首页 理论教育 精确三维坐标控制网构建在大空间测量中的应用


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈


林喜睿 邾继贵 郭寅 郭庭航 叶声华

天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津300072)


关键词:坐标控制网 激光跟踪仪 奇异值分解 距离约束 测角误差


Establishment of Precise Three-dimensional Coordinate Control Network in Field Large-Space Measurement(www.xing528.com)

LIN Jiarui ZHU Jigui GUO Yin GUO Tinghang YE Shenghua

(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments Tianjin 300072)

Abstract:Global measurement and precision control are the basis of precision measurement in large space,determine the applicability and performance of overall measurement.In order to improve o-verall spatial measurement accuracy,while solving the problem of orientation and scale,high-preci-sion measuring control network must be laid in the global space.As an important representative of geometric measurement,three-dimensional coordinate is the most direct way and the strongest con-straint in establishment of the measurement control network.In order to establish precise coordinate control network.laser tracker is used to measure three-dimensional coordinate of global points by multi-station,then orientations of all stations are figured out by singular value decomposition algo-rithm,and tracker angle measurement error is optimized by making the high-precision length meas-urement as a constraint to improve accuracy of the coordinate control network.This method is ap-plied to shape measurement of aircraft wing surface,it can realize the combination of tracker global control and terminal photogrammetry,the result of comparing with distances between global control points in several stations is demonstrated that the control network can improve the field measuring accuracy and reliability.

Keywords:Coordinate control network Laser tracker Singular value decomposition Distance constraint Angle measurement error

