143]See Andrews v.Freeborough,[1967]1 Q.B.1,13 −14(Eng.C.A.1966).,Schlichte v.Franklin Toy Trucks,265 N.W.2d 725,728(Iowa 1978).
[144]297 S.E.2d 433(W.Va.1982),rev’d 718 F.2d 108 −11(4th Cir.1983),cert.denied,467 U.S.1226(1984).
[145]McDougald v.Garber,135 A.D.2d 80,524 N.Y.S.2d 192 −200(1988),aff’d and modified,73 N.Y.2d 246,536 N.E.2d 372,538 N.Y.S.2d 937(1989).
[146]对于“享乐损害赔偿金”的更多的批判,See,Victor E.Schwartz & Cary Silverman,Hedonic Damages: The Rapidly Bubbling Cauldron,69 Brook.L.Rev.1037(2004).作者在文中称,享乐损害赔偿金是有问题的,特别是在作为一种独立的裁决额类型的时候会导致超额的赔偿。
[147]Keene v.Brigham & Women’s Hosp.,Inc.,775 N.E.2d 739(Mass.App.Ct.),review granted,777 N.E.2d 1263(Mass.2002).
[148]David Kemp.Damages for Personal Injury and Death[M].London:Sweet & Maxwell Limited,1999:135.
[149]183 Conn.448,449 −52,439 A.2d 408 −16(1981).
[150]245 Kan.325,778 P.2d 823 −39(1989).
[151]Rufino v.United States,829 F.2d 354,356(2d Cir.1987).
[152]Gregory v.Carey,791 P.2d 1329 −34(Kan.1990).
[153]See Comment,Establishing Recovery for Loss of Enjoyment of Life Apart from Conscious Pain and Suffering: McDougald v.Garber,62 St.John’s L.Rev.,at 342(1988).
[154]Nemmers v.United States,681 F.Supp.567 −76(C.D.Ill.1988).
[155]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:18,fn.103 −109.
[156]U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].London:Kluwer Law International,2001:103.
[157]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:176.
[158]BGH 12.5.1998,VersR 1998,p.1035.;quoted from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:23,fn.104.
[159]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:22.
[160]Cass.Civ.2e,22 février.1995.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:63−64.
[162]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,,p.17.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[163]U.Magnus(ed.),Unification of Tort Law: Damages,Kluwer Law International,Printed in Great Britain,2001,p.86.
[164]Compensation for Personal Injury in France by Michel Cannarsa,2.2.3.,p.20.http://www.jus.unitn.it/ cardozo/Review/2002/Cannarsa.pdf.
[165]U.Magnus(ed.),Unification of Tort Law: Damages,Kluwer Law International,Printed in Great Britain,2001:22 −23.
[166]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:22 −23,fn.103,106,107,108.
[168]Cour d’ appel de Bordeaux,18 April 1991.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:64.
[178]联邦最高普通法院案例[J].新法学周刊,1993:781(BGH,NJW 1993,781).转引自:[德]马克西米利安·福克斯.侵权行为法[M].第五版.齐晓琨,译.北京:法律出版社,2004:228.
[180]参见联邦最高普通法院民事判例集8第243页(BGHZ 8,243)。转引自:[德]马克西米利安·福克斯.侵权行为法[M].第五版.齐晓琨,译.北京:法律出版社,2004:14.
[182]Yvonne Lambert-Faivre,p.12.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:62.
[183]Yvonne Lambert-Faivre,p.13.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:62.
[184]C.Cass.civ.1 re,26 March,1996.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:62−63.
[185]H.A.Cousy and Anja Vanderspikken,Damages under Belgian Law,from U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].London:Kluwer Law International,2001:31.
[192]H.A.Cousy and Anja Vanderspikken,Damages under Belgian Law,from U.Magnus.Unification of Tort Law: Damages[M].London:Kluwer Law International,2001:31.
[197]Lete del Rio.Derecho de la Persona.2nded.188.quated from Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:61.
[198]L.Frumer & M.Friedman,Personal Injury: Actions,Defenses,Damages §§13 −14(1984).
[200]Murphy v.Martin Oil Co.,56 Ill.2d 423,308 N.E.2d 583(Ill.1974).
[202]Schlichte v.Franklin Toy Trucks,265 N.W.2d 725,728(Iowa 1978).
[203]Willinger v.Mercy Catholic Med.Ctr.,393 A.2d 1188,1191(Pa.1978).
[204]Clement v.Consolidated Rail Corp.,Civ.No.88 −3793,WESTLAW Screen *14(D.N.J.Sept.22,1989)(WESTLAW,Allfeds database).
[205]Payne v.Eighth Judicial District Ct.,60 P.3d 469,472 −73(Mont.2002).
[206]McDavid v.United States,584 S.E.2d 226(W.Va.2003).
[207]Dan B.Dobbs.The Law of Torts:Volume 2[M].Minnesota:West Group,2001:805.
[208]Estate of Pearson ex rel.Latta v.Interstate Power and Light Co.,700 N.W.2d 333(Iowa 2005).
[209]Clark v.G.B.Cooley Service,813 So.2d 1273(La.Ct.App.2d Cir.2002).
[210]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66.
[211][德]马克西米利安·福克斯.侵权行为法[M].第五版.齐晓琨,译.北京:法律出版社,2004:227 −228.
[214]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:68,fn 332.
[215]See Andrews v.Freeborough,[1967]1 Q.B.1,13 −14(Eng.C.A.1966).
[216]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:67,fn.330.
[217]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:25,fn 126.
[225]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66,fn 323.
[226]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66.
[227]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66.
[229]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66,fn 324.
[230]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66.
[231]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:66 −67.
[232]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:68.
[233]Viney,Conditions,pp.317 −321,Goubeaux,pp.244 −247;Walter van Gerven Jereny Lever,Pierre Larouche Christion Von Bar Genevieve Viney,Torts,ibid,p.183.转引自:张民安.现代法国侵权责任制度研究[M].第二版.北京:法律出版社,2007:64.
[234]Christian Von Bar.The Common European Law of Torts:Volume Two[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:24.