首页 理论教育 尽量减少主词和动词之间的距离


时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:一般读者看到句子的主词之后,会想要尽快看到主词所搭配的动词。所以应该在主词之后尽可能地及早接上动词。如果作为修饰的片语或子句可以安排在其他地方,那么就应该避免把这些片语插在主词和动词之间。比较下列句子:原句:The port enable input, when high, disables ports A and B by placing them in high-Z condition.修改:When high, the port enable input disables ports A and B by placing them in high-Z condition.原句:The architecture, as shown in Figure 3, incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.修改:As shown in Figure 3, The architecture incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.


一般读者看到句子的主词之后,会想要尽快看到主词所搭配的动词。 所以应该在主词之后尽可能地及早接上动词。 如果作为修饰的片语或子句可以安排在其他地方(例如放在主词前面),那么就应该避免把这些片语插在主词和动词之间。 比较下列句子:

原句:The port enable input, when high, disables ports A and B by placing them in high-Z condition.

修改:When high, the port enable input disables ports A and B by placing them in high-Z condition.(www.xing528.com)

原句:The architecture, as shown in Figure 3, incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.

修改:As shown in Figure 3, The architecture incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.

