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[2]Inre Quinlan.70N.J.10,355A.2d647 (1976).


[4]CAL.HEALTH&SAFETY CODE §§7185-7195(West Supp.1989)



[7]Cruzan V.Director,Missouri Department of Health,497U.S.261(1990).


[9]Zucker M.B.,The right to die debate:A do GUmentary history,West port:Greenwood Press,1999,p:5.

[10]Cruzan v.Missouri Department of Public Health,497 U.S.261(1990).

[11]Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act,prefatory note.

[12]N.J.STAT.ANN.§§26: 2H-55,-56(1996).

[13]20 PA.CONS.STAT.ANN.§ 5404(a) (1997).

[14]Jennifer L.Rosato,“Using Bioethics Discourse to Determine When Parents Should Make Health Care Decisions for Their Children: Is Deference Justified ?,”73 Temp.L.Rev,1 (2000),39.

[15]In re Conroy,98 N.J.321,486 A.2d 1209 (1985).

[16]Danuta Mendelson,Timothy Stoltzfus Jost,“ A Comparative Study of the Law of Palliative Care and End-of-Life Treatment”,Journal of Law,Medicine and Ethics,2003,p.135.

[17]Rosoff,“Where There's a Living Will,There's a Way”,The Compleat Law,1988,p.11.

[18]美国统一州法全国委员会(The Uniform Law Commission),起源于美国19世纪末的法律统一运动,于1892年在“促进美国法律统一性的各州委员会会议”上成立,设立的目的在于向各州推荐其拟制的示范法律文本。

[19]TEX.HEALTH&SAFERY CODE ANN.§ 40-77-40(1),-50(1997).


[21]In re Guardianship of Schiavo,780 So.2d 176 (Fla.Dist.Ct.App.2d 2001).


[23]S.C.CODE ANN.§44-47-30 (1997).

[24]W.VA.CODE ANN.§ 16-30-3(e) (1995).


[26]Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989),Section 1.Definitions (9).



[29]Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989),Section 5.Recording Determination of Terminal Condition andDeclaration.Comment.


[31]Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989).Section 1.Definitions (4).

[32]GA.CODE ANN.§ 31-32-4 (1996).

[33]DEL.CODE ANN.tit.16,§ 2511(b) (1996).

[34]IOWA CODE ANN.§ 144A.3(2) (a),(b) (1997).

[35]Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989),Section 4.Revocation of Declaration (a) and (b).


[37]Robert D.Miller,JD,MS Hyg.,Problems in Health Care Law,Seventh Edition,An Aspen Publication,1996,p.401.

[38]Patrick Webster,“Enforcement Problems Arising From Conflicting Views of Living Wills in the Legal,Medical and Patient Communities”,University of Pittsburgh Law Review,Vo1.62,2001,p.798.


[40]ALA.CODE §22-8A-4 (e) (1997).

[41]Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989),Section 6 (c).

[42]N.D.CENT.CODE §23-06.4-07(3) (1997).

[43]N.J.STAT.ANN.§26: 2H-56 (1996).


[45]Roe v.Wade 410 U.S.113(1973).Roe v.Wade 410 U.S.113(1973).1969年,一位名为杰内·罗伊的妇女和其他人一起向得克萨斯州限制堕胎的法令提出了挑战。该法令规定,除非因为维护孕妇的生命,州内一律禁止妇女实施堕胎手术。罗伊主张:得州限制堕胎的法令剥夺了她在妊娠中的选择权,因为她既没有足够的经济实力去堕胎合法的州进行手术,又不能中止妊娠,因此,在生育之后也不知会将孩子交给何人收养。得州限制堕胎的法令使得她无法自主地决定在什么时间、以什么方式、为何种理由而终止妊娠。被告得州政府在诉讼中辩称:生命始于受孕而存续于整个妊娠期间,所以,怀孕妇女在整个妊娠过程中,都存在着保护胎儿生命这一国家利益。宪法中所称的“人”包括胎儿在内,非经正当法律程序而剥夺胎儿生命是《联邦宪法修正案》第14条所禁止的行为之一。该案最终上诉到联邦最高法院。1973年,联邦最高法院以6∶3的多数意见裁定,作出支持罗伊的判决。判决的依据是第九修正案确认的“人民保留的权利”和第十四修正案确认的“未经正当程序不可剥夺的个人自由”,这两项规定隐含着个人具有宪法保护的隐私权,而“隐私权的广泛性足以涵盖妇女自行决定是否终止妊娠的权利”。(www.xing528.com)



[48]Roe v.Wade 410 U.S.163(1973).


