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正式书信的注意事项: 拓展与细化

时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Reading Task:(1)Read the list of reminders carefully.(2)Then, with a partner, find four mistakes in the letter below.List of reminders(1)Write your own address in the top right-hand coner.(2)You shoul

正式书信的注意事项: 拓展与细化

Reading Task:

(1)Read the list of reminders carefully.

(2)Then, with a partner, find four mistakes in the letter below.

List of reminders

(1)Write your own address in the top right-hand coner.

(2)You should not put your own name at the top of the letter.

(3)Write the recipient’s (收信人)name and address on the left, a little further down from your own address.

(4)You may write the date either under your address, under the recipient’s address, or above the recipient’s address.(www.xing528.com)

(5)If you do not know the recipient’s name, write “Dear Sir/Madam”.

(6)If you write “Dear Sir/Madam”, finish the letter by writing Yours faithfully.

(7)If you know the name of the person you are writing to, write “Dear Mr______,Dear Mrs______, Dear Miss______, or Dear Ms______”. Use the recipient’s family name with Mr.Mrs. etc.; do not write their full name: i.e. Dear Mr Jacobs. NOT:Dear John Jacobs or Dear Mr John Jacobs

(8) If you write “Dear Mr____, Dear Mrs____”, etc., finish the letter with Yours sincerely.

(9)Sign your name at the bottom of the letter on the left-hand side.

(10)Type your name in full under the signature so that it can be read clearly.

(11)It helps the recipient if you write your title (“Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Prof” etc.) after your name.

