首页 理论教育 状语从句的使用及优化


时间:2023-07-08 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:用法1:because引导的原因状语从句位于主句后。用法2:because常用于回答由疑问词why引导的疑问句。练习2将因果关系正确的句子连线,并用because连接后把答案写在横线上。D 语法聚焦3:让步状语从句和although / though的用法让步状语从句就是在复合句中作让步状语的分句。小贴士although / though引导让步状语从句不能与but或however连用,但可以与yet或still连用。


A 篇章学习:朗读对话,回答问题

Lena: Do you like the cookie?

Zoe: No, I don't like the cookie because it's too hard.But I like the bread. It is so delicious that I can't stop eating it. Why don't you have some?

Lena: No, thanks. I don't want to eat the bread, though it looks tasty.

Zoe: Why not? Don't you like bread?

Lena: Because I just ate so much fruit that I can't eat any more.

Zoe: Although you have eaten enough, I hope you can try it. You'll like it!

Lena: All right! Just take a bite.

B 语法聚焦1: 结果状语从句和 so . . . that . . . 的用法

结果状语从句就是在复合句中作结果状语的分句。so . . . that . . . 引导的结果状语从句,表示“如此······以至于······”。

句式1:so + 形容词/副词 + that从句

句式2:so + 形容词(+a / an)+ 名词 + that从句

练习1 根据括号里的提示词用so . . . that . . .句式将句子补充完整。

例:The watch is so expensive that I can't aあord it. (expensive)

1 This dish was _____________________ she ate all of it. (good)

2 The test is _____________________ no one can achieve high scores. (diきcult)

3 Judy is _____________________ she will only talk to her family. (shy)

4 The man carries _____________________ he can't take any more. (many things)

5 I finished _____________________ I'm very tired now. (much work)

C 语法聚焦2: 原因状语从句和because的用法




练习2 将因果关系正确的句子连线,并用because连接后把答案写在横线上。

D 语法聚焦3:让步状语从句和although / though的用法(www.xing528.com)

让步状语从句就是在复合句中作让步状语的分句。although / though引导让步状语从句,译为“尽管······;虽然······”,可以放在句首或句中。


although / though引导让步状语从句不能与but或however连用,但可以与yet或still连用。

Although it's cold outside, (yet) she still wears a skirt.

练习3 将左右两边句子配对连线,并用 though 连接后把答案写在横线上。


练习4 单项选择。

1 ( ) The movie is _______________ I watched it several times.

A. so nice that B. so nice C. so that

2 ( ) She is _______________ she can solve the very diきcult problems.

A. so clever a girl B. so a clever girl that C. so clever that

3 ( ) It's really convenient(方便的), _______________ it is expensive.

A. for B. though C. because

4 ( ) He didn't accept the job _______________ the salary is low.

A. but B. although C. because

5 ( ) I decided not to buy the computer, _______________ it's cheap.

A. because B. although C. but

练习5 请用so . . . that, because或although / though填空。

1 She was _______________ happy _______________ she began to sing.

2 It is _____________ funny _____________ it makes everyone laugh.

3 _______________ he doesn't do much exercise, he doesn't get fat.

4 The boy eats lots of candies and chocolate, _________ he is overweight.

5 They can speak Italian _______________ they are from Italy.

