张福民 曲兴华 叶声华
(天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津 300072)
关键词:大尺寸测量 不确定度 蒙特卡罗法 面向对象 激光跟踪仪
中图分类号:TB92 文献标识码:A
Uncertainty estimation of large-scale measurement for special fitting task
ZHANG Fumin QU Xinghua YE Shenghua
(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments,Tianjin University Tianjin 300072)
Abstract:A new uncertainty estimation method was researched based on Monte Carlo evaluation,for some uncertainties of large-scale measurement could not be anslyzed by conventional methods,especially for special fitting task.In proposed estimation,the simulated sample was obtained by simulating each measuring error source randomly and denoted as discrete point-clouds by computer vision,so as the uncertainty of given measuring object could be evaluated.By taking analyzing large-scale circular section part by laser tracker for example,the optimized measurement con-ceptsincluding point symmetry,equal distribution and radius constraint were given.Finally,the op-timized evaluation method was used in measuring practical tunnel components by laser tracker,re-sults show that the uncertainty is decreased to 0.0326mm after radius constraint optimization,which is priority to average fitting uncertainty of circle center of 2.5525mm by traditional method.It is proved that Monte Carlo evaluation and discrete point-cloud representation can evaluate accurately and intuitively the uncertainty for largescale object and the optimum sampling strategy can improve the measuring precision.
Keywords:large-scale measurement uncertainty Monte-Carlo method special fitting task la-ser tracker