首页 理论教育 海河工程短期公债基金收支总报表(中英文对照)及相关记录


时间:2023-07-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:题名;责任者;出版时间海河工程短期公债基金收支总报表(中英文对照);津海关二五附税国库券基金保管委员会;1918.6.17—1920.5.30Premium register;1924Premium register;1925List of numbers of coupons of the haiho coservancy commission conversion loan of 1935 d




Premium register;1924

Premium register;1925

List of numbers of coupons of the haiho coservancy commission conversion loan of 1935 due;1925.11.5

The American-oriental banking corporation;上海美丰银行;1926.12.15

North China star,incorporated;1926—1936

American asiatic underwriters;1927

Union trust company Chicago foreign department;1927.1.5

American asiatic underwriters fed.,inc.,U.S.A.;1927.10.24

American asiatic underwriters;1927.11

Steamer card auxiliary sheet;1928.1.1

For the American asiatic underwriters,inc.,Hongkong branch;1928.2.16

All particulars as to narks,nos.,etc.,must be inserted;1928.12.31


American asiatic underwriters;1929.4

Chase bank dr.to watts,quarez&yui;1929.12.31

Chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1930.10

From m 1603(o.2600 4-38 4x50 c);1931

Chartered bank of India,Australia and China;1931.9.30

Monthly report of customer's liabilities;1931.9.30

Weekly balances&current a/cs.;1931.12.23

Cash position of weekly collections from the community church of Shanghai;1932

Premium register;1932

Summary of balance taken out on;1933.4.28

Duplicate.monthly return of charges.Tientsin.;1934

The American-oriental banking corporation 7-m4 Shanghai cable address amor bank co.;1934.1

Fire loss no.;Chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1934.3

General ledger balances;1934.3

The American-oriental banking corporation;1934.8

Ascher trading corporation;1934.11

Tientsin country club,Tientsin.balanced sheet;1934.11.17

Selected bond;The American-oriental finance corporation;1935.11.30

Tientsin investment-corporation(U.S.A.),inc.Tientsin,China;1935—1939


Business conditions-U.S.A.;1936.10.1

List of Tientsin bills which we credited to their account at 3%discount,but were discounted at h...;1936—1940

Premium register;1937.3


Westminster foreign bank,ltd.;1937.5.31

Premium register;1937.6—1941.8

Shipping specification from henry hope&sons,ltd.;1937.8.23

List of chungking marine losses outstanding;1937.9

The yung trading company;1938.6

J.henry schroder banking corp New York from underwriters savings bank;1939.1.12

Work sheet for reimbursements of marine losses;1939.8.15

The underwriters bank for the far east,inc.Hongkong in account with the underwriters bank;1939—1940

Insurance company of north America;1940.9

Insurance company of north America;1940.9—10



American asiatic underwriters federal inc.,U.S.A.marine department Shanghai,China;1941

International harvester company of Philippine;1941

Insurance company of north America;1941.3—4

The chase bank Tientsin;1941.3.13

Work sheet for reimbursements of marine loss;1941.3

American asiatic underwriters,federal inc.,U.S.A.8%preferred stockholders;1941.6.28,1941.12.31

In account with American asiatic underwriters federal inc.,U.S.A.;1941.6.30

Insurance company of north America enclosure no.98;1941.7

Statement of open contracts e.a.pierce&co.;1941.9.24

Premium registration abstract;The chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1941.9.27

American international underwriters corporation of New York;1942.8.31

The chase bank Shanghai balance sheet;1942—1946

Tientsin branch general ledger balances;1943.9

Stocks on hand with e.a.pierce&co.;1943.12

American asiatic underwriters;1946

North China trading co.;1946.2

The chase national bank;1946.5—12

The chase bank;1946.11

Dr.to the chase bank;1947(www.xing528.com)

Irving trust company;1947

Powers of attorney;1947


Insurance co.of north America;1947.1

Irving trust company foreign division one wall street,New York 15.n.y.;1947.1—4

Insurance co.of north America trial balance for February 1847;1947.2

The chase bank Tientsin;1947.7.28

American asiatic underwriters marine dept;1947.8.2

Bruce s jenkins premium record;1947.9

Insurance co.of north America trial balance for October 1947.;1947.10



Balance sheet as at December 31st 1927;1947—1948

American asiatic underwriters;1948

Global war;1948

Condensed balance sheet;1948.4

The American-oriental finance corporation;The chase bank;1948.5

The chase bank,Shanghai;1948.5

Chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1948.6

Premium register;1948.6.10

Tientsin customs average values of exports;1948.7.2


Cash checks&deposits;1948.8


Bank of America;1948.11

American asiatic underwriters cash receipt voucher;1948.12.2

American asiatic underwriters federal inc.,U.S.A.;1948.12.4—10

Premium registration abstract;1948—1949

Film inventory December 31.1929;1948—1950

Global war;Federal Inc.,U.S.A;1948—1951

Insurance co.of north America trial balance for November 1949;1949

Smethwick birmingham;1949


中国人民银行上海市分行;The chase bank;1949.3.14—18

The chase bank,Tientsin;1949.4.1—5

The chase bank,Tientsin,assets;1949.4.6—26

Banks clearing checks&transfer;1949.5


Insurance co.of north America balance sheet for July 1949;1949.7

The underwriters bank,inc.intercompany accounts&notes receivable&payable;1949.12.31

Chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1950

Reconciliation of balance as of December 31st 1947;1950

The chase bank accounts receivableadvance for cables despatched;1950

American asiatic underwriters;1950.1.24

The chartered bank of India,Australia&China;1950.2


Agents daily report;American Asiatic Underwriters Shanghai;1950.5



Metropolitan land company,ltd.income and expenditures for the month of October,1950;1950.10

American asiatic underwriters.federal inc.,U.S.A.Shanghai office daily bank balances;1951.3.26

A.o.b.c.request to order forms

Agency of the chartered bank of India,Australia and China New York

American asiatic federal

Clearings from banks;J.Kleffel

Foreign department earnings

Foreign department earnings

From underwriters savings bank

Imperial bank of India revision list no.5

Messre.woodcraft works,ltd.

Post mercury company federal inc.,U.S.A.payroll

Premium register

Ship voyage card

Silver business abroad

Tblegram received

The chase bank Shanghai

The philadelphia national bank


