首页 理论教育 大空间三维精密定位的现场实现方法与原理


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:邾继贵 郭磊 叶声华摘要:提出了一种在现场条件下实现十几米空间范围内点三维坐标精密测量方法,该方法同时解决了大尺寸物体表面三维形貌测量中单元数据拼接精度低的问题。在空间待测点处设置可视特征,称为全局控制点,利用近景摄影测量手段获取被测信息,通过高精度图像处理技术,全局控制点自动精确配准技术和基于光束交汇的光束平差技术,恢复全局控制点的三维信息。


邾继贵 郭磊 叶声华

天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津 300072)


关键词:光学测量 大尺寸精密测量 光束平差 全局控制点 自动精确配准

中图分类号:TN247 文献标识码:A doi:10.3788/AOS20092907.1872

Principle and Implementation Method of Thre-Dimensional Precision Positioning in Large Field Wokring Space(www.xing528.com)

Zhu Jigui Guo Lei Ye Shenghua

(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Insturuments,Tianjin University Tianjin 300072)

Abstract:A precise measurement method for three-dimensional coordinate of points′larger than ten meters in field working space is presented.And the problem that the mosaic precision of cell meas-uring data is very low in large three-dimensional free-form measurement is solved simultaneously.Measuring pictures of visual characters called global control points at determined points are taken by special metrical camera.After processing the pictures using high precision image processing tech-nique,automatic matching technique of global control points and ray bundle adjustment technique.the three-dimensional coordinates of global control points are retrieved.Experimental results show that the method can attain relative accuracy about 0.073%by using common digital camera and can be accomplished flexibly,freely,rapidly and accuratcly.

Keywords:optical measurement large-sized precise measurement ray bundle adjustment glob-al control points automatic accurate matching

