首页 理论教育 词法-形容词的基础认知


时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:如:a good student、small rooms、something new、what else.四、形容词在句子中的基本用法1.作定语:前置形容词a big house delicious food.多个形容词的位置排序a big old stone bridge.后置形容词A.不定代词或不定副词+形容词:something important、somewhere else.B.形容词短语:the hall full of people.2.作表语:we are happy.The cell—phone is expensive.3.作宾语补主语:He finds the question easy.She sees the pig very fat.4.作主语补主语:The old man was found weak.5.作状语(偶尔):The went to bed,cold and hungry.


一、Read and draw

a sunny day a big house an empty bottle.

an orange ball beautiful flowers a white wooden house.

二、Read and circle

1.The boy is a vocational student.

2.The lovely girl is very hardworking.

3.I think it is kind to help the old.

4.She iswearing a new Chinese silk dress.

5.The cup full of water ismine.

三、Look and w rite

知识点:英语中的形容词是用来修饰、说明名词或代词的,汉语意思“……的”。如:a good student、small rooms、something new、what else.



(1)前置形容词a big house delicious food.

(2)多个形容词的位置排序(口诀:县官令杀国才)a big old stone bridge.


A.不定代词或不定副词+形容词:something important、somewhere else.

B.形容词短语:the hall full of people.

2.作表语:we are happy.The cell—phone is expensive.

3.作宾语补主语:He finds the question easy.She sees the pig very fat.

4.作主语补主语:The old man was found weak.

5.作状语(偶尔):The went to bed,cold and hungry.

