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更新时间:2025-01-11 工作计划 版权反馈


The Legal Protection for Optimizing the Business Environment: Current Situation, Problems and Prospects

CHENG Xiezhong

Abstract: The building of a government ruled by law plays a decisive role in improving and optimizing the business environment.At present, China has established a legal system for optimizing the business environment with the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment issued by the State Council as the core, supplemented by various policy documents issued by the central authorities and supported by local legislation on optimizing the business environment, which has given full play to the role of legal protection.According to the evaluation results in recent two years, the legal protection for optimizing business environment in China has been improved, but it still needs to be further strengthened.Its achievements are embodied in the deepening of the reform of the administrative approval system, the strengthening of the construction of government integrity, and the improvement of the legislation on optimizing the business environment.The main deficiencies are as follows: the reform of approval systems on enterprise credit loans and obtaining electricity is not thorough, the long-term implementation mechanism of enterprise-related charge clearing is unsound, the mechanism of ensuring entrepreneurs’ participation in enterprise-related policymaking is not in place, and the institutionalized development of the system of administrative approval via Notification and Commitment is not balanced.In order to promote the legal protection for optimizing the business environment, we need to deepen “the reform of streamlining administration, delegating powers and optimizing services”, build a service-oriented government, improve the authorization system of experimental reform, strengthen the equal protection of various market participants, establish the analysis and evaluation system of regulatory tools, and build a regulatory mechanism based on credit.

Keywords: Business Environment; Legal Protection; Government Ruled by Law; the Reform of Streamlining Administration, Delegating Powers and Optimizing Services; Regulatory Tools



[1]See World Bank Group, Doing Business 2020, https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/32436/9781464814402.pdf (last visited Apr.20, 2020).

[2]参见《优化营商环境条例》第5 − 6条、第10条、第12 − 13条、第16条、第20条。

[3]参见《优化营商环境条例》第19条、第33 − 34条、第35 − 37条、第41 − 43条、第45 − 47条。


[5]参见《优化营商环境条例》第62 − 65条。





[10]参见中国政法大学法治政府研究院:《中国法治政府评估报告》,社会科学文献出版社2018年版,第202 − 208页。(www.xing528.com)


[12]Supra note〔1〕.


[14]参见《宁夏银川打造“诚信政府”,十大信用案例占七成》,信用中国网,https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/home/xinyongyanjiu /201906/t20190604_157628.html,最后访问时间:2020年4月20日。

[15]参见《江西分宜:建立公务员诚信信息库》,信用中国网,https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/lianhejiangcheng/ zhengwushi xinzhuanxiangzhili/201712/t20171219_100584.html,最后访问时间:2020年4月20日。

[16]参见《河南省洛阳市将建立公务员诚信档案 廉政记录等将记入档案》,信用中国网,https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/l ianhejiangcheng/zhengwushixinzhuanxiangzhili/201712/t20171220_103325.html,最后访问时间:2020年4月20日。

[17]参见《辽宁沈阳整治政府失信 政府拖欠工程款明年将清偿完毕》,信用中国网,https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/lianhejiangcheng/ zhengwushixinzhuanxiangzhili/201804/t20180404_112371.html,最后访问时间:2020年4月20日。

[18]参见《吉林省通化市扎实推进政府机构失信问题专项治理工作》,信用中国网,https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/lianhejiangcheng /zhengwushixinzhuanxiangzhili/201805/t20180502_114592.html,最后访问时间:2020年4月20日。



[21]成协中:《“放管服”改革的行政法意义及其完善》,《行政管理改革》2020年第1期,第42 − 43页。

[22]参见朱新力:《困境与出路:行政审批制度改革的法治进阶》,《中共浙江省委党校学报》2016年第3期,第5 − 13页。




