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Liberal Evolution of ISDS Mechanisms in Chinese BITs and China’s Path —An Investigation of ISDS Clauses in Chinese BITs


Abstract: ISDS mechanisms have been in the spotlight in recent years.The inconsistency and ineffectiveness of investment arbitral awards have brought a legitimacy crisis not only to investment arbitration and BITs but also to the international investment law regime as a whole.Against this background, the key purpose of this article is to thoroughly review the key compoenents in ISDS clauses in Chinese BITs, which have indicated a strong liberalizing trend.While it took China roughly four decades to switch its conservative stance in ISDS and BITs to a liberal one, this change of stance also has an underlying logic.

Keywords: ISDS; BITs; Liberalizing Evolution; China Path



[1]See https://investmentpolicy.unctad.org/international − investment − agreements/countries/42/china(last visited Apr.10, 2020).



[4]Gas Natural SDG, SA v.Argentina, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/10, para 49.

[5]Hannah L.Buxbaum, The Private Attorney General in a Global Age: Public Interests in Private International Antitrust Litigation, 26 YALE J.INT’L L.219 (2001); Susan D.Franck, The Legitimacy Crisis in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Privatizing Publlic International Law through Inconsistent Decisions, 73 FORDHAM L.REV.1521,1538 (2005).

[6]Id., at 1521.

[7]Jan Paulsson, Arbitration Without Privity,10(2) ICSID REV.–FOREIGN INVESTMENT L.J.232(1995).

[8]张生:《国际投资条约体系下外交保护的空间》,《中外法学》2017年第4期,第1091 − 1101页。

[9]Fernando Cabrera Diaz, Chinese Investor Launches BIT Claim against Peru at ICSID, Investment Treaty News, Mar.2, 2007; Global Arbitration Law Review, First Chinese Claimant Registered at ICSID, http://www.globalarbitrationreview.com/news/news_item.cfm?item_ id=3739; Tza Yap Shum v.Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No.ARB/07/6, http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/cases/pending.htm (last visited Apr.4, 2020).陈安教授严厉批评了ICSID的管辖权裁决。See An Chen, Queries to the Recent ICSID Decision on Jurisdiction upon the Case of Tza Yap Shum v.Republic of Peru: Should China − Peru BIT 1994 Be Applied to Hong Kong SAR under the One Country Two Systems Policy, 10 J.WORLD INVESTMENT & TRADE 829 − 862 (2009).



[12]《中国—印度尼西亚双边投资协定》第 9条第3款。

[13]European Media Venture SA v.Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Award on Jurisdiction, May 15, 2007; The Czech Republic v.European Media Ventures SA [2007] EWHC 2851.



[16]The text of the declaration is available at http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/pubs/icsid − 8/icsid − 8.d.htm.

[17]Christoph H.Schreuer, THE ICSID CONVENTION: A COMMENTARY, Article 25, para 626 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2001).

[18]ICSID, Report of the Executive Directors on the Convention of the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, para 31, http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/basicdo/partB − section05.htm#02 (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[19]Supra note〔17〕, at 625.


[21]Congyan Cai, Outward Foreign Direct Investment Protection and the Effectiveness of Chinese BIT Practice,7(5) J.WORLD INVESTMENT & TRADE 621(2006).



[24]Azurix Corp v.Argentine Republic, Decision on Jurisdiction, ICSID Case No.ARB/01/12, para 58; El Paso Energy International Company v.Argentina, Decision on Jurisdiction, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/15, paras 61 − 2; Saipem SpA v.People’s Republic of Bangladesh, ICSID Case No.ARB/05/7, para 95.






[30]Salini Construtorri SpA and Italstrate SpA v.Morocco, ICSID Case No.ARB/00/4, para 8.

[31]SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance SA v.Islamic Republic of Pakistan, ICSID Case No.ARB/01/13, para 161.

[32]SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance SA v.Republic of the Philippines, ICSID Case No.ARB/02/6, para 135.

[33]Supra note〔30〕, at 61; Id.


[35]European Media Ventures v.Czech Republic [2007] EWHC 2851 (Comm).


[37]中国与比利时、塞浦路斯、捷克、芬兰、德国、拉脱维亚、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、西班牙和瑞典签署了新一代双边投资协定。See United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, http://www.unctad.org (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[38]Supra note〔21〕, at 646.

