首页 理论教育 扫描平面激光坐标测量系统校准方法的优化建议


更新时间:2025-01-09 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:劳达宝 杨学友 邾继贵 叶声华摘要:介绍了一种基于旋转平面激光单站测角、多站交汇的坐标测量系统,并对其校准方法进行了优化。分析了系统的测角方式和多传感器交汇测量的特点,阐述了基于传统方法的单基站方位信息测量原理及系统结构,并提出了相应的单站结构参数和系统参数校准方法。实验显示,系统整体测量误差达到0.1mm,证明了提出的校准方法切实可行,提高了校准精度。

劳达宝 杨学友 邾继贵 叶声华

(天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津 300072)


关键词:大尺寸测量 坐标测量 激光测量法 校准 误差分析

中图分类号:TH72;TN247 文献标识码:A doi:10.3788/OPE.20111904.0870



Optimization of calibration method for scanning planar laser coordinate measurement system

LAO Dabao YANG Xueyou ZHU Jigui YE Shenghua

(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments,Tianjin University Tianjin 300072)

Abstract:On the basis of angle measurement by a rotating planar laser in the single station and in-tersection in the multi-station,a coordinate measuring system was introduced,and its calibration method was optimized.With analyzing its features of special angle measurement and multi-sensor intersection measurement,the principle of azimuth information measurement by the single station and the system structure were described,then the calibration methods for structure parameters of single station and system parameters were studied.According to the characteristics of a rotating shaft and a laser plane,structure parameters were calibrated by theodolites through designed correspond-ing accessories,and the system calibration was realized by determining the laser planes in the initial place by using a receiver.In order to perfect the calibration technology,the main error factors af-fecting the calibration accuracy were analyzed,the calibration methods of structure parameters and the process of system calibration were modified.An integrative calibration method for the system was proposed.Experiments show that the measuring accuracy of the system has reached 0.1mm,which proves the calibration method is feasible,and can improve the calibration accuracy.

Keywords:large-scale measurement coordinate measurement laser measuring method calibra-tion error analysis

