首页 理论教育 现代测量技术与仪器的发展趋势


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈



(1.天津大学 天津 300072;2.重庆大学 重庆 400044)


关键词:测试测量 仪器仪表 制造技术

中图分类号:TB9;P204 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-5124(2009)02-0001-06

Development of modern measuring metrological and instrumental technologies

YE Shenghua1,QIN Shuren2(www.xing528.com)

(1.Tianjin University Tianjin 300072;

2.Chongqing University Chongqing 400044)



Abstract:A lot of new problems in measurement and metrologica are aroused by the fast devdlop-ment of current manufacture technology,which promotes the research and development of sensors and instruments for measuring and metrologica and urges the coming out of new principles,new technologies,new equipments.Compared with traditional measuring technologies,in the modern measuring and metrological technologies such as portable pattern measurement,online detection based on machine vision,online testing and monitoring based on robots,micron/nanometer level measurement and virtual instruments,more important roles are played by measuring instruments,and new instruments keeps coming out.Except that,the precision of instruments and equipments gets a substantial improvement,the automatic degree of instruments gets a remarkable promotion,and at the same time,the function of instruments gets extrmely extended.All these portray a flour-ishing view.The urgent affaire currently is according to the features of measuring,metrologica technologies to analyze the situation of testing and measuring technologies in our nation,get a clear view of the gap with the same kind of technologies overseas,and then discuss the emphasis and tendency of development.In the future development of measuring,metrologica and instrument tech-nologies,if aiming at the practical problems and development trend,invest in scientific researches is increased,fundamental researches are emphasized,engineering application is closely involved,the measuring and metrologica technologies in our nation is believed to be fast developing,and play greater roles in developing the scientific technologies and national economy.

Keywords:mesurement and test instrument and appartus manufacure techndogies