[39]Supra note〔21〕, at 646.

[40]Julian DM Lew, Loukas Mistelis and Stefan Kroll, COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION, paras 28 − 32 (Kluwer Law International 2003).



[43]投资者可援引最惠国待遇排除一年等待期的适用。Emilio Agustin Maffezini v.Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No.ARB/97/7, Award on Merits, Nov.13, 2000.







[50]Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer, PRINCIPLES of INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW 228 (New York: Oxford University Press 2008).




[54]United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Dispute Settlement: Investor − State 33, 34 (2003); Zachary Douglas, The Hybrid Foundations of Investment Treaty Arbitration, 74 BRITISH YB INT’L L.151, 179(2003).

[55]Elettronica Sicula S.p.A.(United States v.Italy), Judgment of Jul.20, 1989.




[59]Emilio AgustinMaffezini v.the Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No.ARB/97/7.

[60]Note of the Swedish Ambassador to China addressed to the Chinese Vice − Minster of Economics concerning the Sweden − China Agreement on the Mutual Protection of Investment dated Mar.29, 1982, http://www.unctad.org/sections/dite/iia/docs/bits/china_sweden.pdf (last visited Apr.4, 2020).









[69]Lucy Reed, Jan Paulsson and Nigel Blackaby, GUIDE TO ICSID ARBITRATION (The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International 2004).

[70]Supra note〔17〕, at 241 − 427; Report of the Executive Directors of the World Bank on the Convention (1993) 1 ICSID Rep.28.


[72]Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, AS v.the Slovak Republic, ICSID Case No.ARB/97/4.

[73]Supra note〔17〕, at 241 − 319.

[74]Model clauses are available at http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/model − clauses − en/main − eng.htm (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[75]Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, CA v.Venezuela, ICSID Case No.ARB/00/5, para 95; Executive Directors’ Report, Report of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 1 ICSID Reports 28 (1993); AMERICAN J.INT’L L.60, 892 (1966); I.L.M.4, 524 (1965), http://www.worldbank.org/icsid/basicdoc/partB.htm (last visited Apr.4, 2020).















[90]Report of the Executive Directors on the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between the States and Nationals of Other States, ICSID Doc 2, March 18, 1965, para 24.


[92]Ethyl Corporation v.Canada, Decision on Jurisdiction dated Jun.24, 1998, I.L.M.38, 708 (1998); Supra note〔17〕, at 303; Supra note〔7〕, at 232.



[95]An Chen, supra note〔9〕.

[96]Malcolm N.Shaw, INTERNATIONAL LAW 730(5th ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003); Ian Brownlie, PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW 472 (7th ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2008) .

[97]M Sornarajah, INTERNATIONAL LAW ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT 254 (2nd ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004).










[107]Campbell McLachlan, Laurence Shore and Matthew Weiniger, INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT ARBITRATION: SUBSTANTIVE PRINCIPLES para 4.75 (New York: Oxford University Press).

[108]Maffezini v.Spain, ICSID Case No.ARB/97/7, Jurisdiction Award.

[109]Azurix Corp.v.The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No.ARB/01/12, Decision on Jurisdiction of Dec.8, 2003, para 90.

[110]Gami Investments v.The Government of the United Mexican States, UNCITRAL Final Award of Nov.15, 2004, para 37.

[111]LG&E Energy Corp., LG&E Capital Corp.and LG&E International, Inc.v.Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No.ARB/01/1, Decision on Jurisdiction of Apr.30, 2004, para 76; Enron Corporation and Ponderosa Assets, L.P.v.The Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No.ARB/01/3, Decision on Jurisdiction of Jan.14, 2004, para 95.








[119]Emilio Augustin Maffezini v.Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No.ARB/97/7, Award on Jurisdiction Jan.22, 2000, para 63.事实上,仲裁庭在其附加说明中表达了意见,即ICSID仲裁作为一种特定类型的仲裁,不能通过适用最惠国条款而改变成另一种仲裁。

[120]Asian Agricultural Products Ltd.v.Republic of Sri Lanka, Final Award of Jun.27, 1990, para.54.可以说,在这种情况下,仲裁庭确实采用了“解释法”,一种“跨条约解释”,仲裁庭认为可“适当考虑早期或以后条约中涉及的与正在审议的条约中所处理的类似的问题”。See Final Award, para 40.其他仲裁庭也采用了这种做法。例如,在Maffezini案中,仲裁庭考虑到缔约国在解释最惠国条款时的一般BIT实践。Emilio Augustin Maffezini v.The Kingdom of Spain, Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction of Jan.25, 2000, paras 52 et seq.

