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自由锻 - 开放式模锻技术

时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:RR锻造RR forgingTR锻造TR forgingα+β锻造α+β forgingβ锻造β forging凹挡recess拔长drawing/stretching拔长比ratio of draw拔长效率drawing efficiency长径比length-diameter ratio冲孔,冲头punch单面冲孔dressed one side punch空心冲头ho

自由锻 - 开放式模锻技术

RR锻造 RR forging

TR锻造 TR forging

α+β锻造 α+β forging

β锻造 β forging

凹挡 recess

拔长 drawing/stretching

拔长比 ratio of draw

拔长效率 drawing efficiency

长径比 length-diameter ratio

冲孔,冲头 punch

单面冲孔 dressed one side punch

空心冲头 hollow punch

扩孔冲头 expansive punch

实心冲头 solid punch

双面冲孔 dressed two side punch

冲孔 punching/piercing

冲头扩孔 expanding with a punch

锤头 peen

横向锤头 cross peen

圆形锤头 ball peen

粗锻,初锻 rough forge

错开 stagger

错移 offset

倒棱 chamfer

锻件公称尺寸 nominal dimension of forging

锻接,锻焊 forging welding

锻造比 forging ratio

锻造公差 forging tolerance

镦粗 compression/upsetting

镦粗比 ratio of upset

剁刀 chopper

法兰 flange

反复拔长 repeatedly drawing

钢坯 billet

薄板坯 slab billet

方钢坯 square billet

钢板坯 sheet billet

空心钢坯 hollow billet

圆形钢坯 round billet

轧制钢坯 rolling billet

高径比 ratio of height to diameter

滚圆 rolling

黑皮 black body

夹钳 tongs

冲孔钳 punching tongs

带箍的锻工钳 sliding tongs

锻工钳 forge tongs

方口钳 square mouth tongs

钢锭开坯钳 stripping tongs

夹锭钳 ingot tongs

开口钳 open mouth tongs

空心钳 hollow bit tongs

平口钳 flat tongs

起重钳 hoisting tongs

全自动夹钳 full automatic tongs

十字空心钳 double hollow bit tongs

双口锻工钳 double pick-up tongs

弯咀钳 angle jaw tongs

万能钳 universal tongs

圆边口钳 round side mouth tongs

圆口钳 round mouth tongs(www.xing528.com)

錾钳 chisel tongs

夹子 clip

精锻 finish forge

局部镦粗 local upsetting

卡套 clipped socket

开坯 breakdown

挤压开坯 extrusion breakdown

开坯模 breakdown die

扩孔 expanding

漏孔 punching on a supporting

螺旋拔长 screw drawing

马杠扩孔 saddle forging

马架 saddle

毛坯,坯料 blank

板坯 plate blank

半成品 half blank

扁坯 flat blank

齿轮毛坯 gear blank

锭坯 ingot blank

锻造毛坯 forging blank

铸造毛坯 casting blank

铆镦 mushroom upsetting

扭曲,翘曲 warping

扭转 twisting/torsion

平砧间镦粗 compression between flat platens

撬棒 prize

切槽刀 wedged knife

切割 cutting/incision

送进量 feed

台阶 step

铁砧 anvil

凸肩 hub

弯曲 bending

校正 correction

楔块扩孔 expanding with wedge blocks

芯轴,芯棒 mandrel

芯轴拔长 drawing out with the core bar

压扁 flatten

压痕 indentation

压肩 necking

压钳口 pressure clamp

压钳口 tongs hold

压缩量 compression amount

压下量 reduction amount

绝对压下量 absolute reduction amount

相对压下量 relative reduction amount

延伸系数 coefficient of stretching

液压胀形扩孔 hydraulic expanding

余块 excess metal

余面 lap

砧块 block

V形砧,缺口砧 V-shaped anvil block

凹形砧块 concave anvil block

宽砧 wide anvil block

平砧 flat anvil block

凸形砧块 convex block

型砧 swage block

窄砧 narrow anvil block

中心压实法 central compaction method

