【摘要】:冲连皮punching the wad顶镦heading/upsetting工序,工步process拔长工步drawing process辊挤工步roller process辊压工步edging/edge rolling process卡细工步reduction process卡压工步fullering process弯曲工步bending process压扁工步squash
冲连皮 punching the wad
顶镦 heading/upsetting
工序,工步 process
拔长工步 drawing process
辊挤工步 roller process
辊压工步 edging/edge rolling process
卡细工步 reduction process
卡压工步 fullering process
弯曲工步 bending process
压扁工步 squash process
制坯工序 preforming process
精压 coining
平面精压 flat coining
体积精压 bulk coining(www.xing528.com)
模锻 die forging
闭式模锻 closed/non-flash die forging
多向模锻 multi-ram die forging
分段模锻 sectional die forging
开式模锻 open die forging
小飞边模锻 die forging with small flash
切边 trimming
校正 sizing
冷校正 cold sizing
热校正 hot sizing
预锻 blocking/preforging
终锻 finish forging