[121]AWG Group Ltd.v.Argentina, UNCITRAL; Camuzzi International SA v.Argentina, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/2; Gas Natural SDG, SA v.Argentina, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/10; National Grid plc v.Argentina, UNCITRAL.

[122]Pope & Talbot Inc.v.Canada, Award on the Merits of Phase 2 of Apr.10, 2001, para 117; Pope & Talbot Inc.v.Canada, Award of May 31, 2002, para 12.

[123]MTD Equity Sdn.Bhd.& MTD Chile S.A.v.Republic of Chile, Award of May 25, 2004, paras 100 et seq; 197 et seq.

[124]Plama Consortium Limited v.Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No.ARB/03/24, Decision on Jurisdiction dated Feb.8, 2005.



[127]Plama Consortium Ltd.v.Bulgaria, Decision on Jurisdiction of Feb.8, 2005, paras 183, 200, and 218; Salini Costruttori S.p.A and Italstrade S.p.A.v.The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Decision on Jurisdiction of Nov.15, 2004, paras 102; Vladimir Berschader and Moise Berschader v.The Russian Federation, Award of Apr.21, 2006, paras.159 − 208; Telenor Mobile Communications A.S.v.The Republic of Hungary, Award of Sep.13, 2006, paras.81.

[128]“走出去”战略是中共中央在1998年首次提出的。2001年,这一战略首次纳入《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划》。中共中央在《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》中重申了执行这一战略的承诺。See http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/ 2003 − 10/21/content_1135402.htm (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[129]Florencia Jubany & Daniel Poon, Recent Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Canadian Perspective (Mar.2006), Canadian Foundation for the Americas Research Report, http://www.focal.ca/pdf/china_latam.pdf (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[130]Peter J.Buckley, Jeremy L.Clegg, Adam R.Cross, Hinrich Voss, Mark Rhodes & Ping Zheng, Explaining China’s Outward FDI: An Institutional Perspective, in Karl P.Sauvant, Kristin Mendoza and Ince Irmak (eds.), THE RISE OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS FROM EMERGING MARKETS: THREAT OR OPPORTUNITY? 104 − 157 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.2008) .

[131]到2008年,中国的对外投资总额将达到1 839亿美元,2009年将达到1 500亿美元,可能与中国吸引外资的数额持平,这是历史上的第一次。See http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009 − 09/08/content_8668835.htm; http://seekingalpha.com.article/163596(last visited Apr.4, 2020).Also see Daniel H.Rosen & Thilo Hanemann, China’s Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile: Drivers and Policy Implication, (2009) Peterson Institute of International Economics Policy Brief No.: PB09 − 14, http://www.ciaonet.org/pbei/iie/0017250/f_ 0017250_14753.pdf (last visited Apr.4, 2020).根据联合国贸易与发展会议,发展中国家对外直接投资的比例增加到平均14%,而中国占其中的10%。See UNCTAD’s FDI Online Database.

[132]The Decision of the State Council on Reforming the Investment System, Parts II and III, http://news.xinhuanet.com/zhengfu/ 2004 − 07/26/content_1648074.htm (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[133]在经济上,中国的外汇储备在2004年和2005年破了纪录,分别达到6 090亿美元和8 180亿美元,这给了中国更多的资源实施“走出去”战略。See China’s Forex Reserve Overtakes the Total Amount of G7 Countries, http://news.163.com/08/0603/02/4DFRH5E0000 1234J.html (last visited Apr.4, 2020).

[134]该图根据中国商务部网站数据编制。http://hzs.mofcom.gov.cn/accessory/200811/1226887378673.pdf; http://fec.mofcom.gov.cn/ tjzl/jwtz/542706.shtml; http://sousuo.mofcom.gov.cn/query/queryDetail.jsp?articleid=20100106748083&query=%E5%AF%B9%E5%A4%96%E 7%9B%B 4%E6%8E%A5%E6%8A%95%E8%B5%84(last visited Apr.4, 2020).



[137]Supra note〔21〕.

