首页 理论教育 具备连接功能的词汇如何优化


时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:介系词介系词表示名词或代名词和另外一个词之间的关系。表1.1常用的附属连接词注意:After, as, before, since 及until,也可以当作介词使用。



介系词表示名词或代名词和另外一个词之间的关系。 例如:

Tom run down the hall.

其他如:by means of, in addition to, such as



对等连接词:and; but; or; nor; for; so; yet。

相关连接词:相关连接词都是成对出现。 例如:both… and…;either… or…;neither…nor…

附属连接词:只能连接子句和子句,而且只能连接不对等的子句。 例如:

Because the traditional method is time-consuming, a new approach is needed.

If we set up the experiment in this way, we obtain some surprising results.

表1.1 是科技英语中常用的附属连接词。(www.xing528.com)

表1.1 常用的附属连接词

注意:After, as, before, since 及until,也可以当作介词使用。 例如:

Since he’s not here yet, let’s have a cup of coffee.

Sally has been studying for her doctorate since 1990.


连接副词可分为两类:一类用于连接句子从句,常见的有therefore, besides,otherwise,however,moreover,still,thus,meanwhile 等(常用的连接副词见表1.2);另一类用于引导从句或不定式,主要有when, why, where, how 等。 例如:

In theory, this system can be represented by a simple model. Nevertheless, in practice the behavior of the system is difficult to predict.

The new system has many advantages. It also,however, has several important disadvantages.

The new system has many advantages; however, it also has several important disadvantages.

表1.2 常用的连接词

