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时间:2023-07-16 理论教育 版权反馈




图3-6 2014年督学接受任命前的工作经历分布

(资料来源:The Council of the Great City Schools.Urban School Superintendents:Characteristics,Tenure,and Salary,Eighth Survey and Report.Urban Indicator,Fall 2014:2-6.)






[1]The Council of the Great City Schools.Annual Report 2014-2015.http://www.cgcs.org/cms/lib/DC00001581/Centricity/Domain/16/Annual%20Report% 20 final-website.pdf,2016-07-14.

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[7]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Superintendents:Characteristics,Tenure,and Salary,Eighth Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2014:3.

[8]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Superintendents:Characteristics,Tenure,and Salary,Eighth Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2014:3.(www.xing528.com)

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[10]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Superintendents:Characteristics,Tenure,and Salary,Eighth Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2014:3.

[11]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Superintendents:Characteristics,Tenure,and Salary,Eighth Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2014:1.

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[15]J.H.Davis,F.D.Schoorman,L.Donaldson.“Toward a Stewardship Theory of Management”.The Academy of Management Review,1997 (1):20-47.

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[20]D.M.Mertens.Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology:Integrating Diversity with Quantitative,Qualitative,and Mixed Methods (2nd ed.) .London:Sage Publications,2005:423.

[21]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:182-183.

[22]Elizabeth Hall Hamilton.The Role of the Superintendent in Ensuring School Board Focus on Student Achievement.University of Southern California,2012:1.

[23]Elizabeth Hall Hamilton.The Role of the Superintendent in Ensuring School Board Focus on Student Achievement.University of Southern California,2012:2.

[24]Elizabeth Hall Hamilton.The Role of the Superintendent in Ensuring School Board Focus on Student Achievement.University of Southern California,2012:1-2.

[25]Elizabeth Hall Hamilton.The Role of the Superintendent in Ensuring School Board Focus on Student Achievement.University of Southern California,2012:6.

[26]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:163.