[138]Stephan W.Schill, Tearing Down the Great Wall: The New Generation Investment Treaties of the People’s Republic of China,15(1) CARDOZO J.INT’L & COMP.L.73 − 118(2007) (揭示了中国在新的《中国—德国双边投资协定》中采用全面争端解决条款的主动行动); Yuqing Zhang, The Case of China, in Michael Moser (ed.), INVESTOR − STATE ARBITRATION – LESSONS FOR ASIA 156 (Juris Publishing 2008) (指出西方国家希望中国在更新旧的双边投资协定时采用现代争端解决条款).

[139]在20世纪80年代中国和美国曾就双边投资协定进行过紧张的谈判。然而,这次谈判最终失败了,部分原因是受1989年政治风波的影响,部分原因是美国对征收和国有化给予及时、充分和足够的赔偿的立场。两个国家再次恢复谈判,并将其纳入2006年9月启动的战略经济对话。See e.g., Pat K.Chew, Political Risk and U.S.Investment in China: Chimera of Protection and Predictability, 34 VA.J.INT’L L.615, 660 (1994); Yuqing Zhang, supra note〔138〕, at 155 − 156.

[140]Judith L.Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O.Keohane, and Anne − Marie Slaughter, Legalization and World Politics: An Introduction, in Judith L.Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O.Keohane, and Anne − Marie Slaughter, LEGALIZATION AND WORLD POLITICS 1 − 17 (IO Foundation and MIT 2001) .





[145]文献将没有外国投资者向中国提起任何一起案件的事实主要归因于中国的限制性BIT路径。See e.g., Stephan W.Schill, supra note〔138〕;Kathryn Sanger, Basic Principles of Investment Treaties, in Michael Moser (ed.), INVESTOR − STATE ARBITRATION – LESSONS FOR ASIA 22 (Juris Publishing 2008).然而,一些评论家试图争辩说,对中国没有大量依据双边投资条约提起诉求的原因是中国高度重视外国投资者。See e.g., Yuqing Zhang, supra note〔138〕, at 159.


[147]Jose E.Alvarez, The Return of the State, 20(2) MINN J INT’L LAW 223 − 264(2011) .


[149]Donald Shea, THE CALVO CLAUSE: A PROBLEM OF INTER − AMERICAN AND INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY 20 (Mineapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1955).

[150]单文华:《从“南北矛盾”到“公私冲突”:卡尔沃主义的复苏与国际投资法的新视野》,《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》2008年第4期,第1 − 15页,第21页。

[151]单文华:《“卡尔沃主义”死了么》,《国际经济法学刊》2008年第2期,第159 − 198页。

[152]韩秀丽:《再论卡尔沃主义的复活——投资者—国家争端解决视角》,《现代法学》2014年第1期,第121 − 135页。

[153]Pennsylvania Fair Trade Coalition, 2008 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire, Apr.2, 2008, at 5.

[154]单文华:《卡尔沃主义的“死亡”与“再生”——晚近拉美国家对国际投资立法的态度转变及其对我国的启示》,《国际经济法学刊》2006年第1期,第183 − 206页。

[155]韩秀丽:《再论卡尔沃主义的复活——投资者—国家争端解决视角》,《现代法学》2014年第1期,第121 − 135页。

[156]Gus Van Harten and Martin Loughlin, Investment Treaty Arbitration as a Species of Global Administrative Law, 17(1) EUR.J.INT’L L.121(2006); Rudolf Dolzer, The Impact of International Investment Treaties on Domestic Administrative Law, 37 N.Y.U.J.INT’L.L.& POL.953, 971(2005) .

[157]关于国际经济和金融领域的多边努力,可参见Chris Giles and Tony Barber,UK Bank Chief Calls for G20 Change, FINANCIAL TIMES, Jan.20, 2010, at 6(报告称,英格兰银行通过发展投票程序和“变形”成为国际货币基金组织的理事机构,呼吁G20在全球经济复苏中发挥更大的作用);Chris Giles, Banks Warn of Need for Unity on Regulation, FINANCIAL TIMES, Jan.27, 2010, at 2(报告称,世界上的大银行呼吁在20国集团成员之间遵循商定的资本、流动性、会计标准和薪酬的国际规则的协调规定,而不是实施诸如英国超级税务局和美国银行征税等国家单边行动)。

