①论文中,10 以下的整数通常应拼成one, two, three 等文字。 但是有一个例外:在物理量前面通常使用数目字(阿拉伯数字),而且如果使用缩写或符号方式来表示物理量,则必须使用数目字。 例如:
劣:The two samples were both eight cm long and each weighed about one kg.
佳:The two samples were both 8 cm long and each weighed about 1 kg.
如果在同一个句子或段落中出现两个以上可比较的数字,那么数字的格式应该一致。通常是以最大数字的格式为准。 例如:
劣:In the second set of experiments, eight of the 12 trials were successful.
佳:In the second set of experiments,8 of the 12 trials were successful.
②句子切忌以数目字为开端。 如果句子必须以数字为开端,则要将数字用英文拼出;否则就须改写句子,令其不以数字开端。 例如:
劣:32 engineers attended the meeting.
佳:Thirty-two engineers attended the meeting.
佳:There were 32 engineers at the meeting.
③数目字可以用于标示时间、钱数、测量值、小数以及百分比。 但是如果要用字词“o’clock”,则必须写“ten o’clock”,不应写成“10 o’clock”。 例如:
10:30 a.m.3:1575%或75 percent$10.354 mm4.56
④不要缩写论文中小于10 的序数,大于10 的序数则可以缩写。 例如:
正:first, second, third,15th,21st,52nd
The company sold 4 million cars last year.
⑥书中的章节与页码通常写成数字的形式。 例如:
See section 4,page 9 in section 3
⑦数目字可用于后面接有符号或缩写的数字。 数目字与符号或缩写之间通常必须加一个空格。
⑧在小于1 的分数中,小数点之前应该加上一个0。 例如:0.5,而非.5。
⑨复合数字形容词在书写上第一个数字应以字词表示,第二个数字应以数目字表示。如:twelve 256k SRAMs。
使用数字书写日期时,勿书写成缩写的序数。 例如:
误:I suggest we meet on May 1st and begin operations on June 15th.
正:I suggest we meet on May 1 and begin operations on June 15.