图3-81 95Sn-5Ag钎料钎焊的黄铜搭接接头在不同温度下的应力-断裂时间曲线 Fig.3-81 Stress-time to failure curves at various temperatures for overlap joints between brass components soldered with 95Sn-5Ag
表3-60 用银钎料钎焊的铜和黄铜接头的强度Table 3-60 The strengths of copper and brass joints brazed with various silver base filler metals
表3-61 用铜磷和铜磷银钎料钎焊的铜接头的力学性能Table 3-61 The mechanical properties of copper joints brazed with copper-phosphorus and copper-phoshorus-silver filler metals
图3-82 铜接头的应力-时间破坏曲线(1℉=5/9℃) Fig.3-82 Stress-time to failure curves of copper joints