叶声华 许智钦[1] 郑义忠
(天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津 300072)
关键词:逆向工程 三维彩色 激光扫描 光平面方程
Three Dimensional Colorful Scannig(www.xing528.com)
YE Shenghua XU Zhiqin ZHENG Yizhong
(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments,Tianjin University Tianjin 300072)
Abstract:The three dimensional colorful reverse engineering presented in this paper is composed of one line-strip laser and one colorful CCD camera.The scanned object is pictured twice by colorful CCD camera.First,the texture of scanned object is taken by colorful CCD camera.Then the three dimensional information of scanned object is obtained from laser plane equations by adding the filter to CCD camera.This paper presents model using laser plane equations and get pretty good result af-ter experiment verify.
Keywords:reverse engineering three dimensional colorful scanning laser scanning optic plane equations