[50]Webster V.Reproductive Health Services 492 U.S.109 S.Ct.3040(1989).

[51]Planned Parenthood of Southern Pennsylvania V.Casey,505 U.S.833,112 S.Ct.2971(1992).


[53]Cruzan v.Missouri Department of Public Health,497 U.S.269 (1990).

[54]Gregory Gelfand,“Living Will Statutes: The First Decade”,Wisconsin Law Review,1987,p.775.

[55]Mildred Z.Solomon et al.,“Decisions Near the End of Life:Professional Views on Life-Sustaining Treatments”,American Journal of Public Health,14 (1993),17.

[56]Alen Meisel,The Right to Die (2d ed.1995),at 37(1995).

[57]Jan Blustein &Theodore R.Marmor,“Cutting Waste by Making Rules: Promises,pitfalls,and Realistic Prospects”,U.Pa L.Rev.,140(1992),1543~1545.

[58]N.Listed,Decisions Near the End of Life,“Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs,American Medical Association”,JAMA,267(1992) 2229.

[59]Joan M.Teno et al.,“Do Advance Directives Provide Instructions That Direct Care?”,J.Am.Geriatrics Soc'Y,45(1997),508.

[60]Susan J.Nanovic,“The Living will: Preservation of the Right-To-Die Demands Clarity and Consistency”,Dickinson Law Review,95(1990),209.

[61]Patrick Webster,“Enforcement problems arising from conflicting views of living wills in the legal,medical and patient communities”,U.PITT.L.REV,62 (2001),793.

[62]Maggie J.Randall Robb,“Living Wills: The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment-A Right Without A Remedy?”,University of Dayton Law Review,23(1997).

[63]Maggie J.Randall Robb,“Living Wills: The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment-A Right Without A Remedy?”,University of Dayton Law Review,23(1997).

[64]Maggie J.Randall Robb,“Living Wills: The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment-A Right Without A Remedy?”,University of Dayton Law Review,23(1997).

[65]Maggie J.Randall Robb,“Living Wills: The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment-A Right Without A Remedy?”,University of Dayton Law Review,23(1997).

[66]Susan J.Nanovic,“The Living will: Preservation of the Right-To-Die Demands Clarity and Consistency”,Dickinson Law Review,95(1990),209.

[67]Maggie J.Randall Robb,“Living Wills: The Right to Refuse Life Sustaining Medical Treatment-A Right Without A Remedy?”,University of Dayton Law Review,23(1997).

[68]Susan J.Steinle,“Living Wills in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Analysis”,Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,24(1992),435.

[69]Gerry F.Cohen,“Legislative Reform in North Carolina”,Case Study 1971-2004 of Actions on the Recommendations in the Sometime Governments: A Critical Study of the 50 American Legislatures (2004).

[70]Susan J.Steinle,“Living Wills in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Analysis”,Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,24 (1992),435.

[71]1 W.W.R.714 (Alta.C.A.1935)

[72]3 D.L.R.260,274 (Can.1933).

[73]Susan J.Steinle,“Living Wills in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Analysis”,Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,24 (1992),435.

[74]Graham D.Holding & Larry H.Rocamora,“Uses of and Variations on Statutory Forms”,in End-of-life Planning,New Living Will,Health Care Power of Attorney and Organ Donation Statutes III[North Carolina Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Manual (2007)].

[75]North Carolina Bar Association-Continuing Legal Education Manual at II-3,Oct.10,2007.

[76]Lori Wiener et al.,“How I Wish to Be Remembered: The Use of an Advance Care Planning Document in Adolescent and Young Adult Populations”,J.Palliative Med.,11(2008),1309.

[77]Michael D.Cantor,“Michele J.Karel & Jean Powell,Using a Values Discussion Guide to Facilitate Communication in Advance Care Planning”,Patient Educ.& Counseling,55(2004),22.

[78]Susan J.Steinle,“Living Will in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Analysis”,Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,24(1992),435.

[79]H.Nys,“Emerging legislation in Europe on the legal status of advance directives and medical decision-marking with respect to an important patient (living-will)”,European Journal of Health Law,4(2),(1997),66.





[84]Maclean A.R.,“Advance directives and the rocky waters of anticipatory decisionmaking”,Medical Law Review,16 (2008).

[85]Stern Christina,“Advance directives”,Medical Law Review,2 (1994),57~76.






[91]Singapore Act s.10(6);The Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1989,S.7(f).

