高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)是以液体为流动相的一种现代色谱分析方法。气相色谱解决了20%的低沸点(350℃)有机混合物的分析,而高效液相色谱可实现对高沸点、热不稳定有机化合物及生化试样的高效分离,在分析化学中占有重要地位。
表8-5 影响色谱峰扩展的主要物理性质(www.xing528.com)
The mobile phase can be a gas or a liquid, whereas the stationary phase can be only a liquid or solid.When the separation involves predominantly a simple partitioning between two immiscible liquid phases, one stationary and the other mobile the process is called liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC).When physical surface forces are mainly involved in the retentive ability of the stationary phase, the process is denoted liquid-solid (or adsorption)chromatography (LSC).