首页 理论教育 对康甘及其教育思想的评价: 优化与改进

对康甘及其教育思想的评价: 优化与改进

更新时间:2025-01-11 工作计划 版权反馈



[1]技术与继续教育英文缩写正误。按照济廉·古兹的说法是康甘最早把“technical and further education”简写成“TAFE”的。彼得·科恩斯(Peter Kearns)和威廉姆·霍尔(William Hall)在《康甘二十年》纪念文集中说:“‘TAFE’简写是康甘委员会最早使用的。”这种全称的提法不是20世纪70年代才有的,早在1918年悉尼技术学院(1891年3月9日创立)就有一个部门叫做“技术与继续教育部”。这种缩写在20世纪60年代就使用了,1964年成立一个全国性的教师协会叫做“澳大利亚技术与继续教育教师协会”(TAFETAA),1969年创刊了一本杂志《澳大利亚技术与继续教育教师》。TAFE的这个全称在20世纪初就出现了,这个词的缩写60年代也已经采用了。因此,康甘报告则是第一次官方使用的这个缩写。



[4]Stephen Murray Smith.Melbourne Studies in Education 1980.Melbourne University Press,1980.PP3-4.

[5]Peter Kearns,William Hall.Kangan: 20Years on—A Commemoration TAFE 1974—1994.NCVER Ltd,1994.P.36.

[6]Allie Clemans,Terri Seddon.Technical and further education: Social justice solution and social justice problem.The Australian Educational Researcher,December 2000,Volume 27,Issue 3,PP117-130.



[9]Simmon Marginson.Education and Public Policy in Australia,Cambridge: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1993.P.47.



[12]Commonwealth Department of Education :Major Trends and Developments in Australian Education in 1975 and 1976.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1978.P.70.

[13]Gillian Goozee:The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.32.

[14]Peter Karmel.Education,Change and Society Victoria: The Australian Council for Educational Research Limited Tadford House,1981.P.7.

[15]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.32.

[16]Simmon Marginson.Education and Public Policy in Australia,Cambridge: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.1993.P.83.

[17]White Paper on Strategies and Structures for Education in Victorian Government Schools.Melbourne: F.D.Atkinson Government Printer,1980.P.9.

[18]Kwong Lee Dow.Into the 1980s: Educational Change in Australia.Comparative Education,Oct.1980.Vol.16.No.3.PP245-255.


[20]Facts and figures,from Encyclopedia of Australia 1996.[Electronic resource]Published by Webster Publishing,1996.

[21]Simmon Marginson.Education and Public Policy in Australia,Cambridge: the press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.1993.P.10.

[22]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.28.

[23]济廉·古兹《澳大利亚技术与继续教育发展史》,2001年版,第28页引用的1973年数字是400 700人。《康甘报告》第2卷附录表A.76数据为430 265人。本人认为前者有误,因后者是全国性技术与继续教育调查报告,经联邦教育部1974年发布,比较可靠。同时参照其他资料核对了1975年数据,一致。为保资料原貌,百分比未修正。

[24]Neil Marshall.End of an Era:The Collapse of the “Buffer”Approach to the Governance of Australian Tertiary Education.Higher Education,1990.Vol.19,No.2,PP147-167.

[25]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.28.

[26]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.280.

[27]Marvin C.Alkin.Encyclopedia of Educational Research (six edition),Vol.4.New York:Macmillan Publishing Company,1992.P.1089.

[28]Norm Neill.Technically & Further: Sydney Technical College 1891-1991.Sydney: Hale &Iremonger Pty Limited,1991.P.84.

[29]Kangan Myer.Technical and Further Education in Australia,Vol.I .Canberra: The Government Printer of Australia,1975.P.29.

[30]Kangan Myer.Technical and Further Education in Australia,Vol.I .Canberra: The Government Printer of Australia,1975.P.31.(www.xing528.com)

[31]Stewart E.Fraser.Overseas Students in Australia: Governmental Policies and Institutional Programs.Comparative Education Review,Vol.28.No.2.May,1984.P.284.

[32]Appleton,Richard.Australian Encyclopaedia (the fourth edition).Sydney: Published by The Grolier Society of Australia Pty Ltd,1983.P.295.

[33]Kwong Lee Dow.Into the 1980s: Educational Change in Australia.Comparative Education,Vol.16.No.3.Oct.1980.P.251.

[34]Appleton,Richard.Australian Encyclopaedia,the fourth edition.Sydney:Published by The Grolier Society of Australia Pty Ltd,1983.P.288.

[35]Commonwealth Department of Education :Major Trends and Developments in Australian Education in 1975 and 1976.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1978.PP27-29.

[36]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.44.

[37]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.41.

[38]Commonwealth Department of Education :Major Trends and Developments in Australian Education in 1975 and 1976.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1978.P.30.

[39]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.70.

[40]Kangan Myer.Technical and Further Education in Australia,Vol.II.Canberra: The Government Printer of Australia,1975.P.49.

[41]Peter Kearns,William Hall.Kangan: 20Years on—A Commemoration TAFE 1974-1994.NCVER Ltd,1994.PP184-185.

[42]P.H.Partridge.Forty-eighth Annual Report 1977-78.Victoria: Printed by Brown Prior Anderson Tty Ltd,1978.P.24.

[43]Gillian Goozee.The Development of TAFE in Australia,SA:National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.3rd edition,2001.P.50.

[44]Commonwealth Department of Education :Major Trends and Developments in Australian Education in 1975 and 1976.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1978.P.60.

[45]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education,Vol.II.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.156.

[46]Commonwealth Department of Education: Major Trends and Developments in Australian Education in 1975 and 1976.Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1978.P.63.

[47]J.R.Hough.Educational Policy——An International Survey.St.Martin’s Press Inc.,1984.P.33.

[48]Peter Karmel.Education,Change and Society.Victoria: The Australian Council for Educational Research Limited Tadford House,1981.P.60.

[49]L.E.Foster.Australian Education: A Sociological Perspective.NSW:Macarthur Press Sales Pty Ltd,1987.PP117-118.

[50]Peter Kearns,William Hall.Kangan: 20Years On—A Commemoration TAFE 1974—1994.NCVER Ltd,1994.PP58-59.



[53]Peter Kearns,William Hall.Kangan: 20Years on—A Commemoration TAFE 1974-1994.NCVER Ltd,1994.P.186.


[55]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education,Vol.I,Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.xii.

[56]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education,Vol.I,Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.xxiii.

[57]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education Vol.I,Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.xxxvi.

[58]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education,Canberra:Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.v.

[59]ACOTAFE.TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education,Canberra:Australian Government Publishing Service,1974.P.9.

[60]Kangan,M.Kangan seven years on,national seminar on TAFE delivery system,Melbourne,6,May,1980.

