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[10]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Board Survey:Characteristics,Structure,and Benefits,Second Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2009:10.
[12]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Board Survey:Characteristics,Structure,and Benefits,Second Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2009:9.
[14]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Board Survey:Characteristics,Structure,and Benefits,Second Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2009:6-8.
[15]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:205-207.
[16]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:207-209.
[17]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:191-209.
[18]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:192-196.
[19]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:192-196.
[20]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:192-196.
[21]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:196-199.
[22]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:196-199.
[23]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Board Survey:Characteristics,Structure,and Benefits,Second Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2009:11.
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[25]Sergio Alfredo Canal.California School Boards:Professional Development and the Masters in Governance Training.University of Southern California,2013:35.
[26]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:175-177.
[27]Sergio Alfredo Canal.California School Boards:Professional Development and the Masters in Governance Training.University of Southern California,2013:18.
[28]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:199-201.
[29]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:199-201.
[30]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:201-203.
[31]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:201-203.
[32]The Council of the Great City Schools.“Urban School Board Survey:Characteristics,Structure,and Benefits,Second Survey and Report”.Urban Indicator,Fall 2009:9.
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[34]特别工作组(task forces):是指为解决某些问题而成立的特殊工作小组。
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[36]The Council of the Great City Schools.Annual Report 2014-2015.http://www.cgcs.org/cms/lib/DC00001581/Centricity/Domain/16/Annual%20Report%20 final-website.pdf,2016-07-14.
[37]The Council of the Great City Schools.Annual Report 2014-2015.http://www.cgcs.org/cms/lib/DC00001581/Centricity/Domain/16/Annual%20Report%20final-website.pdf,2016-07-14.
[38]The Council of the Great City Schools.Annual Report 2014-2015.http://www.cgcs.org/cms/lib/DC00001581/Centricity/Domain/16/Annual%20Report% 20 final-website.pdf,2016-07-14.
[39]Rickey Joe Williams.Practices of Board Presidents and Superintendents in Academically High-achieving Texas Urban School Districts.The University of Texas at Austin,2008:38.
[40]Deborah Land.“Local School Boards under Review:Their Role and Effectiveness in Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement”.Review of Educational Research,2002 (2):229-278.
[41]Sergio Alfredo Canal.California School Boards:Professional Development and the Masters in Governance Training.University of Southern California,2013:38.
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