在正式的英文文章中,每一个句子必须表达一个完整的观念。 除了以大写的字母开头,最后一个字之后紧跟着句点以外,一组字词至少必须包括一个含有主词、动词的独立子句,才能作为一个完整的句子。 不完整的句子是指作者原本已将一组字词构成一个句子,但是该句子却不包括至少一个独立子句。 不完整的句子应该和其他的字词合并起来,以构成一个至少包含一个独立子句的完整句子。
常见的一种不完整的句子是单独孤立的一个附属子句。 附属子句是以附属连接词开头的句子,例如after, although, because, before, if, since, when 或while 开头的子句。 这种不完整的子句通常可以将之并入前后的独立子句中。 例如:
不完整:Although a preprocessing stage is required and the proposed method is slower. Our method is much more accurate than the traditional approach.
修正:Although the proposed method requires a preprocessing stage and is slower than the traditional approach, it is much more accurate.
不完整:The technology was adopted quickly and successfully. Because the technology was highly mature and trained technicians were available.
修正:The technology was adopted quickly and successfully,because it was highly mature and trained technicians were available.
某些情况,只要省略附属连接词,就可以把附属子句修改成完整的句子。 例如:
不完整:Whereas many nodes in the network contain incompletely specified functions of the primary inputs.(www.xing528.com)
修正:Many nodes in the network contain incompletely specified functions of the primary inputs.
另外一种不完整的句子是由于作者把复合述词中的第二个述词分割出来之故。 在这种情况下,分割出来的述词应该和前面的句子合并起来。 例如:
不完整:Section 4 presents the results of simulations conducted to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach. And compares its performance with that of previous methods.
修正:Section 4 presents the results of simulations conducted to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach and compares its performance with that of previous methods.
其他经常造成不完整句子的文法单元还包括介系词片语、动状词片语、名词片语以及同位语。 这些不完整的句子通常可以将之并入前后的完整句子中。 例如:
不完整:For this reason. Logic optimization techniques have been introduced.
修正:For this reason, logic optimization techniques have been introduced.