首页 理论教育 提问英语口语中的问路指南


时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:问路Excuseme,can you tellme where the railway station?Excuseme,Would you Minding tellingme the way to the police station?Excuseme,where is themen’s,please?



Excuseme,can you tellme where the railway station?

Excuseme,But can you tellme the way to the train station?

Excuseme,Can you tellme which is the way to the nearest hospital?

Excuseme,Would you please show me the to the post office?

Excuseme,Would you Minding tellingme the way to the police station?

Excuseme,where is themen’s(Ladies),please?

Excuseme,how can Iget to the No.1Middle school?


Go down to this street,and turn to the left at the first crossing.

Go straight on,then turn right at the second crossing.

Go down the road and you will come to a bus stop.

Go straight ahead about 50 metres.

Go thisway about 5 minuteswhen you come to a lane turn right.

Keep going until you see a big white building on you left.

Keep straight on for two blocks.

Walk until you get to the second crossing and then turn right.

Take the first turning on the left.

It’s over there.

It’s just around the corner.

It’s opposite the post office.

It’s next to the hospital.

It’s near the train station.

It’s on the third floor.

It’s not far from here.

It’s about fiveminutes’walk.

It’s about half an hour’s ride.

It’s at the end of the street.


A:Excuseme.I’m afraid Igot lost.Can you show me the way to the station?


B:I’m walking thatway.Letme lead you the way.


A:Excuseme,Where am Ion thismap?(www.xing528.com)


B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city.


A:Oh!I think I’m lost.Can Igo from here to the railway station?


B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.


A:Excuseme.Iwonder if you could help me.I’m looking for the Museum.


B:Boy,you are lost.It’s across town.


A:Oh!What bad luck!How can Iget to the Museum?


B:You can take a No.24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.



Dale:Excuseme.Could you tellme how to get to the Palace Museum?

Nancy:You can take Bus 5.The driver will tell you where to get off.

Dale:Yes,but I’m drivingmy own car.

Nancy:Oh,then you drive along this street,turn right at the third crossroad,then take the first left.Keep straight on until you see a road sign that says“Palace Museum”,and then you follow the sign.Itwill direct you to the Palace Museum.

Dale:Drive along this street,turn right,turn left,keep straight,and then I’ll see the road sign?

Nancy:That’s right.

Dale:Are you sure that Iwon’t bump into any one way streets?

Nancy:Well,I don’t think you will....I don’t see any car around here.Where is your car?

Dale:I parked it over there.You see?

Nancy:Oh,no.You’d bettermove it before a policeman sees you parking there.

Dale:Why?Idon’t see any“No Parking”signs.

Nancy:But you’re parking in a bus zone.

Dale:Here comes a policeman.I’d better run....Thank you,miss....Oh,by the way,how long will it take forme to get to themuseum?

Nancy:About half an hour.

Dale:Thanks again.You’ve been very helpful.

Nancy:Hurry up,or you’ll get a ticket.

